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Hello and welcome everyone.
This is me.
No problem.
The link.
And today I'm going to review question forms with you because I know this is a topic that many of you find challenge.
By the end of the video, you will have a clear understanding of how to formulate a question in English.
So when you're ready, that's figure.
Let's start by looking at how we formulate questions with the verb to be.
Let's take it off for a sentence.
With the verb to be, it is common.
Simply put, the verb is behind the subject.
It is it common.
That's right.
Let's look at another one.
He was here but Waas before he was here.
We're ready.
Oh, goes before we I'll be ready.
In the last example, there were many people where there are many people.
Now let's look at how we formulate questions with model verbs.
First example.
Joe can drive like the verb to be.
All you need to do is to move the firm behind the subject.
Can Joe drive?
She could stay, but could behind she.
Could she stay?
It's taking another one.
We should stop easy.
Should we stop?
You would like some tea.
What goes before you?
Would you like some tea?
I must find it.
Must I find it now?
Let's look at some other verb tenses.
First tenses where you can see the auxiliary again is easy enough.
Just move the auxiliary before the subject.
She's looking for a pen Is goes before the subject.
Is she looking for a pen?
We're going to stop.
Oh, we're going to start.
They were leaving when he arrived.
Put where?
Before they.
Where they leaving When he arrived.
Here we have the present.
Perfect With the auxiliary.
Has just moving behind She Yes.
She just left the past perfect.
He had had dinner before going out.
Just move.
Had before he that he had dinner before going out.
And finally, with the future, tens will simple enough will will to the beginning off the sentence before the subject.
Well, prices for now, let's look a tenses where you cannot see the auxiliary.
As you know, these are the presents.
Simple on the past.
Simple for the present Simple.
The auxiliary is unique to bring in our do and does And for the past Simple date Remember, that Do is for I you, we and they and does for he she and it.
Let's look at the first example.
We have a deal.
Notice that here have is the main verb.
Therefore, we need the auxiliary.
Do Do we have a deal?
John lives in London Present Simple.
Here we have John.
He so you need the auxiliary does.
Does John live in London?
Notice that the S disappears from live because its own does.
And finally, in the past, simple.
They went to the museum.
The auxiliary is dead.
Put it at the beginning of the sentence and change went back to go.
Did they go to the museum right now that you have reviewed how to formulate questions?
Let's look at some question wides.
Who, What, When?
How many?
How much?
How long, How often?
How far to formulate questions with a question.
Words Simply change your statement into question at the question word and then remove the answer.
For example, this is for Susan.
Let's ask a question with who changed the question form first?
Is this for Susan?
Ad who?
And remove Susan.
Who is this fool?
It was watching a film.
Let's ask a question with what changed the question form.
Was he watching the film Dad?
And remove a film?
What was he watching?
They're in the garden.
Let's ask a question with where?
That's right.
Are they in the garden and then add where?
Removing in the garden?
Where are they?
Next question sound will be back on Friday.
Changed the question?
Well, Sam be back on Friday and then I had when removing on Friday.
When will soon be back?
They were walking fast, has changed a question form and then add how, where they're walking fast.
How were they walking?
She left because it was late.
Let's ask why correct?
Changed a question.
Well, did she leave because it was late?
And now remove the answer.
Why did she leave?
We have bought five laptops.
Let's ask how many have reported five laptops?
Remove the answer.
That's how many.
How many laptops have you bought?
It costs $80.
Let's ask how much question form first?
Does it cost $80 at question?
How much does it cost?
We can stay one hour.
Let's ask with how long question form trust?
Can we stay in Alan?
Bad question board.
How long can we stay?
They come here once a week.
Changed the question.
Do they come here once a week?
At how often how often do they come here and your last example?
She had walked five calamitous question one.
Had she walked five kilometers and now at the question would how far had she walked?
Let's look ATT to special cases.
That's when, who and what?
Ask questions about the subject off your statement.
In this case, there is no need to change into question form.
You simply replace the subject by who or what?
For example, Joan knows the way toe.
Ask a question about Joan.
Just replace John by who?
Who knows the way the wind damaged the building.
You want to ask a question about the subject.
The wind.
Simply replace the wind by what?
What damaged the building.
It's finished by looking at some common mistakes.
The most common mistake is using your intonation to change a statement into question.
It does work in many languages, but not in English.
You do need to use the question for so try to avoid saying it's all right.
Always changed.
A question form is it all right.
You might hear you know the answer.
That doesn't sound very good in English.
You used the auxiliary and change into question for Do you know the answer?
That's the comte.
Another common one.
What you said doesn't sound good at all.
Used the auxiliary.
What did you say?
Another common mistake is using to auxiliaries or an auxiliary with a model verb or with the verb to be.
Let's look at some examples.
You may hear someone say, Do you have finished?
This is the present perfect attends where we can see the auxiliary.
It's have.
Therefore, there is no need for another auxiliary.
Simply use have to make the question.
Have you finished?
Or sometimes you may hear this mistake does he can swim again.
The modal verb makes the question itself.
No need to use another auxiliary.
Simply, can he swim?
And our final example.
You might hear someone use on auxiliary with the firm to be, as you have seen, the verb to be makes the question itself simply for some time.
Well, that's all for this video.
I hope you have enjoyed it.
As you know, you can go to Angle Inc dot com to read the explanations.
I've just given you and do some exercises to review and reinforce this point.
And thank you for watching I look forward to seeing you in the next video.
Bye now.