字幕表 動画を再生する
- Hey everyone!
it's Natasha from natashaskitchen.com,
and we are doing something
totally different today!
We get so many requests from you guys
for another Bloopers video,
so that's what this is.
We pulled footage from all the videos last year
in our parent's kitchen and in our new kitchen!
There's a light up there.
Bloopers! (laughs)
Anyway, we pulled together all of the most hilarious,
funny, sometimes embarrassing moments (laughs)
from last year.
Hope you guys enjoy this video!
(inhaling hard through nose)
(exhales deeply)
(goofy music)
How should I do that?
Doesn't feel natural.
No? (laughs)
Is it weird?
That's too weird.
People are gonna freak out.
(beep) Absolutely delicious!
(beep) This is super important
to make sure your recipes are a success.
So let's do this!
Alright, now...
(crickets chirping)
(vacuum humming)
That's all there is to it!
If you're looking to increase--
improve your kitchen skills,
hold on, what?
Can I just do it again?
Hey, before you go,
if you're looking to improve
your kitchen skil--
cooking skills.
♪ Squash the potato ♪
Oh no.
Ugh, I got something in my teeth.
Hold on.
I can feel it.
Is it gone?
Right here. I'm serious.
Can you please turn off your phone?
So it's not beeping in the middle of a taste test?
Thank you.
What should I say?
Kay, are you...
- [Vadim] What?
- Come on! (laughs) - [Vadim] (mumbles)
- Oh okay, ready?
- [Vadim] Hold on, let's do it again.
- Ready?
Oh! (laughs)
What in the world?
- [Vadim] (mumbles)
- You hit me in the head!
And it's wet!
You got my shirt all wet.
- [Vadim] Well how do I know it's wet?
- How could you hit me right in the head?
- [Vadim] It's not exactly easy to...
- Ah! (laughs)
Aw, that one got me in the eyebrow.
- [Vadim] And look.
- Ugh! (laughs)
- We gotta try something else.
- We gotta figure out another trick.
What am I supposed to do?
- [Vadim] (mumbles)
- Oh (laughs)
Just make sure you put your arm out, (fingers snap)
and then do a distinct snap,
don't go like this. (fingers snap)
Put it out, (fingers snap)
and then snap.
A little more...
(fingers snap)
(fingers snap)
(fingers snap)
Don't be awkward.
Do it naturally.
[Vadim] (mumbles)
(fingers snap)
(fingers snap)
(fingers snap)
All you need is a mountain of mashed potatoes,
and a side of asparagus,
and you've got one simple,
romantic, and elegant dessert.
- [Voiceover] What?!
- Make this for Valentine's Day! (laughs)
That was the dumbest ever (laughs)
And when you do--
No, shoot.
Man, I'm all rusty today.
I don't know what's going on with me.
Maybe 'cause it's getting dark.
Alright, ready?
Make sure you scoo-
(tongue flapping)
(frustrated sigh)
Click the bell icon (laughs)
and that mean--
Ugh, come on! (laughs)
It's been a long day.
No, hold on.
What do I do?
(mumbles) form ring.
Look at that!
- (mumbles)
- What happened?
What happened?
Did you spill water?
Oh my.
Uh oh.
We gotta take care of business.
(beep) This is so good!
It's an easy-
It was this.
(mimics whip)
Yes! (laughs)
(laughs) (beep)
Yes! (laughs)
No. (beep)
Yes! No.
Yes! That is-
No (laughs)
Okay. (beep)
For each share of this video,
Walmart will donate up--
The equivalent.
Up the equivalent.
Let's up the equivalent.
I hope you weren't recording that.
How am I supposed to be serious after a comment like that?
Ah, when you work with your husband,
and he flirts with you on camera.
Wow, this is so crisp and juic--
(beep) Wait...
Oh wow!
This is so juicy, crisp, and delicious.
Not milk.
Make this for your next gath--
Tastes like a moist cake. (laughs)
(speaks Ukrainian).
This is moist.
I just licked my lips.
Okay, I'm done.
This salmon is so--
David, stop.
(beep) I tell ya, it's a bell,
and that mil--
Please like and share our video,
and we'll see--
(spoon clattering)
We'll see you next time!
- [Vadim] Because otherwise
you don't see the bowl. - Your edge of your bowl
probably should be right here.
Just don't tip it over past here.
(peppers bouncing)
Fail. (beep)
Hope you guys loved this recipe,
if you did, please m...
- [Vadim] No.
You haven't talked about dill,
haven't talked about parsley,
garlic... - Okay
- Do I have anything in my teeth?
I feel like I do.
Okay. (beep)
And they're thickly sliced,
so, people who don't--
Choked. (beep)
Probably have to do a teeth check.
Do I have herbs all over my teeth?
(mouth smacks)
Any cilantro?
Oh shoot what am I doing?
- (mumbles)
- Dad.
Don't walk here, baby.
We're making a movie.
- A movie?
- Yes.
I love the flavor that half of half--
Half of half?
Why do I keep saying half of half?
It's not a half of a half,
it's not a...
Hey, sweetie!
- (mumbles)
- What are you, back for more?!
You were here like a second ago
with a big piece!
Like, no it's mine!
Okay. Let's Cut.
(beep) Let's move on.
Oh shoot my mic.
Let's do that again. (beep)
Little bell icon so you'll get--
(clears throat)
(beep) for delicious recipes!
We'll see you next time!
That was weird.
Anything in my teeth?
(engine winding up)
Okay. Go.
(food crunching)
(beep) Here we go.
I kinda don't like that whole taste test.
Can we start over?
It's one of those healing foods,
if you know what I'm sayin'.
This is terrible.
Right over there.
And thanks so much for watching!
What was that?
See you lex--
(beep) Hey, before--
(beep) Hey, before you go...
(beep) Hey, don't go any--
Hey, don't go anywhere yet!
If you guys love easy, family friendly recipe--
Wait. (beep)
Hey! Before you go,
if you guys love--
No. (beep)
Hey, don't go yet--
Hey don't go anywhere yet.
Hey. (laughs)
Hope you guys had fun laughing at my expense.
If you guys wanna see some blooper videos
from the previous years,
check these out right over here,
and right down there.
We've been doing this a long time,
but mistakes are made.
And click below to subscribe,
and when you do,
click that little bell icon and you'll get notifications
every time we post a new recipe.
We'll see you next time.