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say something.
Say something.
Did you make me feel I don't know if you're that Good morning, everyone.
And welcome to the first vlog of 2018.
I think I'm gonna go into my office.
I have just made myself a This is a detox tonic.
Not one of those, like crappy detox is.
They're supposed to make you lose weight.
This is from the block.
Oh, she glows, I think, as a book and afters.
Well, I discovered it over the Christmas period, and I wanted to try this.
It's got stuff like cayenne pepper on dhe tumeric, apple cider vinegar.
So I made myself this morning.
I'm trying to basically shift the last of this flu that I had a car.
I've never been that ill before for that long.
Usually it's like a couple of days.
This is near, like, two weeks now.
I just can't believe that I still sound like this.
You might not be able to hear it, because in my book that went up yesterday, I can actually hear it when I was, like, editing it.
But I can hear it when I talk, so it's really weird, but I still feel quite like me easily and like me.
And I still got a really bad coffee as well.
Say, trying to do a lot of good to help shift it.
Now, I'm not one of those people that waits until, like, the New Year to start things.
I like starting things there.
And then Andi, I'm very much sort of just on a little bit of a I hate the word detox, so I don't really want to use it, because I know that it was that has really bad.
Like, people in the health industry don't really like it either.
But I have drank and eaten so much over this period, so it's time to have a little bit of time to calm down.
Maybe I am noticing that my skin is quite sallow.
So I'm gonna be doing a face mask to hopefully brighten up my skin because, um, yeah, that is what happens when you eat a lot of beige food on dhe drink a lot of gin.
Unfortunately, speaking of my video that went up Wow, that was like the biggest car crash of a video ever on dhe.
Yet everyone has been so nice.
I'm so happy about that.
Filmed it all nice and bright and in daylight.
And, you know, it was great.
And I lost half of the footage.
I have no idea how, but I did on Dhe.
So I filmed it literally sat in front of my computer screen because we have no studio lights, no house for me in my life.
And, like, my sanity is more important than having lights everywhere in my house.
So that's something that will look to dio when we move, but yeah.
So I was using the light from my computer screen on it.
It didn't look great, but you were a little just so lovely.
And I did hear how excited you were that I was back.
Oh, my God.
You guys are like the most supportive people ever.
And I am so grateful for that because you really do keep me going and keep me grounded on dhe.
Just you keep me doing my thing.
And I'm really, really like that.
I'm gonna try this now.
It smells very vinegary, but it's not the West.
I can drink it.
I have been up since about eight o'clock on.
I've just kind of been organizing content for the new year, my blawg and just sorting things out.
Circle of wedding content and fashion content on beauty content, that goat that's going out.
So I've just been organizing that on dhe.
I'm just so excited to be back logging off.
I feel so good and I feel so refreshed.
And I love that so many people saw that in my video as well.
I think that I really do have to make it more of a thing to just have some time out because even I'm excited to do this again on dhe.
You can get a little bit like exasperated.
I think I'm gonna be going back to my schedule off Sundays and Wednesdays for the beginning of 2018.
I like to change it up a bit.
I know that some people like things that in stone, but for me, when I have more videos, I'm gonna put more videos out.
But for now, going to go back to a bit more of a more manageable schedule on dhe.
Just get back into the swing of things.
So my videos will be going out on Sundays and Wednesdays, part in this one that's going out on Monday.
But I knew that none of you guys would watch it because your party animals anyway, I just have some bits and bobs to do around the house today.
There's a cupboard that I have been meaning to clear out in my kitchen for a very long time is actually the snack coverage.
I also might try and go to the shops.
I don't know if I'm gonna do make up today, because I kind of just wanna leave my skin.
I'm having so many more.
No makeup days.
It's great.
I don't know where that's because I've not been working, but I might leave my skin today on Dhe.
Go and do a bit of food shop for some healthy bits.
I want to go through some of the cookbooks I have downstairs on mark out some of the recipes I want to try in the New Year and try now on, get some ingredients on dhe.
That's kind of it.
So I'm not gonna enter any longer than it already is.
I am going to get myself sorted.
So first of all, I am going to do a face mask on because I can see I've got a little just on.
I think it needs some TLC, so let's get to it.
The light in this bathroom is so bad.
So I managed to do it without the actual like spotlights because it makes my skin look so bad.
I'm done my skin care this morning already.
