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Video games are everywhere nowadays.
Invading your living rooms, storming your phones, even
taking the blame for society’s ills.
“These video games dehumanize individuals.”
Like after the recent wave of shootings
when American politicians shared thoughts, prayers
and concerns about video games.
“This was a maybe a video game to this evil demon.
He wanted to be a super soldier
for his Call of Duty game.”
Even the president urged us to stop the glorification
of violence in our society, including
“the gruesome and grisly video games that
are now commonplace.”
Let’s debunk this whole “video games causes violence”
red herring once and for all.
I’m Charle Goldberg.
I’ve been reporting on video games for eight years.
I’ve been a lifelong video game player.
I have amassed nearly two million subscribers
on my gaming YouTube channel.
And, well, I play a lot of video games.
The violent ones, the shooter ones more specifically.
I also love LEGOs.
I’m a father.
I know I’m just one gamer, but I’m not a threat to society
and neither are the millions of other people
who play video games.
Let’s take a look at the world of evidence.
American video game sales per person are on similar levels
to countries like South Korea, Japan, or Germany.
But our rate of violent gun deaths is 10 to 100 times
higher than any of those countries’.
Even within America, there is zero empirical evidence
that video games are linked to mass shootings.
Decades of research from the American Psychological
Association have shown there’s no link between playing
violent video games and participating
in violent crime.
This all looks nominal.
No link, no evidence.
Now, it’s true that some research shows a relationship
between video games and aggression,
but aggression is also linked to lots of things, including
organized sports.
Now, maybe you’re thinking, what about Columbine.
Didn’t the two shooters in that also play
the violent video game Doom?
And yes, they did,
but violent criminals also watch
movies, they read books and digest the news, real or fake.
As one A.P.A. expert put it, “The data on bananas causing suicide
is about as conclusive.”
In fact, in 2017 an A.P.A. committee
issued a statement discouraging politicians
and journalists from trying to connect video games
and shootings precisely because they feared
the rhetoric would distract us from addressing issues
that we know contribute to real-world violence.
So why, against the objections of science and ethics,
do politicians still insist on deflecting our attention?
Because it’s easy.
It works.
And it’s time tested.
In 1915, the Supreme Court supported
censorship of movies because they could “cause evil.”
Film didn’t become a form of protected speech
until the ’50s,
just when politicians turned their energies
to a new scapegoat —
comic books. Now fast-forward to the paranoias
about heavy metal in the 1960s, Dungeons
and Dragons in the ’80s,
hip-hop in the ’90s.
“Here we go again.”
Solutions are hard and we like simple answers
to complicated questions.
And it doesn’t take much to get disgruntled parents
frustrated by their kids’ screen time
and Fortnite addiction to believe that video games are evil.
The fact that politicians are so removed from video game culture
is another reason we should ignore their deflections.
Would you listen to a book critic
who’s never read a book?
“Shut your pie hole.” And just like books,
video games are actually an art form protected
by the First Amendment.
The Supreme Court made that clear in 2011
when Justice Scalia reminded us that violence is not
novel to gaming.
It’s as old as the plots of Cinderella and Snow White.
Gamers don’t really have an issue deciphering
fantasy from the real world.
But politicians seem to have lost themselves
in a politically convenient fiction.
Just when we need them to focus
on the crisis of our reality.