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  • Oh, my God.

  • You guys are gonna be stuck.

  • If you don't leave, it's gonna be like Clinton's Obama's Everyone coming Wait to meet open.

  • Like we have to wait.

  • Thank you.

  • Sorry.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I don't know.

  • Uh, maybe don't, uh, you gotta get off.

  • Get up there with Morgan.

  • Just tented schools Black.

  • You won't even notice a dense That's why were all really bad.

  • No.

  • Oh, that's right.

  • The way that looks on camera right here is all looking that way.

  • Like a comedy.

  • I think we just don't tell him.

  • I think it's fine.

  • Notice this'll moment.

  • I knew that when you were destroying the way I wonder if I could face you to smile.

  • What?

  • You can't see?

  • The dent.

  • My booth.

  • I guess it was in my mouth.

  • My God, What the hell?

  • Pile C o extended hater states.

  • Okay, so all the swans are closed and also don't want us so.

  • Way found this place Alta I've only heard do is talking about it.

  • So I feel like that means it's good.

  • But I also don't know what it is.

  • Or if they do here, why would you drag them?

  • Were right out.

  • I don't know.

  • I'm not a girl.

  • I've literally never shop for makeup.

  • Except for a CBS.

  • There's things.

  • There's chairs, which means that you stand.

  • Why is your gorilla doing her makeup?

  • Was also That's me.

  • You look way.

  • Help me a lot of give touches makeover.

  • You need a crazy makeup, big hair, extra clip in extensions like we want to give her text, Make room everything.

  • Now you help really make it somebody.

  • Yeah, and I'll pay.

  • Not for free.

  • It's fine.

  • It's fine.

  • Look, really, it's me.

  • I've never felt more comfortable than I do and just say, Don't die.

  • You couldn't drag your whole life.

  • Oh, what's happening there?

  • You were trying to find her Texas.

  • The bigger the better.

  • I want people this question.

  • If it's a drag queen or you want pain just really e I guess over more like your highlight e I love you guys.

  • Help me fix this way.

  • Wait.

  • Help!

  • Wait.

  • Is this really How much is it?

  • I don't think it's gonna be $10,000 Morgan to get even with you.

  • That's a little shake.

  • A so long as it's crazy.

  • Okay.

  • Are you taking me Oh, God.

  • This is gonna be dark.

  • Where could she find you?

  • Have with her?

  • This is the area that guy's lover.

  • So do you have anyone for me guys who want a big bucket of chowder?

  • Oh, Okay.

  • Well, I'm already bored.

  • And if this is gonna take a while, I've always wanted Thio get riel nails.

  • So maybe we could find a nail salon while she's getting her face.

  • Beat you because I'm gonna get nails like you want gay now.

  • No, I want to get nails that I could become Catwoman with.

  • So, yes, I want to, like, fight crime with him like I want.

  • You know what I mean?

  • Oh, don't say like, Oh, I got nothing.

  • All right, come on.

  • Care bear coming late round.

  • Had an idea.

  • Oh, I was saying, like way should probably post come.

  • Booth would be fun.

  • This is not a Ryan Adams for a day video.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I need to go.

  • Right, Right.

  • Yeah, I I want scary Catwoman ones that I could like.

  • Like what color do you think black like that I think would be cool.

  • Greener?

  • Is that, like a good size for beginners?

  • You know how often you have Boy's coming to get this in Texas.

  • Not even standing.

  • Oh, cool.

  • Girls do this every day.

  • What do you have?

  • Why?

  • Why?

  • Why go white?

  • Wild?

  • What?

  • Everything we're gonna get recently see and started causing.

  • Yeah, I saw the same Coachella.

  • He walks too fast.

  • I'm gonna What do you got?

  • Morgan Adams?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • I used to know her way.

  • 00 my gosh.

  • Why are we being treated like you?

  • Thank you.

  • Oh, you try to make a gift.

  • Oh, he's come for his nose to e catfight.

  • Later way.

  • I was gone for five Other women is so crazy.

  • Woman late.

  • Your hands are nails because she said I have nice man hands.

  • Why never lies?

  • It's nice.

  • I have 10 9 Go back and see how that your paint job is snow.

  • Well, being here spelling lady left here.

  • Do you?

  • You know that they're gay at the time.

  • It always happens later.

  • That's what are they doing here?

  • Yes, well, he's chiseling my cheeks.

  • She said he's really good chiseling.

  • You know what that means?

  • But I'm waiting for like a hammer and waiting for surgery.