So I'm just going to dump my face on pop the mosque on in the areas.
I need it.
The first master I'm going to use is the Loreal pure clay brightening mask.
And then I'm going to use the Loreal Paris pure Play Glo mask these other two masks that I use time and time again from the pure play collection on this one.
I tend to use more in this area on the areas where I don't necessarily want to much like glow and shine, because this is the brightening one.
So I'll use this morning my t zone on, then the glo mask.
I will use a ll sort.
It's kind of over the majority of my face so that I want a bit more glow in these areas kind of on my forehead as well.
And these two mosques together are like my skin Xavier's, especially when I've not really been looking after my skin the way I should over the festive period.
So hopefully this is gonna get my skin looking beautiful for New Year's Eve.
So I'm going to put my hair up quickly.
Just so I think, any of the mosque in my hair and I always like to apply my mosques with a brush.
This is just a Armani brush that I found in my makeup drawer.
I have quite a few of these foundation brushes, and they work really well for applying the mosque.
So that's a good thing.
That's my number one done on.
I've cleaned my little brush, and now I'm going to apply the pure Clay Glo mask in all of the other areas.
So this is gonna go in all of the areas of my face that I kind of want that natural looking glow.
This is kind of like an exfoliating as well got tiny little grains in it.
So when you massage off, it really does kind of renew the surface of the skin and make it look super glue.
This is how I leave on for about 10 to 20 minutes just to really let the mask work deep into my skin on dhe Bring back the globe that I love about my skin so much so I'm probably just gonna sit down, either listen to audible or capture on my comments on the video type out recently until my already looks so much better.
Amazing and just hydrate my skin.
Afterwards, I'm gonna pop on some of the tattoo Harper brightening serum because this just works really, really well with my skin, especially after musk.
And I'm just gonna leave that to sink in.
So these are the two masks that I used on my face on Dhe.
Something that's really exciting is you can actually get your favorite L'Oreal Paris pure play masks delivered to your front door with your A sauce order.
So these are available on a sauce right now.
So when you're shopping for clothes, you can also shop for really good skin care as well.
So I thought I give that a quick mention at all pop links down below as well.
So I'm definitely gone for and no makeup date today.
I've got myself dressed on skin is looking much, much better.
I've got little bit bombed a rose on my lips just to keep him hydrated.
Even early loves this stuff.
He turns out to the other day occurrence.
What he said he was like, This stuff's like magic is No, that's like, yeah, so he keeps a part of his betters up.
I thought I would quickly show you what I got up Thio this morning with organizing my blood content for the new year.
I did have a new bill.
Pay Scott.
I've been holding a lot of drinks.
As you can see, I Yeah, I was getting things organized for the New Year and content that's gonna go out.
I've also been chatting to photographers and things like that because I want Thio change things up a little bit next year on DDE have much, much more regular content on my block.
So I'm working out ways in which I could do that.
But I did have a book postcard yesterday, so I will show you quickly.
The little it's so I was sorting out.
So this is the front page of my blood, which probably seen before.
This is about post that went up yesterday on guy will link this in the description.
Go give it a quick read.
So I have create.
Well, I've always had this folder.
This isn't my blood content folder on at the moment.
I've got some fashion posts in here which are yet to be posted.
I shot with Michaela, so I've got this Hobbes dress, which I loved.
So I'm gonna be doing post on that.
And I've also been sorting through my wedding content so into different kind of genres on dhe.
Just getting ready to do some content on my block and categorize it.
So this is kind of like all of the bride's maid stuff on.
I'll just trying to kind of kal eight, some really interesting topics on it and what I found this one is with, like, my hair because obviously, as I said, so many people interested in how I did my hair and why I did my hair like that as well.
So we've got hair on then.
I also have my wedding makeup stuff here, which just shows my sort of process of my wedding makeup in how it came about love.
I then stop in putting them into blood posts.
This is just kind of like a suggested title.
I'm titling with this one moment, Andi.
I'm inputting in the images that I want to use so they'll show up like this.
I'll change this toe white, I think so.
It shows up a bit better.
Um, on DDE, it's just much easier for me to then go in and fill in the topic.
I try not to make my blood posts too complicated and too busy, just, you know, images content.
And I kind of like my content to be quite engaging as well.
So I try and talk about things.
Sometimes it doesn't relate to the outfit, and sometimes it does.
Sometimes I'll be like This is the most amazing jump I've ever had on other times.
