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  • brilliance, losing weight, this expression in deep shit.

  • I made a bet with a friend.

  • I would lose 10 kilograms in 10 weeks.

  • Get Thio.

  • You should.

  • 47 119 It is now, So I'm someone that's never advocated running.

  • I don't understand why people derive pleasure from it's just moving, but faster than walking.

  • Luckily, I was placed in the Japanese countryside.

  • I have to say it is a place of beauty and magic on mosquitoes.

  • Jogging towards a volcano in a constant state of war is much more of an incentive to get out and joke than 10,000 yen.

  • What?

  • Probably.

  • But today is the first day of the diet, and I thought, I just kick things off with a joke before going to meet my friends.

  • Nowitzki.

  • Tonight he has a small band that he's doing some covers of some eighties music.

  • Next week, he wants me to help him out with the English lyrics on, although I properly planned to work out the finer points to the diet tomorrow.

  • Tonight, when we go out for dinner, I'm gonna try and in moderation, choose healthy food salads, things like that.

  • I don't think it's gonna be too too difficult to do.

  • I write the cheese from their way.

  • Although it may be too much to my talent.

  • This can't be famous.

  • Phone booth.

  • Should I stay?

  • Should like I'm not sure if this this playlist is genius.

  • Yeah, baby, She's got Rina's.

  • Do I fire you?

  • You're good.

  • All right.

  • Your band is gonna do well.

  • Okay, So I did eat a fair bit last night, but afterwards we went and did karaoke A.

  • And I suspect that probably burned off most of the most of the calories.

  • So I don't think it's initiate.

  • Remember, Theo today I've created a diet plan or so of guidelines.

  • What to do, What not to do.

  • So it's a little common sense kind of things like don't eat lots of sugar and soft drinks, fast foods.

  • And, of course, don't forget about the watermelon in the fridge and then on the do list, uh, run every day, Keep exercising, drink off water, eat fruit, Vegetables on dhe again.

  • Watermelon.

  • So there's a kind of self guidelines to go that should should get things go.

  • Okay, so I've got to lose 10 kilograms in 10 weeks.

  • I think you'll find?

  • I can.

  • I'm already right.

  • I'm already quite thin.

  • Like this is This is This is good.

  • I think I can do it.

  • Yeah, my hands.

  • Are you five?

  • Good.

  • 12345 high.

  • So it's been a few days now since the first video went up on dhe.

  • It looks like there's been quite a comments on there with people giving feedback and ideas on Whilst I'm exercising on trying to eat healthy, I'm open to any ideas on losing weight.

  • I'm gonna go on there, see what I can find and try and embrace any ideas.

  • I can look good.

  • Okay, Let's see what we've got.

  • So I need a low carb diet.

  • However, I can eat as much right as I want, as long as I exercise every day.

  • Just as long as I don't exercise more than three times a week.

  • High protein food to the way forward.

  • But I shouldn't eat me as it's bad for the planet.

  • And if I stick to a vegan diet on the only lose weight But be a better person.

  • But vegans can't eat me.

  • What is this?

  • Witchcraft Taik.

  • A terrific intake with absolutely no sugar, but I should like an apple.

  • Yeah, if I do the Atkins diet, the weight will just drop off.

  • Apparently, Atkins died overweight, showing his diet plan didn't really work.

  • However, I should just sort of why I know and create a time machine.

  • We'll go back to medieval France.

  • No one could agree on anything.

  • One of the few things people seem to agree on is that it looks like I have lost weight since I started making videos two years ago.

  • When actually, all I really did was just changed the camera angle from a low angle shot to a high angle shot.

  • So, for example, high angle shot, nice, nice lines.

  • There you go.

  • Like me take a selfie day and then you go low.

  • All you look like crap.

  • Today I thought I could go out and exercise, or I could bake an ingenious tick box, she to guide me to victory.

  • And that's exactly what I did Here is that dealer.

  • As you can see, it would take to you the past days off already because I'm factoring things already done.

  • But looking through the common sense to their wants, a pretty useful stuff in particular, my favorite one that came up a few times.

  • It's the one I'm already doing intermittent faster, which is basically where you could only eat for eight hours in one day from midday until late at night.

  • He from whatever.

  • Then there's a 16 hour period where your body not like eating anything just faster, and it said that helps your metabolism get going on helps burn fat.

  • Honestly, I don't know the finer details, but a lot of people have given it thumbs up and actually coincides quite nicely with my everyday die anyway, because I can't eat breakfast enough time.

  • Intermittent fasting.

  • I think it'll be interesting to see how that we've also got a quick workout in the morning.

  • Strength train.

  • The interval training.

  • 7.5 hours of sleep can.

  • It's the optimum the mouth sleep, read one hour.

  • Study Japanese to Rama's Temple, its reflection.

  • So it's Culliver all around Mr Things to do if I do all these things and I've succeeded in having a good day, yeah, very poor take books.

  • She went thio what's known as a power spot today place where you can come and sit on feel rejuvenated feel energy on.

  • I love to just regularly come here and sit and think about how I could make the world a better place while I was there.

  • I did.

  • I did feel something here.

  • I came away thinking the lamb gonna be able to I'm gonna be able to do this on the power.

  • Spoke gave me confidence.

  • It's 11 o'clock originally, I feel bad and so terribly wrong.

  • But then I realized I came here as a scientific investigation.

  • The chicken and China was discovered.

  • It was a bad recently.

  • Terrible things happen.

  • But anyway, Donald, no longer selling chicken nuggets, we've got food.

  • No good things.

  • Not quite there yet.

  • But I wanted to come here, and I want to see the impact that, uh So it wasn't because I wanted me because I wanted to experience Lloyd.

  • Okay, so it's the end of the week on.

  • Now we're gonna measure myself.

  • I haven't had the healthiest of weeks in terms of diet, but I have been exercising every day and I have been doing intermittent fasting.

  • I think those two combined could have a positive effect.

  • I don't know.

  • So let's see Ugo 0 79 kilograms.

  • That is three kilograms down.

  • In a way, that's not bad.

  • I was told that people that start exercising and changed their diet lose a lot of weight in the first week or two.

  • I don't get to coffee sector said pretty much what?

  • That will win the bet.

  • Thanks for watching, and I hope to see you next week.

  • Barely over the past few months, I've become fat, so I'm now.

  • It did shit exactly.

brilliance, losing weight, this expression in deep shit.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

日本で痩せる方法 #1週目 (How to Lose Weight in Japan - #Week 1)

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日