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Hey, guys, what's up?
Welcome to experience Tech.
I am beneath, and we have a new release off Katie plasma desktop.
The version number is 5.13 and with this new release, Kiddie has introduced few important changes and improvements to deep popular plus Modesto, including some visual changes like this blur effect two menus, which looks amazing, and I'm a huge fan of this.
So let's do a quick hands on video and check out the latest features introduced with Katie Plasma 5.30.
All right, I'm using open source tumbleweed, which is a bleeding edge.
Destro from open suits being a bleeding edge destroy.
You have access to the latest office as soon as they're released by the developers.
Hence Katie Plasma 5.13 is available here.
You can also use Katie in yon or other bleeding Edge destroyers to try out the new plasma.
Just stop.
All right now, let's start with the visual changes First.
They have been some major changes done to the lock screen.
Now you can give part toe a folder containing bunch of pictures and the long screen displays this light show off all the pictures, and there's this fate.
Tobler Animation.
When you press any key to log in, the slide show gets blurred, which looks very nice and beautiful.
And with this feature on now, you don't really need a screen saver.
I think this looks better than any screen saver.
The other big change is the blur effect, which you can enable from system setting app.
Also, the design off system setting APP itself has been revamped, which is not yet available on Open to Stumbles Weed for some reason.
But if you go to Gigi's neon destro, you can see the difference here.
There's a change in the layout off the app.
Now you have all the settings categories on the left side, with the corresponding sub settings on the right side.
Anyways, let's go back to open suit not to enable blur effect.
Go to stop behavior and then desktops effect.
Now there's some issue with this window.
As you can see, the options are not displayed properly, but being a bleeding as destroy.
You kind of expect such issues as Softwares are not tested properly here.
But I'm sure in a few weeks time this issue will be resolved, and also I got the same issue with Katie Noone destroyed as well.
Anyways, I'm going to type blur on search bar and here's the effect now the setting.
But in let you tweak the blur strength now that this set, we can make the console or terminal background transparent, let me show you how to do that.
So open console and create a new profile.
Let's name it as a test and then go to appearance.
Tap and choose Breeze style and then click on edit and then check the box to blur background.
Not the previous version.
Plasma 5.12 did not have the setting.
Now click on apply and save it and then switch the consul profile to the newly created test profile.
And as you can see, the background has this blur effect that looks really nice.
You can adjust the amount of blur by going back to the blur's setting and tweaking it.
Asper your liking.
There's also a new transparency feature that lets you add the blood, do the background off menus as well.
To activate this goto system, setting application style and in Virgets style selected breeze and then click on configure.
The last staff here is the transparency tap, and you can drag the slider to select the amount of transplants you want.
And now this is how your menu looks, which I think look really awesome and makes your desktop very modern looking.
And if you have washed my previous videos, you know that I'm a huge fan off this.
This is one of the reason why I, like depend always, which also have similar effect, however, in depend always and there's no option toe adjust or customize this transparency.
And I think it's great that now, with Katie, we have this option.
So kudos to the plasma and development team for adding this.
Apart from the visual changes, Plasma Fi 0.13 has this new feature called Browser Integration, which makes the integration between the browser and the desktop more stronger.
Now with this new feature, if you're playing a video or music on the browser, you get the media tracking right on the system tree, which is a nice and are also if you don't let a file from the browser.
The download progress is displayed in the notification menu as well.
The integration also extends to the popular Karen our app nor the F also shows results from the open browser taps and lets you quickly go toe open tab from this APP itself, which is a very useful feature if you have lots off taps open not to enable this feature, you need to first install plasma browser integration app for the desktop from the softer centre and then go to your browser and install plasma integration extension or add on for the browser.
Currently, the broader integration feature is available for Firefox, Chrome and chromium brother only.
Now, apart from these major changes, there have been many other improvements as well.
For example, the Discover app no allows you to sword the list in order.
The foreigners page now displays previews for sub pixel anti leasing setting, which is nice for making fun, clearer and more crispy.
Also, when you download a file the task of ourselves as a progress bar for your download, which is a future very similar to Windows OS.
Also, the system now remembers the last open app, so when you restart your computer, it takes you back toe the place where you left off.
There have been many other new features and updates for a complete list off all the changes.
You can check out Katie's announcement page and release long.
I'll post a link off these pages in the description below arrested.
That was also today.
Katie Plasma is one of the biggest to stop in the next world and along with no, both their stock powers almost 90% off the next machine.
And Katie Project is an old project and has a rich history being the premier off modern Lennox to stop for a long time.
And this new release is a step in the right direction.
I am really impressed with this update and full marks to the development team for doing such a great job arrested.
That was all for today.
Thank you guys, for watching this video.
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