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(upbeat music)
- Hey everyone it's Natasha of natashaskitchen.com.
We're partnering with Tabasco to create a holiday menu
and today we're making the main course.
I've had so many requests over the years
for a good lamb recipe and this one is seriously amazing.
These lamb chops are seared on the skillet to create
a golden garlic and herb crust that tastes fantastic
and wait til you see the pan sauce.
You guys are gonna love this recipe.
For the marinade combine five pressed garlic cloves,
three tablespoons of olive oil, two tablespoons of parsley,
and two teaspoons of Tabasco sauce.
Now the Tabasco adds great flavor to the lamb
and it also has vinegar in it,
which helps to tenderize the meat.
Now add a teaspoon of salt, a teaspoon of pepper,
and a quarter teaspoon of dried thyme.
Smell that marinade, it is so good
you'll want to use it on everything.
I'm using a two pound french rack of lamb.
Thoroughly dry it with a paper towel
then slice it into individual lamb chops.
Do your best to cut even slices, but keep in mind
the last one or two ribs are always the thickest.
You'll need to cook those pieces slightly longer
or serve it to the folks who like their meat
a little more rare.
Transfer the chops to a nonmetal dish
and then rub all over with your marinade.
Now cover and refrigerate for at least six hours
and up to 18 hours.
Before cooking let your lamb chop sit at
room temperature for 30 minute.
Heat a large heavy bottom pan
or a cast iron skillet over high heat.
Add a tablespoon of oil and place your chops
into the skillet one at a time.
Sear the first side for three to four minutes
then rotate and sear another three to four minutes
or until you've reached the desired doneness.
Once they're beautifully browned
remove them to a serving platter and let them rest.
Tilt the pan and spoon out any excess oil
leaving behind one to two tablespoons.
Add half a cup of chicken stock
and simmer for two minutes scraping the pan.
Turn off the heat and add two tablespoons of soften butter
one at at time swirling it in until it's well incorporated.
Drizzle that buttery pan sauce over your warm chops
and it's ready to serve.
Time for the taste test.
Extra saucy.
Wow, I really think the Tabasco
is the secret ingredient here.
It makes the lamb chops taste fantastic as it marinates,
it also flavors the pan sauce and gives it
just a little bit of heat.
This recipe is so good.
Make it, you'll impress your friends and family.
I hope you all enjoyed this recipe.
If you did give me a great big thumbs up below,
make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel
for more great recipes and we'll see you later.
Big thank you to Tabasco for sponsoring
this delicious recipe.
(upbeat music)