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So on Wednesday this week, it was announced that schools across the UK would close indefinitely with a level and GCS exam's cancelled.
Today's big announcements.
The government will cover up to 80% of some employees wages.
If you're self employed, you could get the statutory sick pay equivalent of £94.25 a week and the big one all bars, pubs, gyms, restaurants are too close.
I mean, probably good that the pub's closing because there won't be any Ozzy's here to work in the many.
It is now time for everyone to stop non essential contact with others.
And here's the thing.
People aren't taking this one seriously enough.
So there was an example going around this week, and I want to reprise it for you.
If I can, to give you an idea of just how quickly this thing spreads, I'm going to use a chessboard and some jelly babies.
Course you're I'll hit that old thing now, people saying this is a lot like the flu.
Well, if you've got the flu on average, you infect another 1.3 people.
So let's say one.
So one is Alex the 10.3 way you've got the flu, you start here, you infect another one person.
They infect another one person.
They infect another one person.
Now it's not one.
It's 1.3.
So it goes up tiny bit by the end of the third row.
If you put if you went all the way along here by the end of this road here, 417 people would be infected.
Arnett Square.
That's what fluids like now Covert 19 each covered 19 patients, infects approximately two other people.
So you start here and then the next way you've got to.
And then the next way you've got four, and then the next square, you've got eight, and clearly I'm running out of room to put all these down.
Now, I don't want to scare you, but if we let this go without any isolating whatsoever, here's what happens.
At the end of the third row.
At the end of the first row, you've infected 128 people.
At the end of the second row, you've infected 32,768 people.
At the end of the third row, there are 8.3 million people just in that square as well as the four million here, the two million here and so on and so forth.
Then that's what happens if we don't do anything.
That's why it's important to stay inside if you can.
A few bean stockpiling those seems That's more than the two packets you're allowed to buy his eyes.
Thistle excuses.
You got caught with 48 packs of jelly.
That's why this doctor held up this impactful sign this week.
I stayed a work for you.
You stay at home for us.
The whole point of staying at home is to make sure that the N hs isn't overloaded to the point where they just can't take in all the people that are coming in.
And look, there are a lot of young people saying this won't affect me.
I've gotta step for you.
20% of people hospitalized in the USA with covert 19 are between the ages of 20 and 44.
Now, this thing might not kill you, but it will kick the living shit out of you and a sentiment backed up by the World Health Organization today Not quite in those words.
So How are we old failing?
I've got coffin of its way, but I'm I'm blasting through and I'm gonna do the show.
I just saw a man that has Matsuda approached me that I have a feeling I think I'm reassured by the economic measures.
Your 80%?
Yep, I think.
And I think actually, I'm reassured by the closing of the pubs in the restaurants on because I think a lot of the people I know genuinely wanted that now that you would, you know, everyone speaking was like, we need to lock this down.
This feels like something that needs to be done properly in the closing of the pubs is a good thing.
But then also, there's another part of me that just thinks of ever being in the weather Spoons on like a Monday afternoon.
Even Krone virus aren't gonna go in there.
The other thing that for me, like currently like back home feelings I've been I've been getting quite emotional yet this week when I've bean going out shopping and I found myself out, unlike Tuesday, just starting to, like, feel really sorry for, like, the 1 10 that's left.
Yeah, I was in ST Louis and I see this 1 10 just left on the shelf and I kind of went over to it.
It was kind of all dented and a bit in perfect and on its own And something resonated e I just started to feel like, really sad.
And I wanted to say to You know, it's what's on the inside that counts much he pays Isaac Newton discovered gravity during self isolation.
Shakespeare wrote King Lear during the plague.
Alex, how you're spending your time Well started Rewatching buffet A vampire slayer from the star.
Yeah, and I have also bean just in between lot whenever broke for not just currently been working on the vaccine.
Great essay.
Working under vaccine.
Just basically been mixing condiments together.
Have you ever tried brown sources?
Salad cream?
Don't fucking horrible.
If there is anyone in the Huddersfield area that wants to buy a batch of brokers brown cream.
So they're for So look, I think in uncertain times you tend to revert to what you know, regardless of what we've been up genuine life.
I don't know the answer.
So tell the world I clean off the barbecue.
Yeah, that sounds like you.
In fact, I clean the barbecue.
I still don't know what to do with myself.
So I mowed the lawn and then you clean the corks on your way to my knives into knives.
And that's not nice.
Five minutes away from putting on sunscreen.
Look, here's some shopping tips.
So excited to have some shopping, some sensible shopping during yet.
Check out your local shop.
You don't want to eat.
The supermarkets haven't got toilet roll.
Do you know who has your corner shop or go t a Chinese supermarket?
Because no one is visiting.
Some nail bars have excess hand sanitizer left over because no one's going to nail bar.
So I still can't go in my local when every time I go in there, the light for the last time we're not gonna price up her finger just laughed me out.
I did here during the week.
I'm not saying Henley on Thames is posh, but they're Waitrose ran out of pesto.
My local shop run out of her loony wants the world we live in.
How do you feel about it all of the moment?
Well, you know what?
One thing I've had to do is I finally moved out.
My mom and dad.
Ah, thank a global pandemic to make me move out of that is in his seventies on dso.
I didn't want to do the wrong thing.
So So I'm going to stay with some friends who very kindly, putting me up and are probably regretting that kind offer they made because I am quite irritating.
Have you seen people stockpiling?
Oh, listen, that is it.
I'm infuriated bu t ated by this.
What is wrong with people and why so many titles are some women in the court last week and she had so many too.
And I actually said to what?
Do you actually need them?
Do you need every single one of them?
I was so annoyed.
Did you?
I said, you're obviously doing acid.
You've Have you got 12 or 14 or 15 people know They said no.
It's just me and my husband.
Oh, because there's plenty of stuff to go down to.
People aren't such I love the idea of getting home and her husband guy.
So we're all retired roles.
You're not gonna believe you told me.
Everybody's got to just be day.
Why don't people by?
I mean, that's the thing to buy shares in.
I know everything else.
Invest in be days.
That's what I'm telling everyone.