It will be like some life tips because, you know, there's only so many times you can say this is my favorite jumper right now.
So I do try and diversify my content a little bit so that there's the content for people that are interesting.
The more life sell stuff alongside the outfits, and you can always shut the outfits down here at the bottom with widgets and links and things like that.
So that's kind of what I've been doing today, spending my day, just organizing all of that content, and I'll probably start writing some of this stuff tomorrow, if not next week.
Another thing I'm doing a lot more off is drinking water on.
This is my favorite thing at the moment.
This is a case spade sippy cup on This was sent to me by the store.
What would they could think was good mood?
It's called mood.
I'll link it down below.
They sent me like a wedding package.
Unfortunately, the package arrived after my wedding, but this was perfect to arrive after.
So it says myths.
And then it's struck out in gold.
And then it's admitted and it's got a little ring in the bottom.
It and I've been using this so much so I'm gonna fill this up, and I'm also gonna start going through the cooking books in the kitchen because I want to find recipes for Ali and I try.
Uh, excuse me, munchkin.
You're sitting on the washing.
So nice.
Is it warm?
She likes it cause the radiators underneath here, so it makes this whole thing nice.
and warm for her.
So these are the cookbooks that we have in our kitchen?
You would have actually seen these on my house tour.
So I'm gonna go through a couple of these on just kind of find some recipes.
I think that a doable for May.
I don't want to be too ambitious on dhe.
Just mark them off and hopefully get some ingredients in thio.
Change things up a bit and start having a bit more fun with food ready.
Steady glow by Madeleine.
Madeline Shore does some amazing book, so I think I'm actually gonna have a look at this one.
Fresh fast food designed for real life.
That sounds like me.
So let's have a go.
I am so tragic is unbelievable.
So I'm sat here going through Madeline Shore Cookbook on I'm kind of like, bookmarking things.
I want to try, and it just makes me realize how, like I just I'm not good at this stuff.
I don't know how much I should be, like buying into these things that I don't waste them because I don't want to be wasteful.
So I'm like, voice noting, Carrie, he's like when life groups like we always joke around in our house that Carrie knows everything about life and everything about everything.
And so I'm asking her like how much I should buy stuff like that.
But there is one section I've just actually see You said, right, It's time to clear out your cupboards.
Trust me.
Once your kitchen is filled with goodness, healthy eating becomes a breeze.
And I know this may seem overwhelming and expensive, but once you have the staples cooking, these delicious and nutritious recipes will become easy.
Okay, cool.
I hope Madeleine Shal doesn't mind me doing this, but I'm not gonna show you everything in this book.
So our link it down below as well, so you can pick up yourself.
But she says, Armand's Armand butter and milk Well, we don't have milk, but we have just ordered goat milk.
We had it at my dad's and it was amazing.
Um, cashews and Chia seeds, pistachios.
Pumpkin sees tahini.
Okay, so I'm gonna check in my cupboards to see what we've got is I know that we've got apple cider vinegar because I had some this morning.
I know that we have tumeric and cinnamon who are We have a food pro.
Do we have a food process?
We have a spiral eyes that we go home for Christmas.
So this is quite a good starting point.
I'm currently waiting for Carrie Thio.
Respond to my pleas for help, but I was gonna clean up my cupboards anyway, today this is really weird, Coincidental, and I promise I'm not making this up, but I was gonna clear out my cover today, so yeah, this is a good sign.
It means I'll know exactly what I've got because there's no law carbon in our kitchen because it's small.
And I hope that people are going to make fun of me because of this, because I know that there have been people that have made fun of me in the past because of my lack of knowledge with cooking on dhe, my fear of trying to cook.
But I do think that there's quite a lot of people that are probably like me in the sense that it just never really done it on dhe.
Now I feel like I'm a point when I'm actually quite excited to try and do these kinds of things.
I'm also gonna book myself on some cooking classes when we move on.
And also, if you have any suggestions for good cookery books, I've seen a couple of bloggers.
Like what?
Olivia did talk about the Roasting 10 cookbook.
So I might have to pick that up as well on dhe.
Also ones that kind of don't maybe have so much meat or dairy.
I do try to be a lot less of that stuff.
I mean, I can't have too much dairy anyway, although cheeses never leaving my life, but yeah, just something to help me with that as well.
There are some vegan recipes in this one as well, so that's quite good.
