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Hey, kids, today we're making beef jerky stew, which is being sponsored by Laura's Lean Beef Beef Jerky U two's best for creative things.
It's cooking and crap.
Hey, kids, my friends at Laura Lean beef sent me these beautiful box of beef jerky.
And, uh, this is all organic made from Graff fed beef, and everything in it is just absolutely beautiful.
I mean, they've organic beef, organic sugar, organic, you know, apple cider, vinegar, blah, blah, blah.
I mean, it's like everything in there that could be good for you.
And there's a reason for this.
I fancy myself a, um, beef jerky connoisseur.
And this is the best.
And I am not even kidding beef jerky that I have actually had.
All the pieces are like this.
You don't get any of that weird gristle that you normally get from, um, beef jerky packages.
Anyway, um, I will put a link in the subscription box on how you can also get your own beef jerky from Laura.
What I'm gonna start doing now is I'm gonna cut up about nine ounces of this, which is equal to three bags of the beef jerky, and we're gonna start our tube.
So once I have all of this cut up, I will bring you right back.
Oh, that's the other thing.
Look how thick the Czar.
I mean, have you seen beef jerky?
This dick, you know that is manufactured by, you know, other beef jerky.
Cos this is incredible.
I kid you not.
This is the happiest I've been with anything that any of these companies have sent me.
So let's get started with this.
Do you?
That it.
All right.
So I thought I trusted the button.
But what I did was I added six ounces of red wine, two cups of beef broth, and it gave me a beautiful lavender ish hue.
And I added, in my beef jerky, we're gonna bring this to a simmer, and we're gonna simmer this for two hours with the lid on.
All right, so I'm going to know, put the cover on and set it for two hours.
We'll be back.
Two hours is a Yeah.
I want to show you how rehydrated the beef.
God, it's amazing, Really?
All right.
You know, we're gonna just throw everything else, and I have a medium onion like chopped.
I have two stocks of celery that I chopped.
And I have two carats that were thick sliced.
I actually used those cute little baby carrots because I love them.
Three medium potato was cut into one inch cubes.
Have that sitting in just a little bit of water.
So what?
I'm gonna D'oh!
I was just allow this to summer for another 30 minutes.
I forgot.
Here have two cloves of garlic that was smashed and chopped.
And then I have half a teaspoon of each of basil, marjoram and time.
All right, so 30 more minutes or until the potatoes are soft.
So I'm just gonna stir this around and make sure that being, um, wonderful spices are distributed throughout, and I'm gonna try to push the potatoes down a little bit more.
Make sure that they get close.
We'll be back in 30 minutes.
I just turned off the stove.
It is completed.
So I'm gonna play this up in a few minutes, and then it'll be chow time.
Beef jerky stew.
The stew is delicious.
The depth of flavors is amazing.
I hope you try it.