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  • Hey everyone, it's Natasha of and today we're making a

  • berry crumb cake. It has a buttery, crunchy topping, a juicy layer of berries and a

  • soft and airy cake. No one has to know it was super easy and there's a surprising

  • liquid ingredient that creates a really light and fluffy cake. Let's do this!

  • Pre-heat your oven to 350˚F then in a large mixing bowl

  • combine three large room temp eggs with one cup of sugar and beat together on

  • high speed for about 5 minutes or until thick and whipped. Now add 1/4 cup of

  • light olive oil and mix just until combined. In a separate bowl whisk

  • together two cups of flour and two and a half teaspoons of baking powder. Add half

  • of the flour mixture to the batter and stir just until combined. Add one whole

  • Tbsp of lemon zest and this gives the cake an amazing pop of fresh flavor.

  • Add 1 teaspoon of real vanilla extract then stir to combine. We add 1/3 cup of

  • club soda or seltzer water, the more carbonated, the better the air bubbles

  • make the cake super fluffy and airy. Add the club soda while mixing. Finally add

  • the remaining flour and stir just until combined. Line a 9-inch springform pan

  • with a ring of parchment paper and generously butter the bottom and sides

  • of the pan. Transfer all of the batter to your prepared pan, slightly even out the

  • top then on to the berries. We cut the strawberries in halves and leave the

  • rest of the berries whole. Arrange the fruit evenly over the top and there's no

  • need for perfection. Let's quickly make our crumb topping in a medium bowl.

  • Combine 3/4 cup flour, 1/4 cup of sugar, 4 Tbsp of unsalted butter and 1/4

  • tsp of salt. Rub the butter and flour together

  • between your fingertips to create crumbs. Sprinkle the crumbs evenly over the top

  • of your cake then bake in a preheated oven at 350˚F for 45 to

  • 50 minutes. We found our sweet spot at about 48 minutes and bake until a

  • toothpick comes out clean. All right, this has been resting in the pan for about 15

  • minutes and I just can't wait any longer. We're gonna do a taste test.

  • Okay, so we want to loosen it up from the pan and just use a thin edge spatula to

  • carefully go around the edge. Oh and I can already tell this is gonna be a

  • really soft cake. Okay, you ready? Oh look at that...

  • oh man it's as beautiful as it is delicious. So let's cut into this beauty...

  • generous slice of course. Okay, excited! Take a look at that. This is so

  • good. All right, let's eat this already. I just love that this is my job.

  • Eat all the cake. Okay, here we go.

  • Wow! I know I say that a lot but Wow! I love that buttery crunchy topping. You

  • can taste just a little hint of salt. It is so good and then that juicy layer of

  • berries and I'm telling you - baked berries are so good. Baking berries just

  • really amplifies the flavor and it's just this flavor explosion in your mouth.

  • I don't know how else to describe that but they're so good and then it has that

  • super fluffy crumb cake underneath. Oh, I'm so happy. This is easy because I can

  • make this all the time. If you guys enjoyed this video, give me a great big thumbs up

  • below. Make sure to subscribe to our Channel and we'll see you later. Hey,

  • before you go, if you love berries and especially desserts with berries, check

  • these out right over here and click below to subscribe and when you do, click

  • that little Bell icon so you'll get notifications every time we post a new

  • recipe. We'll see you later.

Hey everyone, it's Natasha of and today we're making a


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簡単なデザート - トリプル ベリー クラム ケーキ レシピ (Easy Dessert - Triple Berry Crumb Cake Recipe)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日