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  • Are you often wondering about the correct preposition in a common phrase?

  • Are you uncertain whether you should say 'the reason for' or 'the reason of'?

  • Or 'benefit of' or 'benefit from'?

  • Then join me in this series of lessons for a review of prepositions in some common phrases.

  • Hello and welcome everyone, this is Minoo at Anglo-Link.

  • This is the second lesson in our series prepositions in common phrases.

  • Today we're going to review some phrases with prepositions 'for', 'from' and 'of'.

  • As in the previous lessons on proposition, instead of giving you a list,

  • we're going to go straight into a gap-filling exercise to help you to remember

  • the correct preposition.

  • You should repeat the exercise several times until you get the preposition

  • right each time. By the end of your practice, you will have built the

  • necessary reflexes to use the correct preposition every time you use one of

  • these phrases. So, when you're ready let's begin!

Are you often wondering about the correct preposition in a common phrase?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

前置詞の共通フレーズ#2 - 英文法とスピーキングのレッスン (Prepositions in Common Phrases #2 - English Grammar and Speaking Lesson)

  • 7 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日