  • What Do you think she'd be honest?

  • Not really.

  • Really high because you want You want a way?

  • Don't know.

  • Where should she find a guy who preferably likes vagina?

  • She tends only attract Vegas, which is fine paper.

  • I don't want to move here.

  • I'm so over you.

  • I'm just ready for coming.

  • Do you know what I'm saying?

  • Again?

  • With my clothing line.

  • And I'm kind of trying to push it.

  • What it is like my T shirt.

  • So really is like a slogan.

  • What is the difference?

  • Most, You know, stuff that I used to save would like some friends.

  • Just stuff to make us laugh.

  • Like like, um, making you an example.

  • I think shit over the Oh, that's what we're going to get over this the same with tea on the front.

  • End it on the back end of the same shit over it.

  • I love that.

  • It's something to kind of give you.

  • Think you're not bad at all?

  • No, I'm over that way for a week.

  • I want her to be huge.

  • Okay?

  • That's how you feel, Girls, when you get your nails done, sometimes you're speechless because you're so happy.

  • I know it's hard that I don't know how to walk my phone.

  • I actually can't these air problems way, Sharpe.

  • Oh, man, Do that again.

  • Well, the's girls are young and know where the dick is, so they're gonna help us find it from one dick is that way.

  • So you guys think it's possible to find somebody that's not gay?

  • Because that's Yeah, it's not a straight straight.

  • So like she's pretty.

  • And since they'll be drunk, it'll be, like, perfect Because she's pretty.

  • And then, like, the way you like, Who was Holly Berry?

  • You know exactly what they are really drunk.

  • You don't know.

  • I e Oh, wow.

  • You are good.

  • I guess we're going to a college party.

  • Geo, we're gonna get you high.

  • Wait, Tonto.

  • I ruin this.

  • Look with party city way literally.

  • Looks like you're sucking a dick so hard in your skin.

  • It was what?

  • Get my car.

  • Hang on.

  • Getting my car already paid for us.

  • Oh, you pay for both of us.

  • We're not gonna find any more now.

  • I don't know how to open the man.

  • I actually here, Hold it.

  • Oh, my gosh.

  • Wait.

  • I'll get the rest.

  • I e O Scott, little cheeks.

  • Okay, actually, how do you want?

  • I don't know.

  • Well, I guess you get it out with your nails.

  • And then Washington already laid on the sisters.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Well, first of all, you look amazing.

  • They sold the way she's currently way, whatever.

  • That way, we're gonna find a guy.

  • If you can't find a guy all the way already have it.

  • I don't know much.

  • 18 year olds and they have dick everywhere.

  • You're screaming, Dickinson.

  • You look like a lizard, isn't it?

  • Amazing looks, ears.

  • Are you ready?

  • Okay.

  • 321 Go.

  • Look like normal for you.

  • Looks normal.

  • Yeah, It's really hard to do everything.

  • I couldn't open e Don't wipe your ass.

  • That's what we were talking about.

  • I'm gonna put a hole in it.

  • Another bowl?

  • It's hard to text.

  • I could barely Oh, yeah, we're texting.

  • I'm going.

  • I don't have any texts.

  • Oh, my God.

  • You literally just like a old gay dinosaur.

  • So pretty much the same.

  • I hear you're all your fingers.

  • Like you just crawled out of a gutter.

  • Want to scratch everyone?

  • There's no one expressed.

  • Oh, that's that's really good, right?

  • just be cool, star.

  • Okay, wait.

  • This is nice, right?

  • Okay.

  • We're trying to find you a straight person where they have that.

  • I don't.

  • I don't Party city is only open till nine.

  • We have, like, 20 minutes.

  • It's right down the street.

  • We have to find a way, and we have to find out because we're all going to an underage bar.

  • What is driving gonna be difficult for you?

  • Okay.

  • I need you.

  • Scratch me.

  • Ah, Today You know what I have rashes on.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I can't wait to kiss you.

  • And then you touch my face.

  • It's like a woman.

  • Feel your You do have to keep those forever.

  • Really?

  • What am I gonna call this video?

  • You party City is like way wrong direction.

  • I don't want to die like this.

  • Would be like Dawson died with 43 clowns and one guy who was Oh, my God.

  • It's likely the attractive one must have a happy life.

  • And his name is Morgan.

  • Oh, that sucks.

  • That noted, I think that is the one plus enhances my car, attacking our patient.

  • I know.

  • Excuse me was broken.

  • You can have tea.

