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M: [creepily] Hi everybody, I'm here with Sharl--
S: That's so creepy
S: Hi guys! I'm here with the lovely Mimi today...
M: Yo wassup!!
S: Hey guys! I'm here with the lovely Mimi today! M: Hi!
S: And we are going to show you our top conbini picks. So when we go to the convenience store here,
this is the stuff that we always buy pretty much.
M: And I'm vegetarian, so if there's any vegetarians out there who are coming to Japan to visit or live,
I hope you can get a few little tips from my stuff.
S: Totally.
S: Alright! I'm gonna start with... onigiri!
These are my two favorite types of onigiri: sea chicken mayonnaise...
M: Sea chicken, is that tuna?
S: Sea chicken means tuna.
It depends on the conbini but some of them are called sea chicken and some of them will say tuna mayo.
This is like, typical onigiri that everyone likes, basically. Unless you're vegetarian.
M: I was gonna say, but I felt I shouldn't, like, cut that all off.
[funky music]
S: Yayyy
Alright, let's take a bite.
M: Sharla's happy dance~
S: I love onigiri. M: I love your happy dance.
S: You can see the sea chicken!
M: Okay, what I actually picked up... you guys might've heard of natto, this is natto maki
you have to open it and roll it with your hands.
"Wakamegohan", which is like, yeah, it;s really good.
It's basically just little bits of wakame, which is a type of seaweed
It has a little thing here, and you just open it.
S: That one's a really simple flavor, so if you're, like, kinda scared about onigiri
or you're not sure which ones you might wanna try, try the wakame just as a starter.
S: Alright, so this is my second favorite-- no, this would probably be my top favorite
I love this one. "Piri-kara takana". That's just like a--- *pshht* Beats me.
I don't even know how to say it in English.
M: Is it like, a fish?
S: It's um... a vegetable. It's like a leafy plant. I guess you could compare it to spinach, but
it's spicy.
S: Lets go... one, two, three!
M: I tried to get the filling but I only got a little. All I can taste is um--- ooh! It's spicy! Mmmm
S: Right? I love that!
M: No, it just tastes like, really yummy. And spicy, sorry, I'm bad at explaining food!
S: That's how I would explain it too.
M: Pull down here, open up.
M: Ok so we opened it up here, pull this off, kind of roll it in like that.
I did a bad job, but you can see that's how it looks, and inside is the goodness! Great protein for vegetarians.
M: I needed that protein.
M: I can feel that protein going to my soul.
M: It's delicious, oh my god.
M: You want some?
S: No, no I don't.
S: Alright, my next favorite is this "Aroeyouguruto".
It's like a plain yogurt with chucks of aloe vera in it.
That may sound gross, if you're not used to eating aloe vera snacks, but they're very popular all over Asia,
not just in Japan.
S: Can you see the chunks of aloe? They're like little jelly cubes.
They have the texture...
How would you explain the texture? It's kind of like gummy candy. They've got a really, like, solid
kinda squishy texture. Like I was gonna compare it to a cucumber at first.
But it's not.
Totally recommend trying this.
It's probably one of those things that you wouldn't think that you want to try, 'cause it's weird
if you're not used to it. But, give it a shot. I think lots of you would really like this.
Alright, moving on to drinks.
This is like my go-to drink when I go to the conbini. This is soukenbicha.
It's a green tea but it's a mixture of a bunch of different teas, which is cool,
it gives it a really smooth flavor.
Do you define tea as smooth? Yeah...
It's not very bitter, it's not sweet, it's just very smooth [M: Now I want some]
S:Do you not know this one?
M: I've never tried it.
S: Oh my god! Oh, you'll love it. [M: I've never tried it.]
S: You can taste the mugi. I don't know how to say that in English.
M: Is it barley? Barley tea?
S: Maybe... yeah. That sounds familiar.
M: Oh, definitely! I can taste the mugi. It's good, I like mugi.
S: It's like a smooth mugi.
M: Yeah, it's not quite the same. It's definitely not the same.
S: I just love the selection of teas in Japanese conbinis. I'm such a tea freak.
Oh my god, there's like at least... how many would you say? At least 20-30?
M: Even in a small conbini, there's gonna be a big selection.
S: Of green teas, black teas, sweetened teas, non-sweetened...