Well, I would say is, first, make sure you like them off times only.
Maybe two recipes a week.
What kind of a couple of days a week Way.
Okay, so I have the basis off a shopping list.
Now I'm gonna sort through one of the cupboards and make sure that we're well, you have a clean out.
This is what I wanted to do.
Anyway, I'm going to start with this covered up here because this is on actual mess.
This needs some serious organization.
Like we have way too much tea going on.
This used to be my very organized.
He covered It is not anymore.
So I'm gonna have a rummage through this stuff on dhe sort it all out.
Basically, I e I think I'm going crazy.
I just want you.
I want to Don't want tickets to that.
I get you so first covered.
How much more organized This this?
Look, I am living for this right now.
Most of the stuff on the list I need to get from the shops we did have, but it was mostly out of date, so I'm just gonna get only stuff Lothar spices out.
Date on.
We just had a huge, huge clear out on DDE that really does make me so happy.
I feel very, very organized right now, So I think I'm gonna make start on this little cupboard down here.
This is like the snack cupboard, and it is full of crap.
So we're gonna sort through that now until my way Theo.
Number two is sorted.
This one down here.
I've just laid that down just to dry out.
We now have an entire cupboard free just from cleaning out this cupboard.
Oh, my gosh, That's incredible.
I feel like I am.
This is just This is Brooke.
This is productivity at its finest.
Look at that.
All in date.
All yummy snacks on Dhe organized.
Well, this is I'm feeling good.
I might do this couple as well.
Screw it.
So this covered is a bit of an all rounder.
It's got bits of everything in here, and I think that we can make some real progress in here.
I can already see things that Alley no longer uses, So I am gonna make a start in here.
Oh, my God.
Allie is gonna be so pleased when he gets home.
He loves this stuff of excited.
Okay, so maybe this covered was no.
The cupboard that I should have tackled.
I'm at that point now where I'm like shit.
I don't know what I'm gonna do.
There's so much stuff in there.
I forgot that.
It goes all the way around to the side, and I haven't even started on the second.
The second shelf yet, so Yeah, kinda regretting this one.
Looking super comfy there Links?
Yeah, that you put the whole sofa.
Why you called up like that?
I am over the worst.
I think there's just three bin bags to go down there on.
Ali is back from the gym, cooking up a storm, cooking up.
Assume on first up, we have some mozzarella dippers.
Yes, we didn't make it to the supermarket to get all of the healthy stuff.
So alleys.
I mean, he's taking a good meal.
Just ignore those.
Here's in charge of the cook of this evening on.
We've got what we got.
Roasted butternut squash, sweet potato, cauliflower cheese, all of the cheese chow down on these stocks guarded.
It is well on.
I'm feeling very cleanse.
This was good.
I'm glad I did this.
Even though you're halfway there, I was like, Why did I do this?
But it's good.
Everything it now so organized.
I'm so happy.
Ali is absolutely livid.
You spoke of the book of He's livid because I just told him that Season five peaky blinders is not until 2019 and we've only got one season.
Next watch two in the morning at the moment, two in the morning.
Last since he started watching PTV minders, we let you go to bed at 2 a.m. Every night.
Ali was literally just sat there like she watch another one has that baby.
It's two.
In the morning.
He's a good defense.
We, like, brushed the whole start to finish, and then we got, like, two years.
No, it's up two years.
They really in 2018 years forever.
Getting into this Siri's thing.
I've always watched people like on Twitter going on about the theories that they like.
And I've never watched anything like this before.
And now I feel like I'm really like, down with the kids.
Now we need his Netflix, and then we're like, really cool.
Yeah, way.
We need the Netflix, everyone.
It's now.
Friday on, we had a massive, even breathe.
I need to play my nose.
He had a massive lion.
Andi, it's probably about 10.
30 11 o'clock now.
Hello, munchkin.
We meet here.
This one is asleep.
Next, we're gonna do a massive food shop, and then I'm gonna head debates as well go.
All of the cat's coming to join us because they've heard me speaking.
So I'm gonna get up, get washed and get ready.
Ali is just getting himself dressed on Dhe.
I'm having another no makeup day.
I'm realizing at the moment that I I'm having more no makeup days that I'm having makeup days and I'm actually really enjoying it like just getting up washing.
Just put popping a little bit of C C serum on my face.
It's just so nice.
