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  • airport.

  • This is, Ah, big thing in 25 years since friends forget that Friends was kind of it was a big kind of calling card for you was a big deal.

  • You know it it was it was an incredible thing to be a part of, and the whole experience seemed a bit surreal and a bit of a blur in my memory because I really I was only coming on for a couple of episodes.

  • It turned into a few more, but it was nearing the end of the show, and the show was phenomenon and popular.

  • And you were saying the main cost obviously got very emotional towards the well during that last episode.

  • I I was in the last episode, which made no sense to me whatsoever, but, uh, in the news, they were talking about what you know.

  • Now they're filming the last episode of Friends, and there's a really incredible I was on the soundstage, and I'd see you know Jennifer Aniston crying and hugging Marta Kaufman, the creator and I have not supposed to be here, and I would break the ice.

  • I would just go over and say we did it.

  • What are what jobs inevitably fell flat.

  • Miss.

  • An all new episode of The Graham Norton Show, Fridays at 11 on Catch Up now.



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ポール・ラッドが本音で語る「FRIENDS」|グラハム・ノートン・ショー|金曜午後11時|BBCアメリカ (Paul Rudd Gets Real About FRIENDS | The Graham Norton Show | Friday at 11pm | BBC America)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日