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  • Weve eradicated measles.

  • Hurray!

  • Oh, no!

  • Now there’s no way I’ll go viral.

  • Cheer up, Measles.

  • No vaccine can hold you down.

  • But everyone will take the vaccine

  • and well be locked up in here forever.

  • Not everyone will take the vaccine.

  • But, Polio, who wouldn’t want to protect their kids from us

  • using the most studied, understood

  • and effective medical advancements ever

  • achieved in human history?

  • You’d be surprised, Measles.

  • The human brain’s got a lot of tricks that make

  • bad ideas seem reasonable.

  • Here, let me show you.

  • Vaccines are dangerous.

  • My sister’s kids got sick every time

  • they got a vaccine.

  • Oh, I know that one.

  • That’s called an anecdote.

  • That’s right, Measles.

  • People love stories that confirm their suspicions,

  • and they can’t help but remember that story

  • instead of the many other stories

  • with a different ending, because humans

  • can’t escape something called "confirmation bias."

  • And it works like this.

  • This one commuterhe can’t help but miss

  • the train.

  • He’s sure he loses and he’s never won

  • Every time.

  • Even though it’s 50/50 when he’s gotten through.

  • The story in his mind is said and done, yeah.

  • He tends to count the hits and dismiss the misses.

  • A picture forms in his mind.

  • It fits the frame but the framer is suspicious,

  • so caught up in his grind.

  • It’s natural for the brain to not

  • clock the moment he got to work on time with ease.

  • He can’t recall the data that doesn’t fit.

  • He sees what he wants to see.

  • But scientists have been wrong so many times.

  • And they can’t even be 100 percent certain.

  • It’s all just a theory.

  • They call that the "perfectionist fallacy,"

  • where people think that without complete certainty,

  • all assumptions are equal.

  • And boy, is that wrong.

  • Well, it’s true there used to be phrenology.

  • And remember alchemy was hip.

  • Eggs were good, then bad, then good, then bad for you.

  • Don’t know what’s what.

  • The facts, they seem to flip.

  • Yeah!

  • Darn it.

  • Yes, it’s a theory, but so is light, gravity, space

  • and time.

  • Evidence and experiments work to prove it and blow your mind.

  • It’s hard to comprehend that science might write a song

  • and then change the key.

  • It’s a method to learn, not just be right.

  • They see what they want to see.

  • But it’s undeniable that as they

  • increased the vaccine scheduling,

  • autism diagnoses skyrocketed.

  • That logical fallacy is called "confusing correlation

  • with causation."

  • And humans do it all the time.

  • When summer’s burning, ice cream sales

  • they go sky-high.

  • Right beside it goes the murder rate.

  • Yeah.

  • We might conclude that frozen treats lead us to die,

  • but that’s not true.

  • They really just relate.

  • Yeah!

  • The human mind is compromised when

  • swayed by emotional weight.

  • When youre a pattern-seeking primate,

  • it’s second nature to conflate.

  • The data is so close that it seems

  • to prove that A plus B caused C.

  • But A and B are just simultaneous.

  • They see what they want to see.

  • First, you mandate vaccines.

  • Next, youre making all the choices for my family.

  • Take that "slippery slope" argument far enough

  • and I’ll have a comeback.

  • So you think it’s healthy to pump

  • kids' bodies full of toxins?

  • I’m going to buy that straw man a drink.

  • I’m sorry, there’s no way I’m vaccinating my children.

  • Oh, it’s happening.

  • I’m really contracted, Polio.

  • I knew you could do it.

  • Well, goodbye, Polio.

  • Enjoy it while you can, Measles.

  • After a few outbreaks, theyll try vaccines again.

  • [choir sings]

Weve eradicated measles.


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B1 中級

反Vaxxerの論理的誤謬はいかにして麻疹を復活させたのか、馬鹿の家の石|NYTオピニオン (How Anti-Vaxxer’s Logical Fallacies Brought Measles Back, a Fool House Rock | NYT Opinion)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日