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  • There are couples that seem never to argue; their relationships are marked by enormous outward politeness.


  • They say thank you a lot, they make each other cups of tea, they can look rather horrified when there’s a mention of a squabble in someone else’s life.


  • It's understandable if theyre, privately, a little pleased with themselves.


  • But surface harmony isn’t, in reality, any reliable sign of health in love because it’s impossible to try to merge two lives without regularly encountering deep sources of incompatibility.


  • A lack of arguments is more likely to be a sign that we have given up caring than a superhuman achievement of maturity.


  • The goal isn’t, therefore, to do away with arguments, but to find our way towards their more fruitful variety.


  • We need to learn to argue well rather than not argue at all.


  • What, then, are some of the ideas that might help us to have better arguments?


  • The single greatest idea that can help us to argue more constructively is to remind ourselves publicly

    より建設的な議論をするための唯一最大のアイデアは、自分自身に公に言い聞かせること、私たちは ⏤生まれながらにして二人とも、深く不完全で、時には明らかに狂っています。

  • that we areboth of usby nature, deeply imperfect and, at points, quite plainly mad.

  • The enemy of mature arguments is self-righteousness.


  • The sense that we might be beyond fault and that our partner must either be wicked for making a mistake or unfairly critical in alleging that we have been guilty of one.

  • It is of immense benefit if relationships can be conducted under the assumed truth that both participants are idiotic,


  • mentally wobbly, quite flawed in manifold ways, and, so, constantly in need of forgiveness.

  • It is an implicit faith in our own perfection that turns us into monsters.


  • People concede points not when theyre aggressively told theyre wrong, but when they feel loved.


  • We get stubborn and withhold the truth when were scared and suspect that the person challenging us, hates us,


  • means us harm, can never forgive us, and is, perhaps, about to leave us.

  • It is indispensable to preface every criticism with an assurance of ongoing love.


  • People change very slowly, and seldom when they are harassed into doing so.


  • We must strive not to be desperate for change in our partners.


  • We must make our peace with the idea that they won’t evolve as we would wish on the timescale that would suit us.


  • We should be rather pessimistic about human nature in order to encounter one or two grounds for hope.


  • We shouldn’t aggravate our frustration by a sense that we have been uniquely cursed in ending up in this relationship.


  • Of course they are annoying sometimeseveryone in the world would be equally tricky at points, and often, probably a lot worse.


  • The specifics of why we are in an irritating dispute may be local, but that we are in one at all is a universal destiny.


  • We should laugh darkly at the human tragedy.


  • Our partner is only ever frightened, worried, or not thinking straight rather than bad.


  • Just like us, they carry a lot of emotional baggage; they have been shaped by their complex, and at moments, very troubled history.


  • Much of what they do isn’t directly about us, but is a way of coping with difficulties that came into their life long before we met them.


  • Choose the moment.


  • We can be under the illusion that arguing is an exchange of intellectual ideas.


  • But it is largely a process reliant on our emotions and is decisively influenced by such easily-overlooked matters as how much sleep weve had, how much weve drunk, and what time it is.


  • As a general rule, wait till tomorrow.


  • Don’t let the relationship die from misplaced politeness or embarrassment; dare to name the problem, however shocking it might sound.


  • As long as it’s been carefully wrapped in layers of love, the truth is normally bearable to those who care for us.


  • It doesn’t matter if were right; we must be prepared to forego all the pleasures of proving a point.


  • Were not not trying to win, but to live as happily as possible with another person who is, in the end, our best friend and on our side.


  • Despite all this, we will, of course, still have furious rows; we will call each other the worst things, slam doors, and cry.


  • It’s hugely normal.


  • The capacity to be horrible to a partner is even a strange, though genuine, feature of love.


  • A relationship has to include the madder, more unreasonable parts of our nature; if we are only ever polite, it’s because we have not been made to feel safe.


  • A row may have to be the turbulent passage towards the kind of deeper reconciliation we long for.


  • It can, at points, be important to say some wild and hurtful things to halt a drift apart.


  • By foregrounding for a while the most extreme points of conflict, we set up the conditions for reconnecting with larger areas of closeness.

    最も極端な対立点を一時的に前景化することで 、私たちは、より広い範囲の親密さに再びつながるための条件を整えます。

  • We now remember that, despite an evening squabbling like the frightened, foolish, barely semi-rational idiots we are,


  • we do love them deeply nevertheless, and will strive, with all our willand perhaps with the help of the odd film like thisto argue a little more sensibly next time.

  • Our Relationship Reboot cards inspire conversations that can help to rekindle love between you and your partner.


  • Be sure to subscribe to our channel and turn on notifications.


There are couples that seem never to argue; their relationships are marked by enormous outward politeness.


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