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  • I found this book at the back of my cupboard yesterday.

  • It's a book filled with goodbye messages from Japanese students I used to teach.

  • I got this on my last week as English teacher.

  • Now I don't want to brag too much, but you'll get a sense of what a great English teacher I was

  • and the positive impact I had, just by reading out a few of these messages.

  • We've got one here from Yuka who says:

  • 'Dear Chris, hello Chris,'

  • 'Thank you so far :) It was always fun'

  • Of course it was.

  • 'Watch for a body, it will become big!!!!'

  • 'VIP de BIG'

  • [inhale] ... What?

  • This was written, what... four years ago, and I still don't know what that means.

  • I mean, to me 'VIP de BIG' sounds like a chronically overweight rapper.

  • But perhaps it is alluding to the fact that at the time I was teaching,

  • a lot of students and teachers were worried that I was putting on weight, just 'cause my diet was pretty awful.

  • It does seem to be a recurring theme amongst a few of these messages...

  • We've got one here from Karen who says:

  • 'Dear Chris,'

  • 'Thank you for teaching English until now!!'

  • 'It was fun to be able to club together.'

  • It's important to point out for legal reasons: I didn't go clubbing with underage students,

  • she is just referring to the after school English club.

  • And she continues, 'Please be 'stomach' much more healthy in the future!!'

  • Please be stomach... much more healthy... in the future...

  • Well, I did heed her words - I'm not yet entirely stomach.

  • But, it's just nice, y'know, reading through these...

  • ... heartwarming comments.

  • It reminds me of a simpler time. A time when I used to teach English in a room to thousands of students.

  • And today, given that I've discovered lots of stuff from my past,

  • I thought I would discuss teaching English in Japan because it's a popularly requested topic,

  • and I've got a lot of stories and experience from my time, teaching with over 2000 hours of classroom experience, that I can draw upon.

  • I'm not gonna hold back on my opinions today on the teaching methods, the teachers, the students, the environment -

  • I'll try and cover it all so you know what you're getting into if you should follow a similar path.

  • Now I'll be open up-front about the fact that I didn't come to Japan because I was excited about the prospect of teaching English.

  • Like 80% of people, I came to teach English in Japan because I was excited about the prospect of living in Japan.

  • In my rare defence, I did take a short course on teaching English as a foreign language at my university,

  • and my degree was in business and English linguistics.

  • So, y'know, I can speak really good at English words.

  • ... I- yeah, I know all the most best words that there... that there are-- uhh, that there is.

  • ...

  • This bunch of torn and tea-stained documents-- why is there a tea stain on it!?

  • This is my original JET application - my application for the Japan Exchange Teaching Program,

  • which I also discovered at the back of my wardrobe.

  • I didn't even know I had this still!

  • Now I know the criteria for getting on the JET Program or getting a job teaching English in Japan,

  • I can see that my application has

  • none of those things.

  • I mean, it's so bad that I even wrote about a holiday that I had in Dubai as an example of culture shock

  • and how I'd be able to adapt to culture shock in Japan.

  • 'I was culture-shocked by Dubai because it was hot and there's lots of sand.'

  • 'And I hate sand.'

  • That's not even culture! That's just a geographical fact!

  • And for the section on Japanese language ability, um...

  • ...

  • ... Yeah, it's just blank. There's nothing there.

  • Nevertheless, with my wealth of cultural experiences, I got on the JET Program.

  • I somehow passed the application process and I ended up with the role as an ALT - 'Assistant Language Teacher'.

  • And I got placed right here, in a beautiful, rural area, where absolutely nobody feels the need to know English.

  • Now I've heard a lot of people criticize the JET Program over the years,

  • because they say that that money invested in the foreign teacher could be spent on Japanese teachers -

  • it could be spent elsewhere in better ways.

  • But lord knows, they need more foreigners in rural Japan.

  • I once dated a Japanese girl from that town, and when it came to meeting her mum,

  • her mum had never met a white person before, despite being 50-something.

  • So I met her, and she was actually so scared of me that she hid behind her daughter.

  • She was scared as if I was some sort of rabid dog who would rip her arm off

  • which, y'know... I wouldn't do that.

  • I wouldn't-- that's not the sort of thing I would do.

  • To be fair, I did think of going along with it and being like,

  • 'Oh yeah, pleased to meet you--- RaARRggh'

  • But I didn't do that. 'Cause I'm not mental.

  • The senior high school where I worked had about 1200 students. It was pretty big.

  • And they were all aged 16-18.

  • Within that school, there were about 12 English teachers, and 120 teachers in general.

