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  • Hey guys, What's up it's Alex

  • Welcome back to the second episode of the wine series how to make f- fa-f freakin wine this is going to be all about

  • grapes, let's begin

  • In this series, I'm sharing my whole experience about wine making at home

  • from Fresh Grapes all the way to beautiful wine

  • using only cheap and basic equipment

  • Of course along the way I will share fun facts and useful tips whether you want to make wine

  • Or you just want to drink it let's be honest

  • Remember to always act safely and responsibly

  • First of not all grapes are equals in terms of winemaking [so] in fact they are divided into two categories

  • Table grapes are the one you know from your local grocery [store] there are larger plumper are often seedless

  • They have a nice pulp, but a thin skin inside. It's mild in terms of acidity and sweetness

  • Wine grapes on the other hand are smaller. They have plenty seeds thicker skins more juices but fewer pulp

  • Inside they are all sweet very sweet and also way more

  • Acidic than table grapes they also got tannins you know that dryness at the back of the mouth and

  • These are the one you need to start winemaking problem is wine grapes are not readily available to the public

  • [if] you know someone maybe you can ask a winemaker if he wants to sell you some at the end

  • It didn't work out for [me] luckily for us a few varieties are both table and wine grapes

  • I happen to know two [of] them the white chasselas and the black

  • Muscat

  • if you know any other variety

  • That belongs to the two groups please share them in the comments below it's going to be super [useful] for everyone

  • Now a fun fact did you know that

  • the wine colors mostly comes from

  • The skin not the pulp so it means that

  • Black grapes can produce a red wine using the skin or white wine, not using the skin

  • but white grapes can only Produce white wine

  • (Sound effect)

  • I Think that's interesting

  • With that in mind. I'm going for black muscat

  • I'm getting 10 kilos of those beautiful small, but sweet and very fragrant grapes

  • And now super important please pay a lot of attention to what you buy as you're going to spend the next few months

  • Making wine a smooth skin no wrinkles nothing

  • Rotten you know an intense and uniform color and fresh and flexible green stem

  • So I am driving back to the studio the reason why I chose to make wine in september

  • Is that it's full season so it's rather cheap

  • 2.49 euros a kilo it's coming from the Mont Ventoux which is in the south of France

  • In the Rhone Valley I can't wait to start

  • It's never 100% sure it's gonna work, but if I don't try then it's a 100% I'm Gonna fail

  • Ok let's give it a wash

  • Discard the stem and place the fruits in a bucket

  • remember to always clean and sanitize any equipment before and after use

  • We want the juice to be as intense as possible remove any excess water

  • I initially and genuinely thought and I could use my bare feet to stomp those grapes

  • The problem is this

  • I'm Way too big to fit in those narrow buckets, so instead. I'm using my hands and it works

  • Just fine make sure you leave no grain uncrushed. It's even

  • relaxing in some ways

  • [alright] must have been the most delightful and relaxing massage for the feet and never mind

  • That liquid with the seeds and the skins is called a wild must before we move on to the next step which is the

  • Alcoholic fermentation we need to make sure that [the] coast is clear

  • To avoid any random bacterial development that could turn our beautiful wine to be into an expensive vinegar

  • We need to add a preserving agent the most common is called sulphite

  • You might be familiar with them because you can find

  • Contains sulphite on the bottom of labels on bottles of Wine

  • it can be both as a powder or under form of

  • Campden tablets with about 10 kilos of wine must and i'm using about 600 milligrams of

  • methyl bisulfite but if you want to make it extra safe, you can go up to

  • [1200] milligrams of course I will share all the details [and] calculus in the description box down below make sure to carefully

  • Incorporate the sulfite into the wine must buy nicely mixing it and now we need to wait

  • I mean not long, but at least one day before we move on to the next step before we add yeast

  • To that wine must because otherwise we will just keep them with all the sulphite We did put in our wine must

  • Well guys that's it for the second episode of the winemaking series if you liked this project

  • [if] you enjoy the ride and please make sure to give [it] a big thumbs up and to share that over all your social Media

  • using the Hashtag spread it like butter and a lso by

  • tagging me in

  • So that I can see anything you post if you want to go the extra mile if you want to support my work

  • I mean financially then bless you! You can go and check out my Patreon page. Lastly, people click subscribe

  • I make new videos every week. You know it's always about food. It's always about pushing further this time

  • I'm making wine who knows what I'm going to do next the next episode will be a lot of fun, but not

  • Sadly in a safe way anyway, take care. Bye. Bye

Hey guys, What's up it's Alex


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B1 中級

2.10Kgのブドウを買った。さて何?自宅でF*ワインを作る方法Ep2 (2. Bought 10Kg of Grapes. Now What ? How To Make F* Wine At Home Ep2)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日