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  • So in the winter months in Japan you can pretty much draw a line right down the middle of

  • the country separating the part which gets lots of snow and the other side

  • which doesn’t get so much.

  • And today were on the very snowy side going to the town of Kitakata, a town which has

  • the highest number of Ramen shops per capita of anywhere in Japan.

  • But were not going to get to Kitakata until tomorrow as it’s quite a journey from Sendai

  • over to north Fukushima especially given the heavy snowfall.

  • But I am joined by a man who is dressed in a jumper that looks like a bear suit or something.

  • How many bears died for this jumper?

  • No you don’t really have to comment on that because you don’t have any sense of fashion.

  • I dont have any sense of fashion?

  • Yeah and youre the kind of person who has a hole in their sock.

  • I do have a hole in my sock but that’s British fashion sense.

  • Along our journey across the snowy north to enjoy a bowl of Kitakata ramen, well

  • be stopping off at two nearby towns; Aizu Wakamatsu - a town nicknamed Samurai city,

  • as it’s home to one of Japan’s top samurai schools.

  • It’s here well also be getting lost in a crazy looking temple inspired by Leonardo Da Vinci

  • And to catch a good night’s sleep well be dropping into a 200 year old inn, in Yonezawa

  • before waking up early tomorrow morning to dive into our ramen.

  • Not literally that’d be awful.

  • And as per usual Ryotaro is being worryingly vague about his master plan.

  • We're going to do some combat training.

  • Combat training?

  • Yeah. Combat training.

  • So were at the Nishinkan, it’s one of the most famous dojo’s in the whole of Japan

  • This was the school that young Samurai would go to.

  • Established in 1803 the Nishinkan school turned children into elite Samurai warriors

  • including the legendary Byakkotai warriors or White Tiger Force; a reserve unit of Samurai

  • aged between just 16-17 years old.

  • I must say there’s an epic sense of scale to this school, it does feel pretty grand

  • and spectacular.

  • You can get a sense that some pretty rich kids learnt how to do some pretty crazy things here.

  • With swords and knives.

  • Move over Robin Hood. He’s Robin dickhead.

  • Close.

  • Steady, steady

  • No matter how hard he tries it’s just the same result. He just cannot hit the target.

  • That’s how you do it mate.

  • How many times have you tried?

  • That’s not important. Winning isn’t important. It’s taking part that counts.

  • No matter what happens now I’m going to hit it. Because if I miss, I’m going to

  • use clever film CGI film trickery to make it look like I hit it.

  • And you won't be any the wiser.

  • Oh I hit it! That was a really good shot.

  • Did you see that? The way it hit the bullseye! That was brilliant. Let’s go and look at a temple.

  • So this rather strange and bizarre looking building behind me is called the Sazaedo temple.

  • It’s a Buddhist temple that was built in 1796 and it’s the only temple in the world

  • to have the rather crazy and wacky design that it’s got inside it.

  • Come and have a look at this.

  • So the temple has a hexagonal design with two spiral staircases; one going up and one

  • going down.

  • It’s pretty cool because you never actually meet people who are going up or down on the

  • opposing staircase. Theyre completely divided.

  • The idea being that as youre praying to the 33 gods that are in the temple, youre

  • never getting it congested. Youre never getting in the way of people going up and down.

  • It’s pretty smart design. I’ve never seen anything quite like this. I’ve never seen

  • so much thought been put into a temples design.

  • It’s feels a bit like a theme park ride. Because you can hear the footsteps on the

  • opposing spiral above and below but you can’t see anyone.

  • It’s fun. It’s like a horror house or something.

  • And speaking of horror - look it’s Ryotaro.

  • Standing on the crossing over bridge. This is the bridge that leads you back down over

  • the other spiral.

  • So Leonardo Da Vinci designed this castle in France and they used the exact same system

  • as this temple.

  • But how did it get to Japan? How’d it happen?

  • Right so the design of this castle in France somehow got to the Akita Clan.

  • In Akita prefecture.