  • And I quickly found out when I arrived, that of the dozen teachers that I was gonna work with,

  • only 8 of them actually spoke English. The others had somehow slipped the net.

  • And I don't mean they spoke English badly, I mean they just genuinely really struggled to communicate in English

  • which was quite a surreal situation to be in.

  • I never held it against them. They were all over 50 years old,

  • and I suspect when they did apply to teach English the extent of the language test must have just been...

  • 'What is your favourite colour?'

  • Uhhhhhhh... red.

  • [finger snap] You're in!

  • However, one of the things that I'd been taught during my long, tedious induction in Tokyo during the first week

  • was that you should never correct a teacher in front of the classroom,

  • lest you undermine them and make them look inferior in front of the class.

  • So I spent my few first weeks conflicted, dying inside,

  • because I wasn't sure if stepping in and telling the teacher that they were wrong

  • would destroy my fragile relationship with my colleagues early on, y'know, which is really important.

  • So let's do a 10-second pop quiz, and see what you would do.

  • Choose your own adventure:

  • A: Ignore the situation and carry on, or B: Tell them it's wrong and change it.

  • Answer now.

  • ... Well done, the answer's B.

  • Because what's the point of even being there if you're gonna stand in the corner and do nothing?

  • And y'know what, I found, by correcting them, it never burned any bridges and they were grateful for the input.

  • [ding]

  • The worst classes though weren't with teachers that couldn't speak English,

  • they were the ones with teachers who just didn't know how to use me in the classroom.

  • And certainly, in my first year when I lacked confidence and I wasn't very assertive,

  • more times than not, I was used as a human tape recorder -

  • standing in front of the class repeating an endless list of words,

  • and then having students repeat them back out loud to practice their pronunciation.

  • 'Pheasant'

  • [crowd repeats]: Pheasant

  • 'Shrubbery'

  • [crowd repeats]: Shrubbery

  • 'Consequences'

  • [crowd repeats]: Consequences [that one person]: arara...

  • By the time I was done, I must've said every single word in the English language at least four times.

  • If you're already having a bad day, and you find yourself standing in front of a classroom,

  • repeating words over and over, wondering why you spent £30,000 on a university degree,

  • y'know, you do start to question if you've taken the right pathway in life.

  • The only thing worse than being a human tape recorder was the actual tape recorder.

  • Ohh, god. We had audio tapes from the '90s, voiced by awkwardly enthusiastic, yet ultimately unskilled American voice actors.

  • They didn't speak like real American people.

  • I've met an American person once, and it wasn't like that.

  • It was like aliens had crash-landed in a garden in Oregon, belonging to a couple who were arguing,

  • and an alien looked through the window and tried to mimic what they were saying in slow motion.

  • [imitation of the stiff, robotic, alien-like American voice actors]: 'Hello Lucy. I am home.'

  • [door closes] (using capitals here in an attempt to portray how each word sounds like their own sentence...)

  • Lucy: 'So Where Were You This Evening, John?' (using capitals here in an attempt to portray how each word sounds like their own sentence...)

  • John: 'Well, Lucy, I Was Working At The Office Again.'

  • L: 'I Saw The Messages On Your Cellphone, John.'

  • L: 'I Know What You've Been Doing.'

  • J: 'Well, gee golly gosh, Lucy. Get Off My Back.'

  • J: 'We're Not Going Over This Again.'

  • L: 'I Have Had Enough Of Your Poor-Quality Attitude, John.'

  • L: 'I am leaving you.'

  • [door shuts]

  • Comprehensive question 1: Why was Lucy suspicious of John?

  • Ugh, it was a fucking nightmare. By that point I was practically begging to be a human tape recorder again.

  • There were the teaching materials themselves, which had been written by non-native English speakers

  • and came packed full of fun spelling errors, where you had to decide on the spot

  • whether you went along with it, or tried to correct in on the fly.

  • Although, some of them were simply beyond repair, like:

  • 'Are you aware of your own defect?'!?

  • [dunnnn]

  • Although, to be fair, it is a great conversation starter for a first date.

  • Once I had to read out a chapter from a textbook called 'Soccer Balls to Afghanistan',

  • about how a Japanese school had hand-made 200 soccer balls to ship off to Afghan children during the conflict,

  • which is brilliant, and noble,

  • until I had to read out the phrase: 'when we showed the children the balls, they gave us big smiles.'

  • 'It was like a magic!'

  • Imagine reading that out in front of 40 teenagers, in a big, deep, booming voice,

  • and then trying to maintain some degree of composure

  • ... which I simply didn't do when I just laughed and looked like a sadistic bastard.

