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Welcome log.
Five were in our Christmas gear because today is Shaler get exchanged A we're gonna exchange our presence and the presence that I gave to Taylor.
We're gonna open up in this video.
And if you want to see the presence that Taylor gave to me, go over to her Blawg, which will be a later tonight, All increase channel down on description box.
So for some reason, you're not Santeria.
Go do that and wait for that video.
We go.
Let's get started waiting for this for so long.
I think like your guest role.
I say, Like, what if you don't remember what I got you like every time I saw something cute like Okay, like, over a month.
It'll be fun for me to to remember what I got.
You think this a birthday one or it's just right now it's No, it's a happy day.
Oh, this could be a happy day in my day.
I think that's the one.
Yeah, I think so.
Oh, do you do it nicely, like unwrapped.
I just like No, no, please.
I think one of the nicest things ever got in that's so perfect.
My show.
You make it, you can change it.
Like if you get sick of us, you can take out the picture and put someone else in there.
So Q and it's Burkhart.
Looks cute.
How did you do that?
You can take it out.
Oh, so you just And you just walked into the picture.
I just call it like I made a collage of all their pictures, So yeah.
Oh, okay.
You want with oh, change the background with the season.
So last year, I was the first time we ever hung out.
This was blocked, Miss Date.
One of last year.
The years pre Kraut with Kimmy, Taylor and Kim in the corner here were of long, Miss Day one of last year.
Sounds like our one year hanging out and embracing.
That was like one of the first times we hung out on this one.
Yeah, this is one of the first times we filmed a guy, I think, with Kim.
That was the first time I met Kim.
That's what.
Itwas yeah, because I know that day was something new.
Like your car.
Don't I didn't even get it's just too big CD.
Want present?
I didn't get you anything this year.
Oh, that one's nice.
It's actually not super annoying.
I kind of like a Oh, thank you, actually, cards.
Hey, you.
I forgot to order, please.
And I really want to try.
I was gonna be like You should order the what?
I heard that I was worried You're gonna, like order them tonight like, Hey, maple bacon flavored chips.
Just cute.
It's a water bottle, but it's pink.
It's adorable.
You drinking?
This water bottle ever.
I got e.
It's just water something.
Especially when it looks like that E I want to be right now.
I always open like that.
There's a little you're on there, you're hurt.
There's a little thing on these things, but you can't feel the world.
Oh, no.
All right.
Smell it.
Smell it.
Smell like bacon.
We can already like.
The texture is good.
It's like crunchy.
They're like slightly sweet but savory, like a little bit smoky hickory.
Those are delicious.
Like the best I've had in a long time.
It's so hard.
Not the little thing way.
Go through a bag of this in like the 1st 10 minutes of the movie like we'll bring it in like you E o.
Okay, this one.
I'm gonna be really curious what you think about it.
It's weird.
It's weird.
It's just like a new for you, so I hope that you'll use it, Okay.
Oh, this isn't the one you like, you know when I was making, but it's really similar ingredients, but smell it like holy crap veteran.
But it's in a jar.
It's not really like you used, like a little thing.
It's kind of a pain in the US, but like But you know what?
You're using words like aluminum and stuff in it, and it's really bad for you.
And this is like all natural ingredients, and it works perfectly and it smells like heaven.
It's rose vanilla, so it's good for your skin.
It's like I can't wait to try those small so it's rose and vanilla scented.
And then, like when you start to sweat, it just smells like your perfume on you.
Oh, there there's hair elastics or bracelets, but read it.
It's like, you know, in the winter when you get all staticky and you top stuff in it like shocks you.
Only if you wear these, you won't get static.
Oh, that's good.
My hair is Yeah, right.
And I'm not.
I have no idea if it'll actually work, but I thought they were really need, and they have little charms on them.
Thank you.
So you can either wear them as bracelets if you're gonna open that matches work with, like in your hair is so cute.
Thank you.
Let me know they work if you like.
They would increase your hair is much easier because I really like Yeah, Okay.
That's my cover.
Positive energy.
I felt like it was like, you need any more positive energy, But way all have those days.
You need a little bit tangerine positive energy.
Wake you up.
It seems like a Yeah, I suppose that's helping.
Yeah, when you're kind of like exhausted, and I feel like this is good right now, should we make one?
Right now?
Up with the spirit helps to provide energy and the natural support you need to positively influence your mood.
Believe you smiling?
No, it's good.
It sounds good.
Is this to this part of it?
This much is my upstairs.
I have a small one that you were sent me, but yeah, I was worried you might have one, but like, open it up and look at it.
I fell in love with this guy, Got the exact one.
So we're twins, But I could use them all because I love no books and writing things.
Clearly, there's something different about this one.
It's really I don't know.
I feel like it would be fun to use the way they designed it is just super cute.
