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  • (upbeat music)

  • - Hello everybody!

  • Today we are going to make something delicious with kimchi.

  • Lots of kimchi.

  • Do you guys have kimchi at home?

  • Are you making homemade kimchi?

  • Then you can make this very easily.

  • Kimchi pork buns.

  • In Korean, kimchi-ppang.

  • So we need lots of kimchi inside.

  • It should be fermented, which means they're sour tasting.

  • With a well-fermented kimchi,

  • you can make a kimchi stew, kimchi soup, kimchi pancake,

  • kimchi stir-fried rice, kimchi steamed kimchi,

  • What else?

  • A lot of lot of delicious dishes that you can make.

  • First, we need to make dough.

  • So I'm using this flour, all purpose flour,

  • and also I use dry yeast.

  • It's active dry yeast.

  • I'm making six buns today.

  • So you guys can double, triple this recipe

  • and you can make a lot.

  • I need one cup of warm water.

  • It means not hot, boiling water.

  • Dry yeast will be killed in hot water.

  • I'm going to make your life easier, how to make warm water.

  • Measure half a cup boiling water.

  • And then cold water, half a cup.

  • Total, one cup.

  • Lukewarm.

  • Before adding yeast, let's use one tablespoon sugar.

  • And mix well.

  • And then let's add yeast, one teaspoon dry yeast.

  • And then let it sit.

  • My water is still boiling.

  • I need to cook my noodles.

  • These noodles are called dangmyeon in Korean.

  • Sweet potato starch noodles, or some people call this

  • glass noodles.

  • I'm making six buns today.

  • I will use only one ounce.

  • Several minutes I have to cook, seven or eight minutes.

  • Then let's go back to our dough.

  • So yeast water is here.

  • See, now yeast is floating.

  • Half teaspoon salt.

  • I will add this vegetable oil, one tablespoon.

  • And then mix well.

  • Now we're gonna add flour.

  • cups flour. One...

  • Two.

  • Half cup.

  • And then mix.

  • Until all this makes one lump.

  • Now what we have to do is kneading by hand.

  • First, you gotta wash your hands.

  • We need to knead until this dough is very smooth.

  • 200 times you do this.

  • One, two, three.

  • When you do this, "Oh, I'll make delicious buns soon."

  • Then it's going to be easier.

  • Smooth, smooth enough.

  • I'll just cover this with this.

  • And then just set aside.

  • In like warm kitchen area, set aside for one hour.

  • One hour later, we need to knead again.

  • So my noodles are done.

  • I'm going to strain these.

  • Garlic.

  • Green onions, chopped green onions.

  • Around a quarter cup chopped onion, so maybe this amount.

  • So this goes like this.

  • Next, pork.

  • Eight ounces of pork, pork belly with the skin.

  • I'll just cut thinly, small pieces.

  • A little fatty pork will work very well.

  • The reason I'm cutting like this

  • instead of using ground pork is because more delicious!

  • Use your knife like this.

  • I'll cook here.

  • And pork.

  • One teaspoon soy sauce.

  • And sesame oil, about two teaspoons.

  • And this is ground black pepper, around half a teaspoon.

  • And cook.

  • Keep cooking until the pork is totally cooked.

  • Smells good.

  • Sesame oil and ground black pepper, little bit soy sauce,

  • make the color a little brownish and tasty.

  • Smells so good.

  • This onion, green onion, garlic, add.

  • Just stir fry around 30 seconds.

  • And then I'll just chop up these noodles.

  • Ok...

  • So turn off.

  • See?

  • The onion is still crispy.

  • Stir this.

  • And this is hot, so noodles going to be again, really shiny.

  • Okay.

  • Oh my, heavy!

  • My kimchi.

  • I told you we need kimchi.

  • Yeah, I made this around one month ago.

  • I made like two boxes like this

  • and now really well-fermented, so tasty.

  • Wow. Mmm!

  • I will measure eight ounce.

  • I think this is a little more than eight ounce.

  • This is eight ounce.

  • (laughs) Put it back to the refrigerator.

  • This is our filling for six buns, around three cups.

  • Half a cup filling in each bun

  • because I like to make kind of a small meal.

  • If you finish your one bun, you are full enough.

  • Half teaspoon sugar.

  • Sour taste and sweet taste always go well together.

  • Just a half a teaspoon sugar.

  • And this make it more spicy looking,

  • And then I will add one teaspoon hot pepper flakes.

  • You know, Kimchi is salty enough, so we don't need to add salt.

  • Smells good, because, you know, sesame oil,

  • All this mixture, kimchi pork mixture.

