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  • you guys welcome back to flog mus.

  • I apologize if you hear some banging going on upstairs.

  • They are currently doing construction on the apartment above me, and they said it would finish within a week.

  • And it's been like a month and 1/2 now, and it's still going on.

  • It's driving me insane.

  • Sorry about that.

  • Today I wanted to do a winter fashion hole.

  • I've been doing lots of online shopping recently because Japan decided to close down two of probably the three stores that I am able to buy clothing from.

  • It's really hard to find things that fit my body correctly here and forever.

  • 21 American Eagle are both shutting down in Japan, and it's such a shame, because those were the only places that I could buy pence.

  • So I decided to try out some online shops that I had seen lots of YouTubers do halls from It seems like their clothes were cute, but unfortunately, most of the things I ordered does not fit me, and I have to donate about 80% of them.

  • But you guys will be seeing the 20% today that I really like, and hopefully you guys will find some pieces that you liked as well.

  • I've been getting lots of questions about the sweaters.

  • I've been worrying.

  • You guys have been wondering where I got from.

  • So Classes USA was kind enough to sponsor Is this fashion video today?

  • And they sent me a box of five pairs of glasses.

  • Unlike shopping for clothes, online, shopping for glasses is awesome because they have a tool where you can try on the glasses before you order them.

  • So you know what they're gonna look like.

  • And you won't be disappointed when you get them in person.

  • I thought I would try out some funky colors this time, so a couple of these classes are are, in some fun shades, my favorite round shape again.

  • But I thought I would try a fun color this time really into this mint color recently.

  • I think it's super cute.

  • These next ones are just a simple black, but I don't think I've ever had a pair of round glasses in black, so I figured I should add this staple to my collection, and I'm so happy I did because yeah, he's a great I feel like these will probably become my go to glasses for the next little while because they're so comfortable.

  • These round frame glasses are sold light.

  • You could barely feel you're wearing love.

  • I think that's why I love him so much.

  • So I've got this pair of glasses in black, and I noticed that they came out with a clear version.

  • I thought I would try the moat because I love the black ones.

  • They're like my nerdy grandpa glasses.

  • They're definitely not something I would wear on an everyday basis, but they're kind of fun every once in a while, if you want that nerdy vibe.

  • I really liked the shape of these ones.

  • That kind of had a cat, I think, going on on the edge.

  • So I thought I would like them.

  • They look like they're just black, But if you look up close, there's actually a gold rim on the inside and the arms or gold as well.

  • And they got 12 with my gold earrings I've been wearing all the time.

  • This last pair are actually like way out of the range of colors and styles that I would normally wear, but again, I want to try something fun, and I find that I wear lots of grays and blacks, especially in the winter.

  • So I thought I would add a little bit of color to my wardrobe with these bright red sun classes.

  • I actually kind of like the I think they're so fun when they look cute with, like, a black wool overcoat.

  • These air actually Collab with Hilary Duff.

  • She has lots of really nice designs.

  • Actually, her glasses are some of my favorites on the site.

  • So do check out her collection.

  • I will have the links to all these glasses down below in the description box.

  • If you are in the market for a new pair of glasses, do check up blesses usa dot com.

  • Their prices are very affordable and they have hundreds of styles, including brand name glasses as well that you can get for a much lower price than usual.

  • All right, let's move on to close.

  • I'm gonna start with the sweater that I'm wearing right now.

  • I love this one.

  • I find myself worrying a lot, and it was super affordable.

  • This was £13 from a rebellious fashion.

  • It's a UK brand.

  • I love how loose it is the arms are also kind of loose and baggy.

  • It's just so comfortable and it's not itchy.

  • It'll for the price.

  • The quality is really nice.

  • I'm really impressed with my next gray sweater that you guys have seen in a lot of my videos.

  • Is this tight turtleneck?

  • This is definitely a form fitting sweater.

  • It's extremely tight on me if you're looking for a nice form fitting sweater.

  • I do really like the look of this one, but again, it's a little itchy.

  • So if you think that's going to really bother you that maybe skip this one.

  • But do you like the look of it?

  • The next sweater I got is from Zach.

  • Awful.

  • You'll see so many YouTubers doings.

  • Awful holes.

  • I don't know if they're sponsored or what, but I was so disappointed with my eyes.

  • Awful order.

  • I think I ordered eight or nine different things, and this is the only piece that looks how it was advertised and actually fits me.

  • Everything else the sleeves were super short, or it was just way too cropped.

  • The sizes were a lot smaller than they made them look out to be in the descriptions of the items.

  • They even said that it was American sizing.

  • There is no way this is American.

  • Sizing is definitely Asian sizing, so keep that in mind if you order from them.

  • This water only came in one size.

  • Luckily, it's a slightly looser fit, so it does fit me.

  • I really love the wine color of it.

  • It's such a shame that this is the only item I got from so awful that I liked.