  • Thankfully, though, after my first year, with a few hundred hours of classroom experience under my belt,

  • I did become more proactive and assertive,

  • and teachers became more confident leaving me in charge and letting me do my own thing.

  • And that was really when I was in my element, because look:

  • I made a magazine.

  • 'Spl... Splendid Magazine'.

  • ... Yeah.

  • My unwavering hatred of Japanese English textbooks made me just throw them out the window.

  • ... Not literally, unfortunately. Though I should've done...

  • But I started doing practical things - I started getting students using the English they'd learned to do things like:

  • short films, doing sketches, or in this case, making a magazine.

  • And this was great - students spent time researching a topic, then writing it out, adding some photos in,

  • and there's some good stuff in here!

  • We've got Hayao Miyazaki... some handsome comedians...

  • Oh yeah - McDonald's! Now we're talking.

  • It did mean a lot of extra time and effort for me - I mean we did have to put this together -

  • we binded it, we gave every student a copy, but it was worth it!

  • The students enjoyed it, I had fun,

  • and the teachers thought I was a genius for unleashing this groundbreaking concept -

  • the concept of having fun in the classroom.

  • Still, even if I was 'VIP de BIG', not all classes went smoothly.

  • Like a gladiator charging into the arena,

  • you always knew how things were gonna go the moment you set foot in the classroom.

  • In about 70% of my classes, I was given a hero's welcome - to rapturous cheers and applause. Genuinely, it was brilliant.

  • I'd walk in, everyone erupted, and you just knew it was gonna be an amazing hour.

  • The students saw my presence as an opportunity to break from the norm and do something

  • that wasn't just read out of a textbook.

  • The other 30% of the classes were... not so good.

  • I'd walk in, and feel like a convicted war criminal,

  • because it'd just be silence and it'd be awkward,

  • and you feel like: 'fuck, what have I done?'

  • One problem you find in Japanese classrooms is: students are often reluctant to put their hands up.

  • In the UK, if you take a class of 30 students and the teacher asks a question,

  • you often get, y'know, 7 or 8 hands up.

  • But in Japan, it was never more than two, in a room with 40 students.

  • And it seems to be, in Japan, there's this culture around not making mistakes -

  • the idea of making a mistake is really bad, and that starts off early on, especially in the classroom.

  • And one of my most awkward memories of this happened in my first few weeks of teaching,

  • when I was doing a class on British desserts.

  • Now, one of the things we're encouraged to do as an English teacher is to introduce your culture into the classroom.

  • In this case, British culture.

  • And for this particular activity, I gave them a list of British desserts and the photos to go with them,

  • and then they had to use their dictionaries to look up the words and try and work out which one went with which.

  • Suffice to say, I made a spectacular blunder by adding 'spotted dick' into that list.

  • [dunnn]

  • Hilarity ensued. [dunnn]

  • And then after that activity, students had to memorise the words and then go up and spell it from memory on the chalkboard.

  • But the hardest dessert to recall and spell on the board was the ice cream dessert 'knickerbocker glory',

  • and to be fair, not even I really know how to spell that.

  • But, the only boy in the class bold enough to write it was a really shy kid at the front of the room

  • who kind of kept to himself - he didn't talk to anyone, and for some reason he felt this, this was his moment.

  • So he came up to the chalkboard and I said to him, 'Right. The word is 'knickerbocker glory'.'

  • And he picked up the piece of chalk, and he wrote on the board, and this is true:

  • 'Knicker Poker G'!

  • Which, to me, sounds like a charismatic master of Texas holdem poker.

  • And no sooner had he sat down that the class erupted into laughter -

  • they found this hilarious as they could see that it was a spectacular error - they could see that he got it completely and utterly wrong.

  • And I went along with it. I said, 'Oh, it's not 'Knicker Poker G', but that'd be a great name - that'd be a cool name.'

  • And amidst the laughter, all of a sudden there was a loud banging noise,

  • and the guy had thrown his textbooks all over the room, he'd banged the fucking table,

  • and he started kicking the desk - it was really awkward!

  • And the whole room just went silent straight away.

  • The teacher had to jump in and say 'Oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry about this... Everybody, stop laughing'...

  • But It made me realise why students often don't try to make mistakes.

  • Why stand out and get laughed at when you can just keep your head down and do nothing?

  • Fortunately, that experience did happen early on, and for the next two years,

  • whenever a student put their hand up or took a risk, regardless of whether they got the question right or not,

  • I would encourage them or reward them - I'd give them a high five, I'd say well done -

  • anything to show that to try and fail is an important part of language learning.

