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  • Hey guys! So I first moved to Japan when I was 19 years old

  • and I was living in Iwate Prefecture

  • It's at the top of Honshuu island. Not the very top but pretty close

  • So it's a pretty cold area, very beautiful

  • But, the first Japanese snack that I ever fell in love with was...

  • THESE! These are Wasabeef

  • Wasabeef: Wasabi & Beef flavoured potato chips

  • And I was just sooo in love with these

  • I think I made my first cell phone mail address

  • So I was just so in love with this chips

  • and I've always liked them since then

  • Yesterday I was at the supermarket and I found these!

  • So these are the original, and these are the ones I found yesterday

  • What these are is wasabi-nuki Wasabeef

  • "without wasabi" These are Wasabeef without the wasabi

  • Which leaves you with Beef & Beef... so these are beef flavour

  • I really wanted to try them

  • These are so "natsukashii" for me

  • When I see a new version of them, I just have to try it

  • At the top here it says: We listened to your requests and started selling these!

  • I guess this is the Twitter account of the company that makes these

  • apparently they got lots of requests for wasabi-nuki Wasabeef

  • So I hope they're good! Let's try them!

  • First I'm going to try the originals and try my best to explain the flavour to you guys

  • They just look like regular potato chips

  • Nothing really special about the appearance

  • kinda orange

  • itadakimasu!

  • They're so good!

  • They're very similar to a barbecue flavoured chip

  • Kinda sweet

  • Then just a slight hint of wasabi flavour

  • They're not super spicy or anything

  • But I always feel like when you get near the bottom of the bag your mouth is just starting to burn

  • I love these so much

  • And the chips themselves are really flaky and...

  • Hard to explain... they're not super crunchy they're just like

  • flaky... like a flaky pie crust kind of

  • Please try these if you come to Japan, can't recommend them enough

  • Alright, now for the wasabi-nuki Wasabeef

  • Beef & Beef flavour

  • I'm excited

  • Oh they look the same!

  • Oh these ones are a little less orange! Which is interesting... pretty similar though

  • itadakimasu!

  • They taste completely different!

  • Whoaaa...

  • I wasn't expecting them to taste this different

  • They're a really subtle flavor and they really do taste like beef

  • they definitely have a meaty flavour to them

  • the Wasabeef ones, not so much. It's kinda like a smokey BBQ kinda flavour

  • But these definitely taste like beef

  • I don't really like these, the flavour is really subtle

  • They're okay

  • They're okay... they still have the same awesome texture of the originals, which I like

  • But the flavour itself isn't very good

  • on the back here it's got a funny story explaining how this whole wasabi-nuki Wasabeef started

  • It started out as an April Fool's joke on the Yamayoshi Seika twitter in 2014

  • But some people thought it would be interesting if they actually existed, so...

  • We promised to create wasabi-nuki Wasabeef if our tweet got 80,044 retweets

  • In the end we didn't reach that number, but it got retweeted over 41,000 times, more than expected

  • and we got replies like "I want to try them!" "Please actually make these!"

  • So we decided to start selling them!

  • Interesting! Well, that's how these came about

  • and I think that's really cool that they attempted making them just because everyone thought it'd be interesting

  • But I'm not very impressed with the flavour

  • They're ok! They're not bad.

  • It's just that these ones are so good that you can't really make anything better than them

  • So definitely try these, these are amazing

  • I hope they're around forever

  • So those were "Wasabeef potato chips"!

  • Thanks for watching guys, bye!

Hey guys! So I first moved to Japan when I was 19 years old


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

My First Love: WASABEEF 日本での初恋♡わさビーフ Japanese Wasabi Beef Chips (My First Love: WASABEEF 日本での初恋♡わさビーフ Japanese Wasabi Beef Chips)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日