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Welcome to show you the car dot com.
I'm a new job and I'm hippo.
And today we're gonna make a coyote or child Dae sub sea.
Now this is what it looks like.
It's one of these vegetables that you may or may not see in your grocery store and wonder, you know, what the heck is it and how do I use it?
But it's actually Ah squash, and it cooks up really fast and really delicious and a little different texture.
It's got a lot off.
It's got a crunch and a bite to it, so it doesn't become poorly mushy.
So it's like a perfect dish to, you know, just on the side of a company, right?
And, by the way, it's known as child showing in India.
So we've gone ahead and peeled it.
As you can tell, there's not much difference between the peel version and the and the unpeeled version, but we want him peeled it anyway, and we're gonna basically dice it.
It's very tender, and it cuts through very easily, and sometimes you'll see that there's a small seed in the middle.
You can remove it if you like, but really.
There's no need to, because that also cooks up pretty easily on also edible small.
Dyson's like that, and we already have it chopped up over here.
So we're using about a pound off it and approximately three off the size, and you're gonna go to the stove and start cooking.
So in a pan on medium heat, we have one tablespoon of oil and it's heated up.
You're gonna add in half a teaspoon of mustard seeds.
Allow them to pop.
I didn't drive, actually, to taste sprig of Carly's 18 teaspoon off as a reader or him one tablespoon off China doll.
I'm gonna give it to a 32nd head start.
I didn't want teaspoon off for adults.
Cook it from another 30 seconds.
Once you start seeing the China Doll Change Columbia grad in quarter teaspoon of turmeric powder or holly on Granger, least to taste, and immediately after that, we're gonna add in Child he makes, and he added salt to taste, and we're gonna cover it and allow it to cook under.
Let's tender on.
We'll keep mixing it in between.
So the squash has been cooking for about 10 minutes and we've been storing it often on between.
You can actually taste one of the pieces, and if it's tender, it's ready.
The nice thing about the squash is that even though it's tender, it's still retained.
The chick last not the least.
We can add a couple of tablespoons of freshly shredded coconut and give it a toss, and it's ready to turn off the stove.
And so so our child.
A subsidy is ready and it looks wonderful.
I love the green love green vegetables, and this is a green one, so and we haven't actually never used or shown any recipes with Cha cha before.
So here's the 1st 1 Mmm, lovely great texture.
Yeah, it's amazing solid, and you really bite.
Ended it when you bite into it.
It is actually full of juice.
It sounds soft and it's juicy.
It just hits you Very brave, refreshing and very nice.
And actually the dolls.
They provide such a nice just texture variation because it is soft.
And when you bite into the hole that there's a little bit of crunch, right?
Very nice.
Definitely keep over here.
So if you enjoyed this recipe and you want to see more from us.
Please be sure to subscribe to her channel because it's absolutely free and you'll be the 1st 1 to know every time we post any recipe we love free s so enjoy your child.
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Another episode of Show with carrie dot com adding a pinch of spice to your life.