There's like, Oh, secret codes.
You could write like notes.
You're so that people can Your journal your gold, baby.
Solid gold.
It's really cute.
Like quote, this diner is mine.
Oh, stickers.
I love it for that.
This is like you write down everyone's birthday so you can just look and be like, Oh, it's July.
Okay, the holidays Don't look back.
Just have little yellow pages when and don't make all her eyes on you.
Oh, this is so cute.
You think it would be so fun to use?
I can't wait for it turned in January.
So it can you phone?
It's not like you this planner ever.
Guys, if you're in Japan, you can get it at Plaza.
Actually, these are the last two.
Hopefully will restart.
Maybe they confined the brand name.
Yeah, it might be like a foreign brand because over Jerry's, like, foreign stuff.
Yeah, sure.
And do Bando?
Oh, thank you.
I love everything so much.
Everything Useful things I definitely will enjoy.
Yeah, everything and everything is like things I don't have.
God, I'm difficult.
You have everything, man.
You have no idea how hard it was to find.
Everyone tells me that my family's like I hate you really hard.
All right, guys, we're gonna I'm gonna give Charlotte her guests now, so check out that on my channel.
Yes, Kimmy and Taylor are in lazy mode.
We're both flogging from the floor.
First of all, look at this.
Really cute hot, but she got for me to wear in the prison video.
It's cat use.
And I had They're so cute.
These are the key to Santa has ever seen.
And they fit so nicely, really comfortable.
Definitely gonna keep this and use it every year.
I'm not gonna pick specific comments for this comment reading.
I'm just gonna, like, go through them and react to them.
I'm glad you guys like my ball stabber.
You do?
Ya nice.
Ut on ice.
All the comments are saying ut on ice, and I've also seen it all over Twitter.
It must be good.
Literally everyone.
So me and Taylor are going to you watch the first episode together tomorrow, react to it.
So, yeah, I'm excited for that.
Everyone's wanting to know what I thought of elf.
I actually didn't watch the ending.
I had to start editing my video.
I watched it up until the part where he was like, um where the dad was starting to get nice to him.
So it seems like it's a really nice movie.
Oh, no, wait.
I watched the part where I watched the part where the sand a sled and flies and everyone like, starts believing in Santa and it gets its power back.
I thought it was a really nice movie.
We were laughing a lot.
Would you ever consider tohave a dog like your friend?
How's Missy?
You mean Taylor's dog?
No, I don't like dogs.
I don't like I don't know.
I've never wanted to have a dog like closing.
I wouldn't want to own what?
I don't know.
I just have never been attracted to the idea of having a dog.
It just doesn't seem fun to me.
You know, you sold me on the ball, stabber.
Oh, unless you guys were saying that I should or shouldn't add bangs to my hair.
But I actually really have things I just don't.
I part my hair so you can see them.
They're in here somewhere.
I don't know where they are now, but I cut them like Syria Cross.
I do have bangs in here when I want them, but I've just been parting them to the side.
So you can see that recently.
I have no comment.
Don't you look like Michael Jackson?
You were very pissing little.
My comment.
Camera died.
We're back in business.
Um, front comments only apply to, uh oh.
Lots of you guys misunderstood.
Well, I didn't go into any detail when I was talking about getting grabbed on the street.
That was in Canada.
That wasn't in Japan.
I don't think anyone's ever grabbed me here when I like sometimes people, you know, you can, um, in Japan.
Nobody's ever grabbed me.
When I'm outside, I don't feel like I'm safe walking outside.
But in Canada, I had a couple of bad experiences on.
Somebody said, Are they malicious or where they just confused your loss?
It was something that was actually trying to attack me.
That's why I'm so scared that I always carry something sharp with me.
Were they believe you probably raped me?
They grabbed you?
Hey, grab like he grabbed me like he hugged me.
And then he tried to kiss my neck.
Oh, I pushed him away and like, run away.
I was really young.
I was, like, 16 or something.
But everything's that.
I always carry something really sharp, slick and stab somebody.
So that's why I really like you.
Oh, and you guys want to know where I got my pink adidas sweater from?
Isn't it cute?
I got it from a second hand store.
And how did you do it?
If you go toe, how did you go there?
Like several secondhand stores.
And they have really cute clothes.
They will look through the clothes that they got him pretty sure they only pick the cute ones to accept in cell.
So the second chancers and 100.
You got some really nice stuff.
Do you?
Okay, let's do race.
We're making a hot chocolate.
We're trying to decide which type of milk to use.
Yeah, I like rice.
Best of my own milk.
That has, like, a very light itself.
It's really late.
Oh, yeah.
Because you mix in your milk with your oatmeal.
I prefer a creamy milk because I put it on top for once.
I'm done cooking.
Yeah, when you mix it in races.
I tried your recipe.
The apple.
