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  • good morning, so early in the morning and I'm in a conversation on I'm spending the whole day here are getting much stuff, going to meetings and getting my hair on.

  • Uh, you know, it's early, it's raining.

  • I can't be bothered to do my hair.

  • So today we're going unicorn style.

  • Just don't care, okay?

  • Does anything in life that I've learned that I could teach you is that it's better to try hard to look stupid and succeed trying to look good.

  • So don't go a point where you get your some kind of nervous, confident doing something a little different.

  • I guess it's got that differently in Canada.

  • I think North America kind of more common.

  • It's becoming more of a trend.

  • I think lots of people do it overseas, but you don't see a lot of people.

  • Uh, I'm kind of nervous because there is a tricky thing in Japan, especially if you're someone who's like in media because they always want to keep it pretty.

  • They want to keep it long, and in my case, I've been called a lot of times that it's better to Avalon and so that means that I don't like a lot of leeway and experimenting.

  • Hi.

  • No, no.

  • Sound kind of nervous because he's crazy.

  • He's afraid he's gonna ruin all my chances of getting working by messing with my hair, i e.

  • I like it.

  • So the reason I decided to go for a undercut side shave style hairstyle is because of its total versatility.

  • Wearing my hair down, you can't even tell it's there.

  • But this is the type of haircut you get more for yourself than anyone else.

  • Like for me just being able to pull my hair back for more edgy Look, when I want, it makes me feel like I'm in more control of my personal style and self expression, which is really important.

  • Thank you that Sorry.

  • I haven't made a new video in over a month, but honestly, I think this is like the only interesting thing that has even happened in that time.

  • But if anything else interesting happens, I will make a video and I will see you believe him by you.

good morning, so early in the morning and I'm in a conversation on I'm spending the whole day here are getting much stuff, going to meetings and getting my hair on.


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A2 初級

いきなりイメチェン!?髪きりました A Cutting-My-Hair-Off Blog (いきなりイメチェン!?髪きりました A Cutting-My-Hair-Off Blog)

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日