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  • way are doing our best.

  • But maybe is no is not enough.

  • URGENT Warnings coming from Italy's overwhelm medical community telling the rest of the world for payer this stream of Italian army trucks removing the dead, haunting reality of the inundated more.

  • There is no health system which can take care of all these patients.

  • The hospitals are overloaded on full Dr Giovanni Landowner works in the I.

  • C.

  • U department at Milan San Rafael Hospital in Lombardy region, the epicenter of Italy's outbreak.

  • Rickover, at 19 has been soaring in the richest area off Italy.

  • So in the Atlanta area, we had eight on it.

  • I see you, Beth.

  • At the moment we have 1000 ventilated patients, he says.

  • Each patient requires 2 to 3 members of the hospital staff is being stopped.

  • All this stuff?

  • No, this is personal.

  • Medical doctors are dedicated.

  • Toe investigative unit situation is very serious.

  • Italian doctors cautioning cope it 19 is much worse than the flu, with many patients developing pneumonia while it was suggested.

  • Just shut down, too.

  • Stop, hold, Outbreak and not coming.

  • This kindof situation that is very, very difficult to manage in this Cremona hospital, 120 beds filled to near capacity.

  • Roughly 20% of the medical staff there also infected.

  • Italy now has the highest death toll in the world.

  • More than 600 deaths in just the last 24 hours, the biggest day to day increase in the country's four week epidemic.

  • Over 4000 have done everyone we need, everyone lost somebody.

  • Our population is not used to losing so many people at the same time.

  • In such a such an unexpected way, the U.

  • S is now in a race against time to make sure it doesn't suffer Italy's.

  • This virus is unforgiving.

  • It spreads before you even know you've caught it.

  • California, New York, Illinois and Nevada's governors calling for residents to remain at home along with mayors of other major cities.

  • That means one in five Americans now being asked to stay inside state leaders, also asking for any spare supplies.

  • There are a lot of medical offices that have ventilators that are not operational now on there, just in the corner of the office, we need those ventilators.

  • The ventilators are to this war.

  • What missiles were to World War to a new report revealing more than half of the counties in the United States have no intensive care.

  • Unit bends.

  • 37 million Americans live in those counties.

  • President Trump, today activating the Defence Protection Act, helped shift production of critical medical supplies.

  • It's a step he previously said he'd only take in a worst case scenario.

  • Way need.

  • No, it's no different other than we need certain equipment that the states are unable to get by themselves.

  • For weeks, the federal government has been scrambling to get ahead of the pendant, but many medical professionals say they're still not nearly enough coordination at the national level.

  • We are the United States of them the Erica.

  • We should not have to be in a position where we have people die simply because we don't have adequate supplies or adequate beds or adequate workforce.

  • Dr.

  • Megan Randy is an emergency physician in Rhode Island, a state with at least 54 cases were following the CDC guidelines, which are to reuse procedural masks as long as you possibly can in other hospitals across the country.

  • I have colleagues who have completely run out of masks or are being told on Lee to use them if they're taking care of a patient who is known.

  • Cove it positive.

  • Many of the medical professionals are putting more than just their own lives on the line.

  • Yeah, my shoes come off here.

  • They never come inside my house, Doctor.

  • Debbie is an e r in I.

  • C u doctor in San Francisco.

  • She worries about what she could be carrying back home to her three young Children after seeing covert 19 patients all day.

  • Probably change my outfit about four times already, and I showered twice on um, yes, a little bit of a change of my work flow, but it's all worth it.

  • Alexis and gave no Haro share her fears.

  • They both work in health care with two sons, and Alexis is 74 year old mother at home this week, When I was working, I made sure to come home on dhe, basically undress in the garage and shower right away because I'm worried about getting t believe it hanging.

  • I am scared, though.

  • I think I've gone through a couple different phases of emotions since this started.

  • Early on I was I had a lot, a lot of anxiety, and now I'm coming to peace with with the situation, knowing that it is here.

  • But they are not varying the burden alone communities across the country or stepping in to help.

  • This'll Group of moms in Marblehead, Massachusetts, some of whom were nurses themselves, are collecting P p ease and medical equipment from other community members who have gear to spare tradesmen chipping in like this plumbing, their efforts being organized by Rebecca Love Ah, former practicing nurse for Beck, is the president of San Cielo, a group that brings nurses, scientists and innovators together to find solutions to the bedside problems many nurses face.

  • About a week ago on Facebook are members started to notice nurses were posting that there were short of supplies.

  • We need to call attention to this issue immediately.

  • There is no time to wait.

  • Love put together a press release calling on community members and businesses to donate extra supplies to the hospitals and medical communities and desperate need.

  • So immediately we went to our minds of understanding who had and 95 respirator masks.

  • We knew that dentist and veterinarians and carpenters and contractors all have these and 95 mask.

  • So we started making phone calls across the country to basically say Who could help us From Atlanta to Pennsylvania?

  • We have, like, 30 and every little bit helps our front line providers Thank you to everybody who is stepping up on donating Boston.

  • New York groups began to mobilize bringing out the best of humanity in the worst of times.

  • We can't depend on government alone.

  • We, as people as neighbors, as friends as family are going to need to do more to help each other now, thank you.

  • Dental specialist Jonathan Levine answered the call, pairing up with the local catering company Eat Sonny, which donated It's Van.

  • He spent the morning collecting materials from other dentists.

  • Rebecca called me and alerted me to this problem.

  • So for me it was a call to arms and I wanted to get as many of my colleagues on board to really help out here and to make a difference because we've closed our offices, we have inventory.

  • We're probably not gonna open up for a number of weeks.

  • Levin's road trip ending here Hospital for Special Surgery in New York City, delivering next week to really help thwart this terrible faux.

  • Everybody has to do their part In the course of coming weeks, you're gonna hear more calls and ways that you can help, and that is your opportunity to basically step forward and see this nation forward.

  • Hi, everyone.

  • George Stephanopoulos here.

  • Thanks for checking on ABC News YouTube channel.

  • If you'd like to get more video show highlights and watch live event coverage, click on the right over here to subscribe to our channel.

  • And don't forget to download the ABC News after breaking news alerts.

  • Thanks for watching.

way are doing our best.


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B1 中級 新型コロナウイルス 新型肺炎 COVID-19

コロナウイルスが不足を脅かす中、地域社会が医療品の収集を支援第1部 (Communities help collect medical supplies as coronavirus threatens shortages: Part 1)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日