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  • social distancing isn't conducive to making friends, at least with other people.

  • But some have taken the opportunity to bring pets into their lives.

  • Aaron Trotta is fostering Bubba, a 10 month old mastiff.

  • The living arrangement is temporary, but Aaron thought it was the perfect thing to do while she's stuck working at home.

  • It's been something that has actually made a difference my day to day life.

  • Just having someone who's there for me.

  • Someone in entertainment.

  • After more than a year of discussing whether to get a pet, Jessica Holder and her family adopted two month old Georgie.

  • What a silver lining for my Children.

  • Four out of school.

  • You know there's this scary virus going around.

  • They can't have playdates.

  • She's like a little miracle for us.

  • Animal rescue organizations say it's important to get pets out of their facilities and into homes.

  • There are shelters around the country that are mobilizing and ways that they've never done before, where they're saying it is so urgent that we get all our animals out of this facility and be able to take in new animals and be able to get these animals into safe places because we don't know what the next weeks days are gonna bring.

  • With the Corona virus still spreading, many more pets could find themselves abandoned if their owners become sick or lose their ability to make a living for inside edition dot com on Marrow Montalbano.

social distancing isn't conducive to making friends, at least with other people.


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人々は、社会的な距離から退屈を治すためにペットを取り入れる (People Take In Pets to Cure Boredom from Social Distancing)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日