That was so good.
Yeah, it was really me.
We need some energy.
Needs some sugar.
Taylor From the most delicious hot chocolate.
Next, guys.
Where's it from again?
A store.
I heard you actually go out of your human D'oh!
Yeah, illuminate to that shop but that the mole overtook you.
I love this mother shape of it.
So cool.
Yeah, from you know, blue bottle coffee shop goods.
Really nice coffee shop.
And I forgot for me has thistles the limited Christmas collection.
You guys, this is the best truck that I've ever had.
We made it with a race milk, which is actually pretty watery.
But for some reason, it tastes so creamy and amazing because they have chunks and like chocolate in it.
Oh, my God.
We're just getting ready to go out now.
We got a Santa hats back on.
We're gonna go to the FB CID Christmas market.
I've never been there, so I'm kind of excited to see what it's like.
I've been to Odaiba before.
I've also does a Christmas lights display and market, and I go there every year because it's just super gorgeous.
So Diver does an amazing job, but I'm excited to check out anyone.
So we're gonna go do that tonight?
I just bought this shirt from How did you do?
W heart, See is the brand.
I don't know how to say it, but they have.
The cute is close.
Oh, my goodness.
You really like it?
We just arrived.
This place is so pretty.
I don't know what that is.
It might be like a wedding hall or something.
But Christmas market while the chandeliers soo produced years like main attention.
Look at the chandelier.
I want that in my get their red carpet over there?
Check out this gorgeous tree behind us.
Got some pretty wish One of my host was not, like, lit up.
They didn't.
She was that big.
I think that's, like, at least who I like.
How they use different sides light with different guys, these bowls A humongous look.
Att tthe um, there is Biggest my hand.
I love big balls.
I want to carry that.
Looks like what?
Did they have a click?
This is such a cute place for a date.
So romantic.
Those ones that aren't really other water their candle phones handle founds.
It was really cute, actually, cats would drink over here some really long hat.
Close me, is it?
Oh, yeah.
Like that memory that I wanted to get a DEA, remember?
You didn't.
You still want him?
Yeah, Everything's closing.
Let's check.
See if Oh, it's open till eight.
What time is it?
Oh, no.
So the Christmas market closed at eight.
It's like 8 30 way weren't able to do any shopping.
Which sucks because I had really cute Hungarian craft and some candles that I totally would have thought I might come back later on.
This place is open until, like the 24th or something.
Sometimes they come back.
They took out the game and go.
I'm gonna go get some food down.
Taylor is gonna show me a restaurant.
That sounds really any good, Guys.
Thanks, guys.
I think dinner's decided.
Oh, no.
There's so many things I can't choose.
Look at these.
Cute little smoothies.
Apple dried Biggs blueberries, etcetera.
This one has a rum in it.
Oh, these air cocktails.
Pasta looks really good, but I could pass all the time at home.
So when I go relax, I think I'm gonna go with these.
Killer says they're really gonna try that.
It's so Christmassy in here way were hot.
Fitz is my beauty fiber smoothie.
You get some vitamins and meet so I can stay up till three editing tonight.
Falling asleep.
So good.
Super refreshing.
I can taste like pineapple.
Maybe salary and ginger, not Joe's not chose.
Holy crap.
Not good.
It's basically just like a meat with less tomatoes.
Like the kind of talk you would make for spaghetti with a little luck.
So these are little healthy pancakes and a salad.
I think of you these freshly made dressings.
They have tons of veggies in them, so they're super healthy.
You can.
For those on the salad I love.
They give you a selection of different dressings.
You don't have red peppers in it.
Um, onions, the main flavor for that one, Uh, celery, one waas.
And then this is a syrup.
A sweet syrup for the pancakes are desert pancakes.
They're here.
Look at them.
I love how they're like a small size.
It's perfect.
I was so worried that they were gonna be really big.
But banking are the most delicious healthy pancakes I've ever had.
And it's like a chocolate muffin with whipped cream and put it there.
Not even flowers insane.
There's some ways all these were so bad.
We're back at home now.
I'm gonna say good night here because it's 11 p.m. And I'm just going out of this log and then go to sleep.
And tomorrow we're going Christmas shopping.
So I want to get up early and get ready to go shopping.
So that should be fun.
It's just a really nice day again tomorrow it's gonna be 16 degrees aside, which is crazy today.
Felt like summer.
It was honestly, like too hot to wear a jacket, which was really weird.
What's the temperature like where you guys are?
This is a really strange for Japan, usually in the middle of December.
It would be freezing cold, like you need to wear a scarf and gloves and stuff.
So I guess we're pretty lucky.
Yeah, it's kind of scary, actually.
How different it is from like the past couple of years going to sleep.
Make sure you go watch Taylor's log later tonight, a liquor channel down below Hey, tomorrow.