  • Even this one, pork is fully cooked, so I can eat it.

  • I can eat it now.

  • And let's wait for the dough to be ready.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Whoa, you rose a lot!

  • Mmm!

  • Smells yeasty. (laughs)

  • We need to knead again until very smooth.

  • But sticky, still sticky, it has to be.

  • Look at that, gorgeous.

  • And I'm going to cover this again.

  • And one more hour.

  • (laughs) One more hour, I'm going to ferment

  • and I'm going to rise this again.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Another hour passed.

  • So what did you do while you are waiting

  • for this dough rising?

  • I read my readers' comments.

  • Now I'm ready to shape my buns.

  • Pan is here, my large cutting board is here,

  • I'm going to work here.

  • And my filling and, let's see, show me your face. (laughs)

  • Wow, look at that!

  • It's even reached to here.

  • Beautiful.

  • Again, deflate, this all gas inside.

  • Because it's a little sticky,

  • I will just use a little flour, maybe around a quarter cup.

  • And then I'm going to divide this into six.

  • Six balls.

  • One.

  • Two.

  • So this is, each ball is three ounce.

  • And then make each one a nice ball like this.

  • So I don't want to dry out these.

  • So plastic bag will cover just this.

  • And then I'll work here.

  • Okay, like this.

  • So we are going to add a half a cup, like this amount.

  • This disk should be large.

  • I'll put this parchment paper on this pan.

  • So half a cup, this amount.

  • And then go in the center.

  • A large amount, isn't it?

  • But it's delicious.

  • Just seal it.

  • And then flip it over like this

  • and make shape, nice shape.

  • Pinch, pinch, lot of pinch.

  • Already a little rising.

  • Some of you guys really want to make this right now,

  • I know that some of your children

  • "Mom, I want to eat that!

  • "I want to make this!" (laughs)

  • This size is around six inches, six inches diameter.

  • When you roll it out,

  • the edge part has to be a little thinner than center part

  • so that when we seal like this,

  • there's not going to be too much doughy, right?

  • Now all leftover filling.

  • Ok...

  • Our six buns, large buns.

  • We need to wait.

  • I usually do this one hour.

  • So total, three hours.

  • It takes a long time, I know.

  • (upbeat music)

  • I was going to rise for one hour but changed my mind

  • because when I see these guys, really plump.

  • Rose already a lot.

  • Even these guys are connected to each other.

  • And I gotta bake them now.

  • I preheat my oven, 350.

  • One small egg and then one teaspoon water.

  • Then strain this. Through this.

  • And a nice egg wash we made.

  • And then brush this egg wash nicely.

  • When they bake, a really pretty color.

  • Let's bake!

  • Then...

  • I will bake 20 to 25 minutes.

  • I'm going to check it after 20 minutes.

  • Exciting!

  • Some of you guys might be interested in steaming these.

  • After all these buns rise and then steam

  • for 15 to 20 minutes and then you will have

  • a really nice fluffy white steamed buns.

  • After 20 minutes, I check it out.

  • And then I like to make it a little dark,

  • so that's why five minutes more.

  • So total 25 minutes, really nice golden brown on top,

  • very shiny and pretty.

  • Look at that.

  • Three amigos, three amigos, they really get along well.

  • Awesome, looks so good.

  • I can't touch because it is too hot right now.

  • Still very hot.

  • See?

  • See?

  • A lot of kimchi inside and pork.

  • And bread is very fluffy, see?

  • Oh my, looks so good, doesn't it?

  • Why am I whispering to you?

  • (laughs)

  • Now let me taste.

  • Mmm!

  • Mmm!

  • Delicious.

  • Spicy and kimchi is very crispy.

  • And pork and noodles, all mixture is really awesome.

  • Especially also I like this fluffy bun.

  • I can't help eating, keep eating.

  • How can I share this with you guys?

  • Only I can share my recipe,

  • so at home you can make this very comfortably.

  • Today we made kimchi pork buns.

  • In Korean, kimchi-ppang.

  • Ppang is a bread.

  • Make a lot of kimchi-ppang.

  • And keep in the freezer.

  • And then whenever you need it, take it out,

  • thaw out first, and then bake five to 10 minutes.

  • Or just use a microwave oven like one or two minutes.

  • That's it.

  • Enjoy my recipe.

  • See you next time.

  • Bye!

(upbeat music)


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

キムチ豚まん(キムチパン:김치빵 (Kimchi Pork Buns (Kimchi-ppang: 김치빵))

  • 10 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日