Most of them are non-sweetened which is very nice, but you can also get one, like this one, which I also love.
This is Aserora and Hibiscus sweetened black tea?
M: I like this brand, "Gogo no Kocha" is famous for their milk tea, their straight black tea.
But these flavored ones that they're coming out with recently are SOOO delicious.
S: Have you tried this?
M: Yes, I have, actually. I couldn't resist it at the store.
S: But yeah, the packaging's adorable, and it's just so yummy.
M: I love the packaging, the design is cute.
S: Oh, and I love how it's not overly sweet. Like, I find the iced teas in Canada are filled with sugar!
Like, grossly filled with sugar. It's more of like, a soft drink
that I feel like I shouldn't be drinking. But this one tastes a lot like tea.
And you don't-- you're not overpowered with a gross, sweet-ness.
It's just a subtle sweetness.
M: Oh, it's delicious.
M: Dajirin fruity tea's so good.
S: Ohh it's so good.
M: Ok, my turn to show mine!
I've got salted lychee! In English it says "salt and fruit" but here in Japanese the name is "Salty Lychee"
which, you hear and you think what?
What is that?
But... yeah [S: that's what you think.]
M: So, um, why is it a salt drink?
Well, in summer in Japan, you are supposed to increase your intake of salt?
S: Yeah, because you sweat a lot!
M: Yeah, so a lot of drinks you'll find have salt in the title and even snacks
Like, "it's the salty version of this", yeah, the salty version of lemon candy.
It became really popular, it was super popular in Japan, they kept producing it and I fell under its salty spell!
S: I have to try it. She's making it sound delicious.
M: It's Mahouto's favorite drink.
M: It's just so good and it's kind of like an energy drink replacement, I guess. Because it's very refreshing.
M: Right?
S: Wow, that's good! It's like an aquarius that tastes good.
M: It is, it's very similar to Pocari or aquarius, but LYCHEE.
M: Ooh, dessert?
S: Dessert time!
S: The best time!
S: This is my favorite, like, all-time favorite Japanese snack. I can totally say that.
This is Black Thunder!
Alright, I'm just gonna open this up and show you guys what it looks like, because it's pretty hard to explain.
M: Yeah, it really is.
S: It's this cute little bar! I love when they come in a small package. This is only 115 calories.
And it's the most delicious thing you will ever eat in your entire life.
So, let's break it and see if we can see the inside.
See how it's got like, oreo cookie, like a dark chocolate cookie, and then it's got some light cookies, can you see that, in the middle there?
S: Do you want some?
M: Yes, please. Thank you.
S: I can't explain the amazingness of this. It's just like, there are no words for how good this is.
S: Seriously, like how do you explain this? There's no other snack!
M: This seems like an awesome pick-me-up. Like, for the mid-afternoon down-time when you're working and you're like "ughhhhh"
S: Look, you can see the cookies better now. Look at those cookies!
S: Please try this, guys. You can get this in almost any conbini I think.
Grocery stores as well, they sell them in bigger packages if you wanna bring a bunch home to your family.
Be careful if you're buying them in the summer because they melt very easily.
But, ahhh, so good.
S: Alright, guys! Well I hope that gave you some ideas of things that you can try out when you go to the convenience store in Japan,
These are all pretty safe choices, so I'm very confident that you will like most of these things.
And even if you don't like them, they're nothing that's like, too out-there, so it's not gonna gross you out.
So, yeah! Give it a shot! And I hope you like them!
And leave me a comment letting me know what your favorite conbini thing is.
If you've been to Japan, tell me what your favorite is. Maybe I will find something new to try out.
Alright guys! Thanks for watching, and make sure to check out Mimi's channel.
She has her main channel, her second channel, a really cute channel that she does with Duncan,
and her makeup channel!
So, seriously, hahaha! And other ones that I will list here.
No, she only has four!
M: It doesn't matter.
No, but they're totally awesome and I can recommend them to you guys
So please check them out and... um....
I also have a vlog channel, I guess you could call it?
*singing* Sharla's Life!
It's basically just random videos of more, kind of, like, relaxed stuff.
It's not always about a topic, just kind of "this is what I'm doing today! come hang out with me!"
M: It's fun, Sharla's Fun
S: Thanks for watching guys! Bye!!