  • I wanted them to adopt a risk-taking mentality.

  • Y'know, the sort of risk-taking mentality you'd expect from someone like Knicker Poker G.

  • As you could probably imagine, I wasn't overly serious,

  • and I didn't want students to feel intimidated when coming over to me and just chatting with me in the corridor.

  • I didn't want a repeat of my ex-girlfriend's mum by all accounts.

  • And because they were senior students on the brink of making big life decisions,

  • I loved chatting to them about their dreams and aspirations in life.

  • I remember one time we did a lesson on life goals,

  • and as an initial example I talked about how when I was a kid - when I was your age, I wanted to be James Bond.

  • But unfortunately, for various reasons, that... that didn't work out.

  • And, the class genuinely felt sorry for me, that I had not been able to fulfil my dream of becoming a fictional character.

  • Nevertheless, the next day, I went to the staffroom, and I went to my desk and I found this on it:

  • It's a poster for the James Bond film 'Skyfall'.

  • There's a little note on it that says: 'Dear Chris,'

  • 'I think you can still make it. Don't give up your dream, not to regret.'

  • 'From Bondgirl.'

  • How amazing is that?

  • I mean, this alone just shows you how awesome the students are.

  • And you know what, everyday I look at this poster on the wall,

  • and I know, if I believe in it hard enough, my dream of becoming James Bond

  • still won't come true.

  • Objectively speaking, was I a good English teacher?

  • 'Course I fucking was, I made a magazine, didn't I?

  • No, in my first year, I was awful.

  • I lacked experience, I lacked confidence, and I spent far too much time sitting in the staffroom at my desk with my head down.

  • But, by my second year, I could just walk into a classroom at a moment's notice

  • and conjure up a lesson plan out of thin air.

  • I knew dozens of students on a first-name basis and I got on really well with all the teachers.

  • All in all, I really did love the job by my second year.

  • And the teachers did a fantastic job of making you feel way more important than you actually were.

  • I remember in my second year, I had to go and get the contract for my new year

  • from the intimidating, but undeniably suave school principal.

  • And he handed me the contract - the paper contract - like this:

  • as if he were bestowing me with a legendary sword of some sort,

  • and he looked at me, and he said in perfect English, for the first time I'd heard it, he said:

  • 'We need your help, again.'

  • And I said, 'Thank you.'

  • And I took the paper, and it was spectacularly theatrical.

  • I felt like a samurai who had just liberated a town from ruthless bandits.

  • It's still the closest I've come to having my last samurai moment.

  • So, unsurprisingly, I signed up for a third year after that.

  • But, unfortunately, by that point the school principal had left,

  • and we had a new school principal who wasn't quite as dramatic.

  • And he handed me the paper and he said:

  • 'Go and teach English.' And I went, 'Yeah, alright then...'

  • Suffice to say, I didn't sign up for a fourth year.

  • But, fundamentally, by that point I'd done everything I could,

  • and I no longer felt like I was pushing myself or challenging myself anymore.

  • And a lot of my favourite students had graduated and moved on,

  • and I felt like it was time for me to move on as well.

  • If you do ever teach in Japan, though, do hold on to, y'know, things like this.

  • Because reading over comments, like the ones in this book, did take me back to a time in my life

  • that brought me a lot more joy than I ever realised,

  • spending my time alongside fantastic teachers and students who made everyday worth going into work.

  • I can't say whether or not I had any real impact as a teacher,

  • but I'd like to think for the 2000 or so hours that I stood there in front of the students in the classroom,

  • I at least made their time studying the English language just that little bit more bearable.

  • If I could go back in time to 2011 and meet my past self writing this JET application form in the university dorm,

  • will I tell him to go through with it?

  • Absolutely.

  • I would tell him it's gonna be worth every minute of it. I would tell him it's gonna change him for the better.

  • And perhaps, above all, I would tell him

  • not to put his fucking cup of tea on the application form.

  • 'Cause that's... that's an absolute disgrace, isn't it?

  • So those are just a few stories from my three years as a teacher.

  • I will be talking about more experiences in the future,

  • but if you do have any comments or questions about teaching in Japan,

  • fire away in the comments below, and I'll try and answer as many as I can.

  • And finally, for more extra behind-the-scenes content, check out the Abroad in Japan patreon page.

  • But for now guys, as always, many thanks for watching - I'll see you next time.

I found this book at the back of my cupboard yesterday.


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A2 初級

日本での英語教育は実際どうだったのか (What Teaching English in Japan was REALLY Like)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日