  • If you have a similar body type to mine, I do not recommend ordering from them.

  • I feel like you'll be very disappointed.

  • This next sweater I would like to mention I've actually had it for a year now.

  • I was given it as a gift last Christmas, and it is just such nice quality.

  • This is a luxury sweater.

  • It certainly isn't cheap.

  • I looked up the brand.

  • Holland Cooper and their sweaters like this sell for about £100.

  • It's got some really nice gold button detail ing on the arms and on the shoulders.

  • I absolutely love.

  • I've been wearing this for a year now, and it is starting to pill a little bit in the areas.

  • We're like your arms rub against your side that but considering a tad it for a whole year and I have worn it numerous times.

  • It really isn't about it.

  • Also, if you're looking to invest in a really nice sweater, that could be a staple piece in your wardrobe.

  • Do you recommend this company?

  • They have really cute designs on the last sweater.

  • I wish I could tell you guys the name of the shop I got this from this is the sweater the big, huge, cozy cardigan I was wearing in my camping videos.

  • I got this at a shop in yon shopping mall in Japan, just like a standard Japanese clothing shop.

  • Do not know the name of it, but if you two live in Japan, you should be able to find this one of the clothing stores in yon.

  • All right, next.

  • Moving on to bottoms.

  • I am really into plaid because really cute for fall winter.

  • It goes nice with sweaters.

  • This first pair of trousers is from Zara is a class in the front to do them up a swell a za button and in the back they have on elastic, which is kind of nice.

  • Another cool thing about these pens is they have real pockets.

  • They're not just those fake pretend pockets, so that's good if you want something similar but a little more casual.

  • Forever 21 has lots of plaid leggings, and they kind of look like proper pants.

  • But the really justice stretchy leggings.

  • There's no pockets for anything in use this next pair of pants I am so bummed about because they don't fit me.

  • But I feel like if they did fit, they would be so flattering, and I would wear them all the time.

  • I bought them in the largest size available, which was Size 12.

  • These are also from rebellious fashion, which is a UK brand, so I think their sizes are a bit smaller.

  • A size 12 in the UK is definitely not American size 12.

  • As you can see, they do have lots of stretch to them.

  • If you think you would fit into these pants nicely, I highly recommend them because I can imagine they would just be super cute if they fit me nicely.

  • Maybe after I started going to the gym again, I'll be up to squeeze into these one day.

  • I really hope so I will keep them in my closet in hopes that they will one day fit me.

  • I actually only wear skirts in the winter because I like to wear them with tights and boots.

  • So I got this checkered mini skirt from Booth who I think it was only like £11.

  • This is a size 10 and it just fits me.

  • So again, I think UK sizes are a little smaller than Americans will be.

  • Careful with that.

  • If you're ordering from the U.

  • K company, it's a pretty simple skirt.

  • The material is quite thin, but the quality is decent for £11.

  • Eyes can't complain.

  • This next skirt, however I can complain about because it is the shittiest thing I've ever seen.

  • Can I just show you This is an example of some of the clothes that I had to get rid of because they were just so ridiculous.

  • First of all, it's tiene ese.

  • What the help.

  • How is this a size 10?

  • This is the tiniest little skirt I've ever seen, and the material is so shit.

  • I don't know if you guys comptel, but it's like the material that crappy underwear from WalMart would be made out of like, It's so see through.

  • And it's so tiny that it would stretch immensely when you put it on, making it even more see through Flake.

  • What the heck?

  • Stay away from this skirt.

  • This was only £5.

  • I should have known that it was gonna be crap because the price is a lot lower than the other ones.

  • But the pictures looked really nice.

  • And last but not least, I invested in a really cute fluffy jacket from Sheila.

  • I got this while I was in Korea last.

  • They are really into this like bulla material.

  • They call it here.

  • Don't know what you guys called us.

  • It's like a fluffy police.

  • It's really popular right now in Japan and Korea.

  • So you'll see all the sports stores doing cute jacket like this.

  • It's so soft and warm.

  • I really do find myself wearing it a lot, and that is it.

  • I ordered lots more clothes, but they were all shit.

  • So unfortunately, I don't have anything else to show you.

  • If you guys have any recommendations for online clothing shops that have quality clothing that actually fits decently, please do Let me know I am struggling.

  • Thank you again so much.

  • Two glasses.

  • USA for sponsoring this video and sending me some cute glasses because I'm going to use that money to buy some clothes that fit me properly when I go back to Canada this winter.

  • Thanks so much for watching guys.

  • The links to all the things I showed in this video will be down below in the description box.

  • And I will see you again tomorrow for another bloodless bye for now.

you guys welcome back to flog mus.


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A2 初級

冬のファッションのお気に入り&トライオンハール ❄️ メガネが新登場 (Winter Fashion Favourites & Try-On Haul ❄️ New Glasses!)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日