  • And the Lord actually had it and the Monk who built this temple saw the design and got

  • inspired by it.

  • He stole it?

  • And he stole the idea and then he actually built this place.

  • So from Leonardo Da Vinci’s pencil to the mountains of North Japan.

  • Exactly.

  • That's how far it reached right.

  • That’s what theft looks like.

  • Yep.

  • So I’ve just walked around the back of the temple and there’s a monument here which

  • it turns out was donated by Benito Mussolini in 1928.

  • Mussolini was inspired by the story of the Byakkotai Samurai warriors, a group of twenty

  • 16-17 years olds who took their lives in a battle in the 1800’s after believing their

  • Lord was dead.

  • And after hearing the story he donated this column from Pompei - one of three columns

  • that existed in Pompei - to the town and it still stands here to this day.

  • It’s pretty odd to think this is here, especially with the inscription on the back which reads:

  • "Under the authority of Ancient Rome may this pillar stand as proof of the greatness

  • of Fascism for thousands of years.”

  • Now Fascism didn’t last thousands of years, it lasted about ten minutes.

  • But I can see what he was getting at by donating this. It’s a testament to the loyalty of the warriors.

  • There’s also another one from Nazi Germany here. I probably won’t put that one on camera.

  • But it’s amazing to think it’s still here. You couldn’t get things like that out of

  • Pompei now, given it’s a World Heritage site.

  • So this is Sauce Katsudon, the local staple food of Aizu Wakamatsu.

  • Katsudon is one of my favourite dishes; breaded pork on a bed of rice.

  • Here in Aizu Wakamatsu they take that wonderful dish and drench it in about a gallon of Worcester sauce.

  • Look at the size and scale of this. Ryotaro ordered this for me.

  • He’s got like a normal human portion.

  • You call this normal but in this restaurant this is mini sauce Katsudon.

  • And this is the ordinary normal Katsudon.

  • It’s like a bucket of food. You could feed half of Okinawa with this.

  • That’s UK size.

  • Well, American size.

  • Katsudon is one of my top five favourite Japanese dishes. It’s a really great fast food.

  • But the key to good Katsudon is getting a a nice crispy batter with the succulent juicy pork within.

  • If you get that right it’s like biting into heaven.

  • Mussolini would have loved it.

  • So weve just arrived at Shirabu onsen. Buried deep under a pile of snow.

  • Call me Mr health and safety but the entrance is slightly terrifying.

  • There are daggers of ice hanging over head. That’s right daggers of ice. Very poetic.

  • But it’s a little bit scary, not going to lie.

  • Probably a good murder weapon but I don’t think that’s a topic I should discuss right now.

  • Let's go in.

  • This fish used to be my father.

  • What?

  • He’s been reincarnated into a fish.

  • What’s happened?

  • Ryotaro has drunk some alcohol for the first time in a while and this is the kind of ridiculous dialogue we get.

  • How do you actually eat this?

  • What it is, it’s just a fish on a stick.

  • Everything is on a stick in Japan.

  • A skewer.

  • The dishes weve got here are very eloquent, very nice, very well presented.

  • And then there’s just a fish on a stick.

  • I’d love to actually be able to catch an actual fish like this.

  • Just impale it on a stick.

  • Walk along a stream with a stick and then whoosh.

  • No it doesn’t work like that.

  • It wasn’t like that.

  • They didn’t use a stick to fish it. They used a fishing rod to fish it.

  • You reckon?

  • Yeah.

  • But fish on a stick aside.

  • Enough of the fish.

  • This is the real star of the show.

  • This is called Imoni, this is the dish of Yamagata prefecture, I used to have it all

  • the time when I lived here.

  • And be careful when you talk about Imoni to Yamagata people.

  • What do you mean?

  • If you say any bad things about Imoni to Yamagata people -

  • Theyll kill you.

  • I’m serious. Theyll kill you. Literally.

  • Don’t think theyll take things that far.

  • But they are certainly proud of their soup. They won’t commit homicide or murder.

  • It’s soy sauce based soup, with beef and tofu and leeks.

