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Hello, everyone.
This is Meenu at Anglo Link.
Welcome to listen three in my easy Siri's.
As you know by now, my goal in this series is to make you curious about common steaks and give you the tools that you need to correct your own mistakes.
I must insist again that you must never feel embarrassed or apologize when you make a language mistake.
Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process, and shame has no part in a learning journey.
The more you can become curious about why certain mistakes are so common and how to correct them yourself, the more confident and relaxed you will become, and these good feelings will naturally accelerate your progress.
Okay, in this lesson, I'd like to deal with the question that I have been asked many times.
And the question is, should we put the third person singular s on the verb after emotive up, for example, should we say he can dance?
All right, let's find out the answer first and then do some exercises to make sure there is no more confusion about this.
Easy does up English errors.
Lesson three.
He can do Oh, he can dust let's start by reminding ourselves off the third person singular route.
I'm sure you know that with the third person singular pronouns that is he she and it You need an s after the verb in the present simple tents.
So it is I you we and they work.
But he she it works.
But this is not always the case.
Sometimes you must not use anus, for example, with motive herbs.
Let's remind you off the main motive herbs can I could shall should well, would may, might and must.
Okay, so we need to remind ourselves off three very important modal verb.
A ruse.
Rule one is never put on us on these webs, even after he she or it.
So when we have the ordinary verb work off course, we need in s, it works, but not with model verbs.
It can.
He will.
She must.
The second rule is the verb that comes after motive.
Herb is the base for, or infinitive without, to the form of this verbs do with all pronounce, including he she and it.
So avoid putting an s on the second verb as well.
So it can work.
No es.
He went walk.
No ists.
She must come.
No ists.
Now let's make sure you're comfortable with motive herbs in negative sentences and questions as well.
Which brings us to rule three motive.
Herbs take direct negative and question forms.
They do not need auxiliaries.
So let's compare an ordinary verb light work.
It works in the negative.
It doesn't work.
We need the auxiliary Doesn't.
And in the question form does it work?
We need the auxiliary.
Does that list Look at the modal verb can It can work.
We do not need an auxiliary for the negative.
We make direct negative here.
It cannot work.
Same with the question No need for does direct question.
Can it work?
Okay, let's have a quick summary before we do some exercises.
So, first of all, never put on this on a motive up.
Even with he, she or it, it can Secondly, never put honors on the verb that follows a motive.
Herb used the base form off the verb, which is due with all pronounce it can work.
And thirdly, never use auxiliaries with motive.
Works use direct negative and question forms.
So no need for dozens.
It cannot work no need for It does, can it?
To mark.
Okay, it's time for some exercises.
What I'd like you to do is to switch between ordinary and motive ups.
Let's give you a couple of examples.
So here we have a sentence.
She sings Well, we have the ordinary verb sing with the s Obviously we want to bring in the model verb can can comes here Ondas disappears, shaken Sing Well, now let's give you an example the other way around.
We have the motive, Herb Can she can sing Well, we want to get rid of Can And what comes back.
Yes, she sings well with these exercises I won't give you too much thinking time so you can build faster reflexes in deciding whether you need anus or not.
So when you're ready, let's go.
Number one This happens to let's bring in Might might comes here and he s disappears.
This might happen to number two.
It is possible.
Let's bring in May.
May comes here and this changes to the base Bob on the base.
Ferb is B.
It may be possible.
Number three.
That would look great.
So we have the motive.
Herb would Let's get rid of it.
As the wood goes, the S comes back.
That looks great.
Number four, this has been a mistake.
Let's bring in.
Could Could comes here.
Has changes to the base.
Bob, which is have this?
Could have been a mistake.
Number five.
He doesn't smoke.
Let's bring in Must We don't need the auxiliary.
Get rid of it and must becomes negative by itself.
He mustn't smoke.
Number six can not swim.
We want to get rid of the model verb can.
So what do we need to bring back the auxiliary?
Does no.
Be careful that the S is already in the auxiliary.
Does so make sure you don't repeat it on the main vile does Matt swim number seven.
There is no point.
Let's bring in wood.
Wood comes here and we change that to the base.
Bob be There would be no point Number eight.
He must have arrived.
That's get rid off the mode of must and bring the s in half becomes as he has arrived.
Number nine.
Does she know that's bringing should no need for the auxiliary.
Get rid of it.
Should makes the question itself.
Should she know.
And finally, number 10 Jill can't drive.
Get rid of Conned the model verb.
What comes in is the auxiliary jail doesn't drive.
And once again, remember that the S is in the auxiliary.
So don't put anise on the main viral Jail doesn't drive.
Okay, that's the end of Lesson three.
If you have been confused about this point for some time, please make sure you repeat the exercises until you have built a fast reflex, whether you need an s or not.
If you feel you often make mistakes with model verbs and want to review both the formulation and the usage of these verbs, please watch my listen called old models.
You will find the link to this lesson in the description box.
I hope this lesson has been helpful to you.
If you want to be notified when my next easy lesson is online, pre subscribe to my channel and allow notifications.
Thank you so much for watching this lesson.
And I'll see you in my next lesson.
Happy studies to all of you and good bye for now.