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Hey guys welcome to my two-week update on my get fit with me series
it's been two weeks give or take a couple days since I started my get fit program if you missed my
Original post about this. I'm trying to lose a bit of fat and gain some muscle for my wedding next year in the fall
Basically, I just want to tone up a bit and I want to do it in a way that
the diet and the exercise
Habits that I'm forming will be a long-term thing
I definitely don't want a short crash diet so my progress is going to be slow
But I feel like as long as I have any progress then I'm heading in the right direction
So let's start with how these first two weeks went
So I'm using the app eat fit and they give you some recipe ideas and some workout ideas
I really like it it has really kept me on track
One of my biggest issues was eating too many sweets and snacks
And the app has kind of showed me that even with just one snack a day. I'm already at about
1,700 calories
Before I must have been eating way over 2,000 which is too much for me
But I didn't really think I was eating that much so it's kind of shown me how much calories
I was really eating and kind of put things into perspective
The first week I found kind of difficult because I went from eating
tons of snacks all the time tons of sweets to
Switching over to just one healthy snack a day that was such a big change
So I feel like the first week was kind of a shock for me
I followed it very strictly I didn't eat anything except for what the app said that I should and
After the first week was up
I started to not crave the sweets and the snacks anymore it really only took about a week and
By the end of the second week right now like I'm not craving sweet things at all ever
It's insane like who is this person
You really just need to give your body a little bit of time to get over those cravings and all those habits that you formed
Up until now, but even in just two weeks. I can't believe how much my
Cravings and everything has changed, and I don't crave those horrible snack foods anymore, which is
Awesome, so you probably all want to know the results I'm sure that's what you're all here for so my two-week results are I'm down
1.3 kilograms not sure what that is in pounds my mind is in kilograms mode
But I'll put the conversion here, so it's not a huge change, but it's definitely a change in the right direction
And I'm very happy with it. I feel a lot better about how my stomach looks in the mirror now
I have definitely lost some fat in that area, and I'm starting to see
Starting to see some of the muscles underneath come through
So yeah, I just feel really great about everything
I'll put the video clip in here of my body shots for the 2-week point probably won't notice much difference from my beginning post
Also, I've been trying to correct my posture you guys mentioned some ways that I can use to fix my curved spine so I've been
Trying to stand a little straighter so my pose might be slightly different in these shots
I'm gonna keep trying to correct that as we go
But myself when I look in the mirror I can
Definitely notice that I lost a little bit of fat in my stomach area, and I'm super stoked about that
One thing that has kind of set me back these first two weeks is that I have been out of the house
Traveling a lot I have been all over Japan this month, and when it comes to food
They're feeding me a lot of food
It's a lot more than I want to be eating, but because it's all being prepared for me
I of course don't want to waste it so I eat everything so that has definitely
Made it difficult to keep up with this diet plan for me
But really there's not much. I can do about it because I can't tell them sorry. I'm on a diet
I can't eat this that would just be super rude so I kind of have to you know
Maybe do some extra workouts to make up for that
I'm gonna try my best to do that these next couple weeks. If I do have some more travel plans so
Here are some of the recipes that I've been loving over the past two weeks for breakfast
I'm still eating that banana avocado smoothie every day without fail I
Love it, and it keeps me full for about four hours, which seems crazy for a smoothie
But I'm assuming it's because of the avocado. That's in it
I'm not sure
I never used to put avocado in my smoothies
But ever since adding that in it has kept me full all morning until lunchtime, and I feel great so again
Here is the recipe for that smoothie for one person you want a quarter of an avocado
Half of a frozen banana doesn't have to be frozen
But it tastes better a cup of soy milk almond milk and milk whatever kind of milk
Alternative you like using and a little bit of peanut butter like one heaping teaspoon of peanut butter
It's so delicious. It's like a milkshake guys. You're gonna. Love it for lunches. I switch it up everyday
I just kind of get some ideas from the app
There's lots of recipes on there, so I like changing them up