  • So there’s one for you.

  • The perfect dish for a cold winters day.

  • Youve got the smell of the beef and the potato and onions drifting up from the soup.

  • It’s beautiful.

  • So this inn, this onsen is ridiculously old. It’s about 200 years old.

  • And the entire building is made of wood.

  • And I’m going to show you the onsen in a minute because it’s nice.

  • It feels like less a hot spring and more like a waterfall theyve just harnessed or stolen.

  • Can you steal a waterfall? I don’t know. Leave a comment below.

  • And then the water actually flows out from the waterfall and out of the hot spring and

  • just goes off into it’s own stream and leaves the building.

  • It’s quite nice. It feels less like an onsen and more like youre just bathing in a natural

  • waterfall or something.

  • At the start of the new year, Shinto shrines and Buddhist temples across Japan burst into

  • activity as families across the country queue up to prayer for good luck, in a custom known

  • as Hatsumode.

  • And Ryotaro is keen to start 2018 by grabbing some good fortune of his own.

  • So religion isn’t what the religion that western people would think of in this country.

  • It’s more like a custom.

  • It’s more like a philosophy.

  • Exactly, so people come here to a shrine to prayer for good luck. But it doesn’t actually

  • mean that you believe strongly in that religion itself.

  • We don’t really learn about the in-depth knowledge of Shintoism anyway.

  • We just come here because it’s a tradition.

  • I read that most Japanese people are atheists.

  • Yes, we are atheists. We just follow the custom.

  • Obviously many people do think there are gods. That’s why people come here anyways.

  • But it’s just a custom. Your father comes, your mother comes here. So you come too.

  • That’s what it is.

  • You hungry?

  • Yes.

  • Morning ramen?

  • Morning ramen - I’m ready for it.

  • What’s it going to be?

  • So just walked into the ramen shop and before I’ve even look at the menu we can smell

  • that rich overpowering scent of the salty braised pork drifting across the room.

  • The reason we chose this place, the reason Ryotaro chose this place is he basically saw

  • a really good photo of a giant bowl of ramen covered in pork.

  • You couldn’t see the noodles.

  • There should have been noodles there but I couldn’t see anything.

  • Covered in pork.

  • And it’s called Niku ramen on the menu - niku ramen, meat ramen literally.

  • With Kitakata youve got an absurd amount of shops to choose from.

  • And so you really are at the mercy of good photos and good reviews. That’s what brought

  • us here to this one.

  • But I’m ridiculously hungry as weve been driving for two hours across the snowy plains

  • of Fukushima and Yamagata to get here.

  • Fuck you, I was the one driving mate.

  • Yeah but my snoring kept you awake for the last two hours.

  • Bloody hell they weren’t joking when they called it Niku ramen.

  • That was a shrewd move, there is a lot of meat.

  • See I can’t see any noodles.

  • Yeah I can’t see any noodles underneath whatsoever.

  • So, let’s try the pork.

  • How do you like it?

  • Theyve nailed it.

  • The meat is very good.

  • You’d think with this amount of meat it wouldn’t be very good quality.

  • But it’s very succulent, very juicy, very well done.

  • It’s not dry. Perfection.

  • It’s about 800 yen. So that’s about the average price for a decent bowl of ramen with pork.

  • That’s reasonable for the amount of pork theyve put in it.

  • It’s quite a light broth, it’s not too thick. Which is good as in the morning you

  • don’t want a heavy broth. Itll knock you out.

  • I heard Kitakata’s noodles are supposed to be kind of curly.

  • That’s right the noodles contain a lot of water, that’s why they are kind of curly

  • and how do you say it?

  • Curly.

  • Curly.

  • Tried to film the guy preparing the ramen in the kitchen but he wouldn’t let us because

  • he wanted to keep it a secret.

  • Because there are so many ramen shops in this area and they needed to keep their recipe

  • a secret - naturally as you’d expect.

  • And now were off to a ramen shrine because Kitakata is very clever and theyve worked

  • out how to exploit the whole ramen thing and make a shrine out of it.