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Oh, What?

  • It could be everything about Oh, yeah.

  • It's a little too close to your mom.

  • That actually would look really good.

  • Oh, this is gonna be amazing.

  • You holding your wigs?

  • Oh, my God.

  • I don't even need a Redcap is involved, and I'm literally holding on to look.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Wait, Take pictures.

  • I know you're so shut.

  • You know, like like with these work with your way.

  • Wait, wait.

  • I have a few rules tonight.

  • No one.

  • You don't say a word.

  • Oh, I'm an assassin.

  • Okay, so we could get wigs.

  • One placing our outfits another right?

  • What e thinks I'm killing it.

  • Yeah, What am I bid you and everyone may Maybe I'll just be dark.

  • That's not a good idea.

  • E want to leave years.

  • E thing is just two old ladies like doctor from back to the future sent back in time.

  • Wait, wait.

  • Okay, so we're outside of some bars and strangers trying to get you, okay?

  • I want to remind everybody that in Texas, people are allowed to carry guns like, literally allowed to think about.

  • You're just you're just fell because that's the time.

  • I just don't know what?

  • Emotional that way.

  • So the point of this is to find her a man for tonight.

  • Okay?

  • There's not many people.

  • Good.

  • She started by Scream Place.

  • Let's see what this car killed.

  • What do you want?

  • I want to crawl into a hole and never be seen like this again.

  • You guys are hot lesbian action.

  • James, walk up Loki towards a guy way.

  • He is alone.

  • Okay, we're going inside.

  • And that's that guy in the gray sweater.

  • If he's single, if he wants to just talk to a girl, okay?

  • Only of use.

  • That's right.

  • Okay.

  • No idea.

  • Oh, my God.

  • So this is what Caesar?

  • And he's totally cool with meeting a pretty girl, huh?

  • That's it.

  • Which one of us do you think is the girl way?

  • Unfortunately, I'm only 18.

  • Well, okay, so that if we take a drunk, then maybe you guys just get, like a little like 00 What do you do?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Way.

  • You go to the rodeo?

  • Yeah.

  • Did he clearly likes you favor a ride?

  • Our writer.

  • Unnamed dog.

  • What would you need?

  • My God, he's bored.

  • He's on the phone.

  • This is ham rolls.

  • I don't know.

  • Um, okay.

  • There's my grandpa.

  • You're not dating anybody or single way like a psychic or something.

  • Are you dating your boyfriend?

  • Hey, what's up?

  • Man way?

  • We're trying to settle things.

  • Just gonna fuck her up for light.

  • She literally always every boyfriend she's ever have is a year later game.

  • We'll give her some advice.

  • Like, what should she do for the next guy who hopefully isn't gay, not showing up?

  • Oh, skin right way.

  • Need to find at least one straight guy that way.

  • No, wait.

  • I see a bunch of guys and they look kind of drunk.

  • True you.

  • Oh, my God.

  • He's perfect for you.

  • You always follow.

  • Also was kind of drunk, screaming.

  • He's violent.

  • Step away with a gaggle of way.

  • Let's just hang out outside of the bar looking like that.

  • You don't want me.

  • Oh, the last.

  • Wait, wait, wait.

  • Just now we know what you're thinking.

  • You're thinking is why the hell are we here for?

  • It's not for this slight going around.

  • Yes, We've come to Texas.

  • No, it wasn't for gross disgusting makeovers and making Morgan have issues with her.

  • Oh, God.

  • Rodeos.

  • Right way, Reason we are actually in Texas is because tomorrow morning we're heading, so I'm not gonna give you all the details, But I will tell you one thing.

  • It might include one of the most documented.

  • Are you eating a cream time right now?

  • You know, I was pretty gaming with some peanut butter.

  • I like.

  • I was saying, one of the most documented and people's haunted places in all of the States is here.

  • You're gonna find out.

  • What's that for?

  • Oh, just leave.

  • That also expected.

  • Big surprise.

  • Where you going?

  • I'm gonna clothe beginning.

  • There's nothing in there.

  • You can't hide.

  • Screw me.

  • Like, Has anyone seen my Oh, actually, like that's doable.

  • I can fuck with that.

  • Whoa!

  • Wait.

  • What the fuck?

  • What was that?

  • Well, literally came from over here.

  • What was that?

Oh, my God.


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A2 初級

10,000ドルのMAKEOVER(ビフォー&アフター ($10,000 MAKEOVER (BEFORE & AFTER))

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日