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(cute upbeat music)
- Hello everybody. Today we are going to start a long project.
Today I am going to show you
how to make maesil extract, maesil-cheong.
A lot of people are using maesil-cheong instead of sugar.
In Korean, it's maesil, and also called Japanese apricot
or Chinese plum, or green plums.
Very, very very sour.
It is really good for health, everybody knows.
A lot of vitamins and minerals inside.
With this maesil I'm going to make, first, maesil extract.
After I make extract, I will just pour Korean soju,
Korean alcohol, and then, around a few months later,
it's a really nice maesil liquor.
We call this maesilju.
After that, I'm going to make pickled maesil.
So three recipes are made
with one and a half pounds of maesil.
It's exciting, isn't it?
Each plum, check out, you know,
around this part, and, ooh!
Remove this way.
See here?
This is not good.
So I'm not going to use this.
We have to go a long way together.
First, all these guys should pass my test.
You see? Yeah, a lot of this stuff.
And then, let's wash this.
Cold water.
(water splashing)
Three times I washed.
Strain this.
Dry this with a cotton towel and also paper towel.
And then put them back in.
To make this extract, we have to use a lot of sugar.
Because you guys can use this as a sweetener later.
And then this one and a half pounds, one package plums.
And then I'll use same amount, one and a half pounds sugar.
First, just mix this and left over you should leave some.
Because on top we have to cover with sugar.
Leave around a half cup like this.
And just mix.
Put this in the jar.
My jar is a seven cup jar.
This leftover half a cup sugar, and fill.
That's it. You don't have to close really tightly.
Just put this like this, just a little bit.
All these good, delicious minerals and vitamins are going
to be extracted and then fermented also.
Hello everybody! Look at this.
This is six days after.
You saw, I filmed this the first day,
it was like white sugar is all top.
Look like snow.
I never touched after this.
And then this sugar just a little start
melted from the bottom.
Water coming out maybe two days after, just look wet.
First day, nothing happened.
Second day, it's just a little wet.
Third day, fourth day, today is the sixth day.
So I thought it's perfect time for me to film this
to show you what it looks like.
On top I can see the little foams coming up.
This is really going well.
So from today all you have to do is
just sometimes mix like this (laughs).
Like this.
And then come back again like this.
So upside down, like this.
See? It's mixed.
Then let it sit anyplace around some cool place
in your house and let it sit 100 days.
We need to ferment this guy for 100 days
from the first day.
When you made this first day,
check out your calendar.
Write down "100th day, my maesil!" Okay?
So see you in 100 days.
One hundredth day!
Can you believe time passed so quickly?
Our maesil has been well fermented
and now all delicious extract is coming out
This is like a kind of syrup now.
We didn't add one drop of water here,
just only sugar and green plums.
Green plums are wrinkly right now.
It's time to separate now.
Wow! Smells so good.
Then pour this.
It look like syrup.
This is the maesil-cheong we made.
It took 100 days.
Color is a really beautiful amber color
and I'm going to put this guy back into my jar.
Look like some seeds, like peach seed.
It's very wrinkly.
And then pour this soju.
I will fill it up, this is now the fourth soju.
Last night when I bought soju I thought
that maybe two bottles are enough.
But just in case I bought two more extra
but four bottles of soju is inside here.
Happy! That means that I have maesilju more
than I expected, okay?
And then, I'm going to let this sit in cool place,
you don't have to keep this in the refrigerator.
for three months.
Three months after, maesilju! It's maesil liquor.
We're making maesil liquor.
Some people call this maesil wine, plum wine.
Maesil-cheong, you can use from now.
Let me taste.
Mmm! Sweet and sour.
And flavorful.
Really plum flavor.
When I lived in Korea, I used to make a huge amount,
not like this.
My friends and me, like a kind of an annual project.
A lot of, lot of maesil-cheong we made.
When you make bulgogi, bulgogi sauce,
if you use this, the flavor is really much much better.
And also little bit like tanginess,
it will make your food more tasty.
And also I used to make tea.
Summertime I used to make this cold iced tea.
One or two tablespoons,
and cold water and ice, and just drink.
Sometimes hot tea mixed with boiling water and hot tea.
(upbeat instrumental music)
I'm back!
Today is exciting day because my maesilju is done.
I'm going to separate this maesilju from maesil.
Let's see, let's open.
Wow, look at that.
Let's check out this maesil, the wrinkly stuff.
Amazing, eh? It's really firm; it's not soggy.
Let me taste.
Mmm! Crunchy and still a little tangy and sweet.
I'm going to make jangajji, pickle, with this.
I need to remove all these seeds.
Very firm.
This is hot pepper paste.
I'm going to use, just an easy way.
I'm not going to do any seasonings, any other seasonings.
Just only hot pepper paste and mix this
and put this in my jar.
Hot pepper paste.
Just press down.
Jangajji! Pickle!
I'm going to bring my extract, maesil extract.
For three months in my refrigerator, this guy.
With maesil, I made three different kinds of food.
How do you like this project?
It's awesome, isn't it?
This maesil-jangajji, maybe one week later
it'll be more tasty.
Let me taste this maesilju, some maesil liquor!
Just a little bit.
Maesil-cheong, around one tablespoon.
And ice water.
Cheers everybody!
Aah! Good! A little bitter, and sweet,
and plus green plum aroma is full.
This one is maesil-cha.
Mmm, delicious! Sweet and tangy,
and also this maesil flavor.
And then, let me taste this guy.
One week later I'm supposed to taste, but why not?
Eat with rice because it's salty.
Today I finished this project, maesil project.
I made maesil-cheong (maesil extract),
and maesilju (maesil liquor), and maesil-jangajji.
Enjoy my recipe.
See you next time!
(cute upbeat music)