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Hello, everyone.
This is Meenu at angle like Welcome to Lesson four in my Easy Siri's where will be looking at another easy to zap English air?
As you know, from the 1st 3 lessons, this Siri's is all about deleting some common steaks from your English with one purpose.
To help you feel better and better about your English with each less.
I must repeat that my goal is not to make your English perfect by eliminating all mistakes, but by showing you why you may be making some mistakes and how you can correct them yourself.
Developing the ability to detect and correct our own mistakes is a huge confidence booster on the more confident we can become, the more easily we can progress.
Okay, in today's lesson, we're going to look at conjugation mistakes related to the verb have to, because have to has a similar idea to the modal verb.
Must many people treat it like a model, but in fact, have two is not a model for so now that you know this, let's clear up the confusion that exists around its congregation.
Before we start the lesson, I just want to tell you that I'm offering a special 30% discount on any membership level off my complete online course for the 1st 10 people who used the discount code in the description box.
Easy to zap English Eros lesson for having to Oh, I don't have to.
Okay, let's start with this question is have to amount over.
What do you think?
Well, if you said no, then you're on the right track as have to has a similar meaning to the motive A must.
We may think it is also a motive up, but in fact have two is an ordinary ver.
So first of all, it knees on s with he she end it in the president.
Simple tents.
It's I you we they have to, But he she it Now be careful, you counters.
Put an s on.
Have you need to get rid of the V and e and come to Has he she It has to Secondly, have to needs auxiliaries Do doesn't did to form negative sentences and questions.
We look at these formulations in the next line, but first notice that I said the meaning of have to It's similar to must not exactly the same I'll clarify this point in my next lesson.
Easy five.
For now, let's focus on formulations.
So let's formulate have to in simple tenses present simple, fast, simple and future.
Simple in the positive, negative and question in the present, we have two possibilities.
Are you?
We they have to How do we make this negative?
We need an auxiliary which is due So the negative is Don't have to.
Now I just want to point out quickly that they have in the positive sentence and the have in the negative sentence are not the same half in the positive sentence have to is conjugated in the present simple tense, whereas in the negative sentence have is the base verb that comes after the auxiliary.
Same in the question.
Do I have to?
Let's look at he she and it because you would remember, it's has to.
How do we make it?
What does Negative doesn't have to once again, make sure you don't say doesn't has it doesn't have the baseball cap and the question Does he have to?
Okay, let's move on to past simple, all pronounce What is the past tense of?
Have obviously, I had to How do we make that negative or question Which auxiliary do we need?
So didn't and once again be careful not to say it Didn't hat.
It's didn't plus the bass Bob didn't have to.
And the question did you have to?
And finally, future simple for all Pronounce it is with Will will have to and here have is already the base for after the model will.
So to make it negative, all we need to do is to change well too.
Won't won't have to.
And the question, of course, is will she have to?
Okay, Before we do a summary and the exercises, we have two more questions to clarify.
The 1st 1 is what form do we use after have to And the 2nd 1 is can report have to in all tenses or only simple tenses.
So what do you think is the answer to the first question?
What verb form comes after have to correct after have to we use the base form off the verb which is due.
I have to leave.
It doesn't have to.
And does he have to?
What do you think the answer is to the second question can we use have to In all tenses are only in simple tenses.
Well, the answer is that although simple tenses are the most common ones would have to you may sometimes hear it in other tenses too.
For example, you may hear my headache is so bad.
Now that I'm having to rest Present continues.
Oh, my headache has been so bad today that I have have to rest present, perfect.
And as an ordinary verb, it can come after a motel for Boswell.
For example, If my headache gets waas, I may have to call my doctor.
Okay, It's time for a quick summary.
So first of all, have to is not amount of up.
It's an ordinary verb.
So make sure you use the third person singular s with he she and it.
But use the base Ferb after it.
I have to go.
But he not have.
He has to go.
Secondly, don't make direct questions and negatives.
Use auxiliaries do does ended.
So please avoid saying he hasn't to come.
It sounds really bad.
You must say he doesn't have to come.
Same with have I to wait.
Does not sound good at all.
You must use the auxiliary.
Do I have to wait?
And finally, unlike must that cannot be conjugated or come after another motive?
Herb have to can appear in any tense and come after them out over, for example.
She's having to rest.
Present continues.
They have had to stop present.
And you might have to return with the motor.
Ferb might.
Okay, then it's time for our exercises.
I'd like you to formulate either and negative sentence or the question following my instructions.
We'll be working with both must and have to To improve your reflexes, for example, we may have the sentence.
She must give up.
And I would ask you to make it into a negative sentence with must.
It's a direct negative.
She mustn't give up.
But if the sentence was, she has to give up and I asked you to make it negative.
Now you need to use an auxiliary, which is doesn't.
And don't forget that after, doesn't you need to use the basement?
Okay, let's go.
Number one, we must leave.
Thank you.
The question.
Direct question.
Must we leave?
That's sort of the punctuation.
Must we leave number two?
We have to leave now.
Make this into a question.
We need an auxiliary, which is do.
Let's sort out the punctuation.
Do we have to leave and reminder that this have is the base for Okay, Number three.
You must hurry.
Let's have a negative.
You mustn't hurry.
Number four, you have to hurry.
Which auxiliary do we need here?
Don't you don't have to hurry.
Don't plus the base Farb number five.
He has to resign.
Let's have a question here.
Which auxiliary are we going to use?
It's does.
Let's sort the rest of it out.
Is that done?
After does no has It has to be the base for.
Does he have to resign?
Number six.
This has to end a seven.
Once again, we need an auxiliary.
This has to end needs.
The auxiliary doesn't.
And the base for this doesn't have to end.
Number seven.
She must figure it out.
A seven.
She mustn't figure it out.
Number eight.
It had to be perfect.
They could Negative.
It's the past tense.
We need the auxiliary.
Didn't it?
Didn't What else must change.
It didn't have to be perfect.
Number nine.
She had to approve.
Let's have a question.
What's the auxiliary that we need here?
So it's did sort out the punctuation and what else?
That's right, the bass bob.
Did she have to approve and finally number 10?
She'll have to dress up future.
Make it negative.
She won't have to dress up.
Okay, that's states for less than full.
I hope it has answered all your questions about Have to.
If your reflex is still to treat, have to like a motive, Herb.
Then please do the exercises several times until you can formulate the negative sentences and the questions without any hesitation.
And please make sure to subscribe to my channel and allow notifications so you know when my next easy lesson is available.
Also, if you would like to join my complete self study cause, remember to copy the 30% discount code in the description box before visiting my website at Angle Inc dot com.