This rice noodle soup with veggies and tofu is probably one of my favourite lunches, really simple to make
just steamed some veggies in a pan add some tofu in make a little bit of a broth with some vegetable broth and water and
Then add in some cooked rice noodles
And you have a big bowl of noodle soup with lots of veggies and it's super yummy
I get my rice noodles from iHerb, so if you aren't able to find them where you live
I'll link the rice noodles that I purchase online down below for dinner
I like to go to the farmers market and pick up all my favorite vegetables
I usually have about 6 different vegetables for each dinner
Chop them up steamed them in a pan add in some soy sauce and some chili sauce and then I'll either eat those just like
Depending on what I'm in the mood for or I'll have a little bit of rice on the side with that and sometimes
I'll add in tofu as well I eat that so many times a week. I don't get tired of it
I love vegetables and zucchini is my absolute favorite so put tons of zucchini and
my husband likes that as well, so we've been eating that as like our staple dinner for most days of the week and
Another new food that I've been trying out are these konnyaku noodles are made from a konnyaku plant
And the noodles themselves actually have zero calories or really close to zero calories in them
So if you replace your regular spaghetti noodles or macaroni with these
konnyaku noodles, and just use the same sauce it cuts out so many calories, and they're full of fiber
So they keep you really full the only weird thing about them is the texture it's something you got to get used to it
It's a very
Like rubbery and squishy texture really don't know what to compare it to you
But definitely give them a shot you can get them in lots of Asian
Supermarkets or again, I order mine from iHerb
I really like the ones they have on there I can purchase them in a supermarket here in Japan actually
They're very commonly used here
But the ones on iHerb are more aimed towards like western style cooking so they have flat like fettuccine ones
I think they have spinach flavored ones on there, so I just replaced my spaghetti with these noodles
I use the same tomato sauce recipe that I always make all I do is fry up some onions and garlic
Add in some tomato sauce that I get from Costco
Sometimes I'll add in some fake ground meat. That's made out of soy
but most of the time
I'll just add in lots of veggies like chopped up peppers and zucchini
Or eggplant something like that really easy meal and when you use the konnyaku noodles. It's so low-calorie
It's insane imagine having a bowl of pasta on a diet. It's great
For dessert since I really haven't been craving junk foods, and I've been trying to keep my snack to approximately 200 calories
I've just been eating lots of fruit. There's so much delicious fruit in season right now in Japan
It's great season there are also lots of pears around
Asian pears as well as the Western pears I absolutely love Pears, so I've been eating lots of pears lots of grapes
Where else have I been eating for dessert every once in a while
I'll have something like soy yogurt with granola, but mainly just lots of fruit
And it's been satisfying my cravings for a nice snack
So that's about it for new foods that I've been loving as for workouts. I really like the ones on the 8 fit app
They're really easy like like they're hard
But they're really short so even if you're the kind of person like me who doesn't really like doing at home workouts
They're over so quickly that you barely know what happened
I've also been doing some jogging around my house because the weather is just starting to cool down in Japan finally and
Oh my god. You guys have to try this workout. It's from a channel on YouTube called fitness blender
It's a 40-minute. I think it's like a
High-intensity interval training workout. I'm not quite sure but you'll sweat a lot, but it's really fun
I actually really enjoy it it's super long
You might not be able to complete the whole thing on your first try or first couple tries. Don't worry about it
Even if you can do 20 minutes of it, it'll be a great workout. I'll link it down below the fitness blender workout
I love it their channel is amazing. They have so many workouts on there, but I keep going back to this one
I've tried out about 10 different ones now
I think but this is my favorite so give it a try and let me know what you think
So I guess that's it for my two week update. How are you guys doing?
I know lots of you guys said that you would start trying to get fit with me at the same time
So let me know your progress down below
let's encourage each other if you have any tips for like meals or snacks that I should try out or
Workouts that you're loving that I can find here on YouTube or online. I would really appreciate your recommendations
Thanks so much for watching guys, and I'll see you in two weeks for my four weeks update