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  • - Hey everyone it's Natasha,

  • of,

  • and today we are making a classic, juicy,

  • loaded cherry pie and I love cherries.

  • So, I don't know how I'm gonna have enough self-control

  • for the taste test.

  • We'll see what happens.

  • All right, let's get started.

  • We already have our easy pie crust done

  • and chilling in the refrigerator,

  • so we're gonna get started on the cherry pie filling.

  • You'll need six cups of sweet cherries.

  • Use a cherry pitter like this one

  • to make sure you get rid of every cherry pit.

  • And I pit in the sink,

  • so I don't get splattered with cherry juice.

  • Stir one tablespoon of fresh lemon juice

  • into the cherries.

  • Now, in a separate bowl,

  • whisk together three-fourths cup of sugar,

  • five tablespoons of corn starch,

  • and half a teaspoon of cinnamon.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Gently stir that into the cherries,

  • mixing it together until evenly moistened.

  • (upbeat music)

  • You can stop stirring

  • when you no longer see any white corn starch.

  • Then set the filling aside.

  • Our dough has been chilling in the refrigerator

  • for one hour and it's ready to use.

  • Unwrap the first disc.

  • And on a lightly floured surface,

  • roll it out ton a 13 inch diameter circle.

  • This is our favorite pie crust

  • and I will link to it in the notes.

  • Despite my drama it really is easy to use,

  • easy to roll out,

  • and perfect for just about any pie.

  • Here's my trick for easily transferring a pie crust.

  • Simply roll the crust onto your rolling pin,

  • then unroll it in your pie pan.

  • And you do want to see a one-inch overhang

  • at the edges of the pan.

  • Which will help you make a really pretty edge later.

  • Pour all of the filling

  • and the accumulated juices into the pie pan.

  • Spread the cherries evenly then dot the top

  • with about a tablespoon of diced cold butter.

  • Set that aside and again on a lightly floured surface,

  • we're gonna roll out that second pie crust.

  • We're only rolling this crust to a 12-inch diameter.

  • I found that it's easiest to cut these strips

  • with a simple pizza cutter.

  • Cut about 10 one-inch strips of dough.

  • Place five strips of dough horizontally onto your pie pan.

  • Place the longer strips in the center,

  • and the shorter ones toward the edges.

  • Fold back the second and fourth strips half-way.

  • And place a long vertical strip of dough in the center.

  • Fold the strips back over the new line

  • then fold back the alternate strips.

  • Continue adding and alternating strips.

  • Then switch to the other half until the lattes is complete.

  • Tuck in the excess pie dough all around the edges.

  • Now to create a beautiful crimped or scalped pie crust

  • all you need is three fingers.

  • Push the dough in with one hand

  • and pinch around it with the other.

  • Go all the way around the edge.

  • Also gently pat down and flatten the edges,

  • so they don't brown too quickly.

  • Preheat your oven to 425 degree Fahrenheit

  • and usually while it's preheating,

  • I'll pop my pie into the freezer for about 15 minutes.

  • Just before baking, quickly mix together,

  • one egg and one tablespoon of milk or butter.

  • Brush the top generously with that egg mixture.

  • And sprinkle with coarse sugar.

  • Bake in the lower third of your oven

  • at 425 degrees Fahrenheit for 25 minutes.

  • Place foil or a baking sheet under your pie.

  • Reduce the heat to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • And continue baking for another 30 to 35 minutes

  • or until thick cherry juices are bubbling through the crust.

  • (laughs)

  • Oh my, my, my, give me some of that pie.

  • Oh, yum, it's still bubbly hot

  • and delicious, right out of the oven.

  • And you do want to let it cool down

  • until it's almost room temperature,

  • so the juices thicken up

  • and it's gonna be much easier to slice.

  • So, we're gonna give this a little bit of time.

  • (upbeat music)

  • All right that is just barely warm,

  • but I can not wait any longer.

  • So, we're gonna go right into this taste test.

  • Okay, big generous slice for me.

  • Okay, whoa, that's a really big piece.

  • (laughs)

  • I deserve it.

  • Oh, wow, and that flakey, amazing crust, is the best.

  • And I'll leave a link to this crsut,

  • it's an all-butter pie crust.

  • So, cherry juices have thickened up nicely.

  • I should get my plate ready.

  • I was gonna make a big hop.

  • Oh, that's what I'm talking about.

  • Okay, and I don't mean to be extra cruel,

  • or make you guys super jealous,

  • but I have something else in mind of for this taste test.

  • Because you can't have a cherry pie

  • without some vanilla ice cream.

  • Oh, next-level.

  • I'm telling you.

  • Okay, big scoop, big scoop. Yum.

  • And if the pie is still a little bit warm,

  • the ice cream starts to melt over it.

  • (laughs)

  • Okay, I really don't mean to make you guys totally jealous.

  • It's just happens, naturally.

  • Here we go.

  • (upbeat music)

  • Seriously the combination of that butter flakey crust,

  • and that juicy cherry filling is like--

  • (laughs)

  • All my pie dreams are coming true right now

  • and then of course, I have to have another bite,

  • with some ice cream.

  • Look at that, it's already melted a little bit.

  • I'm sorry you have to watch this.

  • (laughs)

  • Mmmm, my head is swimming right now.

  • This is so so delicious.

  • It totally taste like summer.

  • Oh, and it's just the best with sweet summer cherries.

  • And you can even use frozen cherries in winter season,

  • so you can enjoy this pie all-year long.

  • That's what I'm talking about.

  • Hey before you guys go,

  • make sure you check out

  • our most popular pie crust, it's an all-butter pie crust,

  • the same one we used in this recipe,

  • right over there,

  • and check out our

  • scrumptious blueberry pie right down there.

  • And before you go, make sure to click below to subscribe.

  • And when you do click that little bell icon,

  • so you'll get notifications every time

  • we post a new recipe.

  • Thanks for watching.

- Hey everyone it's Natasha,


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B2 中上級

最高のクラストでクラシックチェリーパイを作る方法 (How to Make CLASSIC CHERRY PIE with the BEST CRUST)

  • 10 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日