I'm much happier with my skin.
I'm even feeling more comfortable now, just going out and about not having any makeup lines that Yeah, you're wondering why I'm not wearing much recently.
It's just because I feel quite happy the way that I am.
We are getting ready to go to the shots.
I've made my list.
I think it's gonna be a very, very expensive food shop today.
But one of the yummy things I'm handing on making I'm so excited about.
So, yeah, we're gonna go to the food shop head debates as well.
Got bits to pick up from there.
I thought I would show you well, one of our gifts.
I told you about it in my in my one of my videos.
That might be this video might've been my last video, Remember?
But This is the Mr Mrs Sign that Ali's dad and step mom got us for Well, it's kind of just a little gift, really.
It was just in our room when we went over there for Christmas and then here it's got a date engraved on it.
I just thought, This is so lovely.
This would look so nice and we've got a new house as well.
But I just thought I'd tell you that.
And there's one other thing I wanted to show you as well.
So there was one gift that I really wanted to show you.
My sister in law is so, so good gifts.
And she got Ali and I support our wedding.
It was just so cute.
I've never seen supporting, you know, like when you go in travel, you see the bridge is that like, Lovelock bridges on people like pop the, um, padlocks and they, like, write their names on it?
Well, obviously Allie and I travel not like loads, but a fair bit for work.
And so they got us our own engraved padlock to lock somewhere.
That means to us.
I think we'll probably end up doing this in Paris.
But it says together forever.
The 19th off the 12th 2017.
I just thought that that was so beautiful.
It's got little key on it.
So, yes, that's gonna be going on our travels with us, which is so cute.
And also a lot of people asked about my necklace.
This is actually my gift from Ali on our wedding day on Dhe.
It's a single floating diamond here, and I actually had it shortened.
So it sits right there in kind of like the debt on my neck.
For the first time in my life, I wanted the cheaper one on.
Daddy was very pleased about that.
So I got myself that silver one wanted this necklace for a very long time.
I just think it's so delicate and so pretty.
So yeah, I really like.
And I also got the smallest diamond as well because I just wanted this tiny like glint there.
Andi, I thought it went really nicely with them.
The rest of my jewelry that I wear every day and lots of people no sister in my life update video, so I thought I'd tell you about it.
I'll link it down below on deacon.
Have a look for yourself.
It does come in different like sizes.
But as I mentioned, I did have it shortened, and I think it took about two weeks to have it shortened.
But I'm really glad I'm really happy with where it sits on me.
Now, say very happy about that.
This is what I'm wearing today.
Obviously not dressing up in anything fancy.
I've got my new Gibson girl leggings on which are so, so flattering of such a fan of this brand.
If you're looking for new gym, where in the new year, then these are definitely well, especially if you enjoy seem free.
I don't wear anything other than seem free leggings anymore because they're just so comfortable and yet supportive.
I don't feel like I'm, like, jiggling all over the place.
And then I've got my easy zone as well.
And then a cashmere jumper on my acne scarf.
I'm gonna take my old friend the Fendi peekaboo in the Oxford color on that.
I think I'm gonna work on my acne velocity jacket just to keep me warm, because it's been a miserable day outside.
So, Anita, stay snuggly and warm because I'm still trying to get over this cold.
It's driving me like nuts.
Looks like it's absolute carnage here.
And everyone's had the same idea as us.
You excited?
For Fadi feed?
Shopping thing is gonna be good.
I'm cooking lunch as well.
Oh, yeah.
Our boot is absolutely full.
Got some flowers for a next door neighbor.
She brought round a home sense about divorce that she didn't have to do at all.
So we thought we'd get her.
But there's a way.
It was supposed to see those way.
Got some flowers, But it's done.
And I shop stuff, isn't it?
Oh, my gosh.
I haven't done food shopping like that in such a long time.
But we always have our food delivered to our house on dhe because we had such big clear out yesterday.
Well, I had to be on.
We decided to go and do like a proper food shop where you buy all this stuff that you don't need.
And he was a violent stuff.
Do you need my God, I'm knackered.
I was wondering around like you were there to push too hard because I would have been able to do it by myself way also met a lovely subscribe Bite marks expenses She was really nice on.
It's always nice for us to get Thio to meet you.
So if you do ever happen to see us out Even if I look like this complete trawler, you can say hi, I don't mind, but I will mention it up, You know?