  • I wonder where Ryotaro could be?

  • My father was fish and now I seem to be a ramen. Whatever that is. I don’t even know

  • what I’m talking about.

  • Your father was a fish and now youre a ramen.

  • Yes I am.

  • I’m impressed youve managed to fit in that bowl.

  • Yeah you want to try?

  • Nope.

  • What do you mean?

  • Nope that’s why we brought you here. So I don’t have to do ridiculous demeaning things.

  • So right here behind me are the pictures of the ramen of the shops that Kitakata has.

  • Pictures of the ramens of the shops.

  • Yeah pictures of the ramen from the shops.

  • Ever the eloquent man.

  • Exactly.

  • Interesting thing about ramen is it’s such a simple dish; pork, noodles, broth.

  • And yet look at the diversity here on this wall. The sheer range in terms of diversity and appearance.

  • It’s amazing with one dish you can have so many variations and I guess for the people

  • living here it means you can always try something new.

  • It’s your new home.

  • This is going to come back and haunt you.

  • Get out. Get out of my house.

  • So what is this?

  • So unlike the Uesugi shrine which is several hundred years old, this is 3 years old.

  • A ramen shrine.

  • Normally in the centre of the shrine there is a god that protects the shrine.

  • Naturally.

  • And what we see in there, do you see it?

  • A bowl?

  • It’s a ramen bowl. It is a ramen bowl; this is a bowl from the original ramen shop that

  • actually opened up in Katakana.

  • And kicked it all off?

  • Exactly in the 1920’s. It’s quite old isn’t it? It’s around 100 years old.

  • Yeah! Older than you.

  • The history of Kitakata ramen dates back to 1925 when a Chinese immigrant called Bankinsei

  • arrived in search of his grandfather who was working in Fukushima.

  • Unfortunately, he never found his grandfather but to get by Bankinsei set up a Chinese noodle

  • stand according to his home recipe.

  • The dish proved very popular and soon many local shops began popping up to fulfil the

  • demand of the hungry locals.

  • With Kitakata’s brand of noodles Chuka soba - literally Chinese noodles - becoming incredibly popular.

  • And between the towns obsession with the dish and the unique noodles, the media discovered

  • Kitakata ramen and exposed it to the nation, turning it into one of Japan’s ramen capitals.

  • One. Two.

  • He did it.

  • Made it.

  • What did you wish for?

  • So that I can come back here again and eat better ramen.

  • Better ramen?

  • Better ramen.

  • That’s not very nice. Youre saying the ramen we had early wasn’t very good.

  • No it was good. It was really good. But I want even better ramen.

  • Even better though?

  • Yep.

  • We had an amazing time on our journey across the north to Kitakata.

  • And whilst the ridiculous snow might have been a bit nightmarish at times, there’s

  • no denying it made the journey all the more beautiful.

  • You can find the details on where we visited on our trip in the description box below.

  • The whole region we travelled in is accessible from Sendai airport if you plan on renting a car.

  • If you are renting a car the good news is, the highway companies now have a special discount

  • pass, similar to the Japan rail pass, which can drastically cut the cost of highway tolls.

  • And finally don’t be deterred by the language barrier; these days the major rental companies

  • have either trained staff or tablet assistants, that make the process simpler than ever before.

  • So were back here at Toyota rentacar - if you need to book a car and you need to get

  • a reservation, don’t worry, don’t fear they have a little system here where you can

  • put in your details like so.

  • And then you can just put in your details like that and away you go.

  • So it’s easy, don’t let the language barrier stand in the way of things.

  • Tablets will do things for you. It’s magical. It’s the future isn’t it.

  • As always guys many thanks for watching, well see you next time.

  • I’m going to use CGI. I’m going to use CGI to make it look like I hit it.

  • You and your excuses mate.

So in the winter months in Japan you can pretty much draw a line right down the middle of


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B1 中級

これが日本一美味しいラーメンなのか? (Is this Japan's Most Mouthwatering Ramen?)

  • 10 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日