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  • (upbeat music)

  • - Hey everyone, it's Natasha of,

  • and today we're gonna show you how

  • to make an easy teriyaki chicken.

  • We found that the best teriyaki sauces use

  • the simplest ingredients that come together

  • in an amazing way.

  • This sauce is not too salty, not too sweet, it's just right.

  • You guys are gonna love this recipe.

  • Let's get started on the sauce.

  • Combine fresh orange juice, soy sauce,

  • honey, sesame oil, and fresh ginger.

  • Peeling ginger is so, so easy.

  • All you need is a spoon.

  • Just scrape away the skin.

  • Grate the ginger right into the sauce and then whisk it up.

  • Chop your boneless, skinless chicken thighs

  • into bite-sized pieces, and what I do

  • is cut off all of the fat ahead of time.

  • That way, my meat is super clean

  • and I don't have to pick at it.

  • Add that to your marinade, give it a quick stir,

  • and let it sit for 20 minutes.

  • Heat a large, non-stick pan over medium-high heat

  • and add a tablespoon of oil.

  • Use a slotted spoon to transfer the chicken

  • into the hot pan.

  • You will have some marinade left over.

  • Keep that for later.

  • Stir-fry the chicken for about five minutes

  • until it's golden and cooked through.

  • Remove the chicken from the pan and set it aside.

  • Add the reserved marinade to the pan

  • along with a pat of butter.

  • Put that back over medium-high heat

  • and stir for about a minute until it's slightly thickened.

  • Add the chicken back to the sauce,

  • and just as soon as it's hot, it's ready.

  • Ah, my kitchen smells so good right now.

  • I'm gonna serve this over hot, buttery white rice.

  • Yum, yum, and I've worked up an appetite.

  • I'm really gonna enjoy this.

  • Finally, garnish with a little bit

  • of chives and sesame seeds.

  • Mm, on to the taste test.

  • Here we go.

  • Mmm.

  • Wow, you can really taste the honey

  • and the orange coming through in the glaze.

  • This totally satisfies the craving for takeout.

  • If you guys liked this recipe, give me a thumbs up below.

  • Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel

  • to get all of our future videos,

  • and thanks for watching!

  • (upbeat music)

(upbeat music)


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B2 中上級

テリヤキチキンのレシピを作る方法 - クイックチキンディナー (How To Make Teriyaki Chicken Recipe - Quick Chicken Dinner)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日