I looks like being in a good way to do that way.
Also bought some feed for New Year's tomorrow nisi tomorrow Friends.
That's what the dirty fries for fast, But things like that could possibly have cheese in way.
Got it on dhe.
So we're gonna have a big old feast tomorrow and lots of drinks and just is gonna be a nice chilled when we're just going to a friend's house.
But I think I'll block and let your head I'm gonna let my hair down.
So back in the house, on dhe I'm going to pop and he's bringing them the last of the food.
I'm gonna put all of the new stuff away, and then I'm gonna hopefully cook us something yummy to eat 24.
I know you wasting time perfectly smooth like you chief video How that happened.
But I'm gonna show you what I got through boots quickly.
It's actually probably not that exciting for you, but I thought I would sit down on show you just a few bits.
It wasn't a huge one.
I didn't go mad.
Sometimes I get mad.
I didn't come at this time.
Here's my big back, Andi.
I picked up, uh, I picked up some razors.
They around this time they always have these ready Great office on where they have, like, multi packs.
So just bought that disinfectant and no antiseptic wound wash.
So these are some things for my piercings because this one takes quite a while, thio hell, and sometimes it can get quite sore.
So this stuff works.
And also Ali is always cutting himself on DDE, getting himself into just hurting himself.
So I got antiseptic cream, antiseptic liquid on antiseptic wash riveting stuff.
Whenever I go to boots, I like to pick up some bits from L'Oreal because they always got new things coming out.
And I always want to try them on Gloria Ellis, so affordable that it's so easy to go and do like a hole of that self in base.
It means I get the right shades and it means that I'm able to just try things there.
And then.
So the first thing I picked up was the L'Oreal Paris Infallible Total cover for coverage.
Longwear conceal a palate.
I wanted to get this because I wanted to do a little bit more like color correcting on my face.
Especially when I'm when I'm wearing like Maur Full coverage makeup.
There's a girl on instagram on Dhe.
I don't know where she's from, but she has like gray like quite gray skin around here.
And she literally use is like a red lipstick to color corrected.
And it just got me fascinated with a little bit of color correcting.
So I thought I would give this a go.
But yet that was one thing I wanted to try from.
I've been also these had intrigued me for a while.
These are the L'Oreal Paris sublime Bronze Night Tan.
I've never tried these before, but I've wanted to try them on This says it's for face and body, which is what intrigues me the most, because sometimes I don't turn my face.
I told you.
I've been trying some other products, but I wanted to try this out because it is fortified your face on the body, and I don't usually do an overnight town, so I thought I just give them a little bit of a test drive.
So this is like a gradual tan, which might be better for the face on then.
This is there.
Overnight elixir.
So, yeah, I thought I would pick these up.
You get these from boots, and I will link them in the description box below as well.
A link.
Everything like I always dick on.
Finally, I picked up some more of the self, Dean.
Plus, this is just a massively helping me.
I'm obviously still ill from my voice on dhe.
I just keep getting really congested.
Still, I can't believe it.
It's like nearly two weeks, and I'm still ill.
Really frustrating.
But this just seems to take the edge off of my symptoms on dhe makes it more manageable.
So I just picked up some more of that, and that's all.
I think I'm gonna start making some dinner now, so I was gonna make the tuna with child lettuce and avocado.
I actually can't say that.
Word that way tells me that Ali is not gonna think this is enough.
But we're gonna see how we go.
We're gonna see how we go.
I added to the mozzarella as well, Because why?
Ali ate his dinner.
Darling, I've spoken to you since then.
Have kind of lost track.
Thinks it's just come on the head on.
Dhe even enjoyed it.
From what he's just told me again.
Not really enjoyed dinner tonight, but it's one in the morning on dhe.
Um, General Dae is But we have finished peaky blinders or four series that it's finished.
I could have my life back.
Normal life can resume now on.
Don't think I'm ever going to get into another Siri's ever again.
I am gonna go to bed now and tomorrow is New Year's Eve, so I am looking forward to it.
Andi, I will see you in my next video.
Thank you so much for watching.
Well, we're happy New Year as well as we were watching this on the first of January.
So Happy New Year.
I hate that you made some good New Year's resolutions.
And yet a good New Year's Eve and you're excited for the year ahead because I know I am.
I don't think that 2017 could be any better on DDE.
It was amazing.
So I'm excited for 2018 has in store for me, actually.