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  • a curtain of bubbles and a haunting call hold the secret to an ingenious way of fishing.

  • This is bubble net feeding.

  • A dozen whales work together to harvest the herring bonanza such fishing requires on extraordinary level of intelligence and cooperation.

  • The lead whale dives first.

  • She is the bubble blower.

  • It's her job to find the fish.

  • The rest follow information.

  • Each takes exactly the same position in every lunge.

  • Once she's located the fish, the lead of blows a net of bubbles that completely encircles with another whale calls to synchronized, panicked by the eerie sound on the blinding bubbles.

  • The fish won't cross this fizzing.

  • As few as 100 humpbacks have learned how to feed as a team like this.

a curtain of bubbles and a haunting call hold the secret to an ingenious way of fishing.


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信じられないザトウクジラのバブルネットハント|ネイチャーズ・グレイト・イベント|BBCアメリカ (Incredible Humpback Whale Bubble Net Hunt | Nature's Great Events | BBC America)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日