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  • A chapter closes in the tragic case 2

  • of a grandfather who accidentally dropped 3

  • his granddaughter off a cruise ship. 4

  • Salvatore Anello has decided to enter a guilty plea 5

  • to negligent homicide in the death 6

  • of 18-month-old Chloe Wiegand. 7

  • Last July, she fell from the 11th floor 8

  • of a Royal Caribbean's Freedom of the Seas cruise ship 9

  • docked in Puerto Rico. 10

  • The deal is that he gets no jail time. 11

  • That he serves a period of probation. 12

  • That he's able to serve the probation 13

  • in Indiana, at home, as opposed to doing it in Puerto Rico. 14

  • It's been a heartbreaking saga. 15

  • Anello claimed that he held Chloe 16

  • up to a window to bang on the glass, 17

  • not realizing that the window was open. 18

  • She slipped out of his hands. 19

  • This is surveillance video showing Anello 20

  • walking toward the window with little Chloe. 21

  • You see him lift her over the rail. 22

  • The next moment, she is gone. 23

  • The family's not doing well. 24

  • You know, this was such a terrible tragedy 25

  • from moment one and the gravity of it 26

  • I think was only compounded by the fact 27

  • that these charges were brought against him. 28

  • In a statement explaining 29

  • his guilty plea, Anello says, 30

  • "I wasn't drinking and I wasn't dangling her 31

  • "out of a window." 32

  • "I just wanted to knock on the glass with her 33

  • "as we did together so many times before. 34

  • "I was just so horribly wrong about our surroundings." 35

  • (electronic music)

A chapter closes in the tragic case 2


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B1 中級

おじいちゃんが幼児のクルーズ船死で司法取引をする (Grandpa Takes Plea Deal in Toddler's Cruise Ship Death)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日