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  • Cheers! To an early spring, hopefully

  • Alright guys, so every year in Japan, near the springtime

  • Starbucks Japan comes out with their Sakura drink line

  • Sakura is "cherry blossom" for those of you that don't know

  • I just went to Starbucks and picked up my first sakura drink of the year

  • So let's check it out!

  • Every year they have something slightly different

  • This year is a caramel sakura drink

  • I got the hot version, so I hope it's yummy!

  • Alright guys, cheers! To an early Spring, hopefully!

  • That's so good! That's so much better than last year

  • Mmm caramel and sakura is a really good combination I think

  • I can't remember what the one last year was, but it was way too sweet and I didn't really like it

  • This one has white chocolate, caramel and sakura flavour

  • There's no coffee in here, so it's like a heated milk

  • with a subtle sakura flavour and it's pretty sweet

  • for those of you that don't know what sakura tastes like, I guess it's similar to a cherry flavour

  • There's something a little different about it

  • But it's not really a flavour that you can explain, you kinda just have to try it

  • Mmm this one is good, I definitely recommend this year's sakura latte

  • Yummy :)

  • and I also got a cake because it looked amazing!

  • They have sakura chiffon cake this year

  • So let me show that to you

  • Doesn't that look delicious?!

  • Oh my goodness~

  • And it has a real sakura flower on the top, I think it's pickled

  • I can't wait! This looks so good.

  • This is the cold version, the frappuccino version

  • Look at the cute little cup that it comes in! You can see the sakura syrup all through it

  • and the chocolate flakes on top

  • That one looks so good too

  • Alright guys, here we go, my first ever sakura chiffon cake! Itadakimasu!

  • This one tastes a lot more like cherries than the drink does

  • I would say this is more of a cherry flavour than a sakura flavour

  • Yeah it reminds me of a cherry candy

  • Mmm that's so good!

  • Light and fluffy and not super sweet, yeah tastes like a cherry cake!

  • So good

  • Let's try the sakura flower from the top of the cake!

  • Oo~ it's so salty! Holy crap

  • Wasn't expecting that, kinda tastes like a pickle o_o;

  • Weird

  • Once you get to the end of chewing it and you mix it with some icing it's okay, but holy crap

  • That tasted like a pickle, what the hell...

  • Well this year's sakura drink is a definite thumbs up from me

  • This is delicious, I love it!

  • Definitely go try it out if you're in Japan in the spring

  • It's not even March yet and they've started it, I think these will be available until probably the end of April

  • I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you soon!

  • Thanks for watching, bye!

Cheers! To an early spring, hopefully


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

Starbucks Japan: Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Drinks for Spring 2015! スタバの桜ラテ飲んでみた! (Starbucks Japan: Sakura (Cherry Blossom) Drinks for Spring 2015! スタバの桜ラテ飲んでみた!)

  • 11 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日