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  • three live.

  • I like this landing spot.

  • My faves, man, I let here one time.

  • It was, like my like my second or third landing playing this map.

  • And I was just like, there's something special.

  • Fishing is.

  • So I would call it more fun than Obie nods.

  • It's definitely not Opie.

  • You're not.

  • You think about why you're doing it.

  • You're not getting your not getting materials from it.

  • It's orangy.

  • It's basically just like looting.

  • But you're fishing.

  • You gonna grab that?

  • I'm going out the land like lower write my check people in my chat asking.

  • So ninja adieu.

  • The squad scream.

  • All right, cool.

  • I'm not much mixture dot com.

  • Jack doesn't seem to listen when I tell him.

  • Sorry.

  • I just said that squat from of ideas.

  • Mmm.

  • I think I got a monster.

  • I have a minute for you.

  • I just found me.

  • He's actually Thank you.

  • You got the full.

  • You could take it.

  • You know, you can hear teammates possessions really quiet.

  • So you don't get them again.

  • Views with actual look, uh, enemies.

  • I'm looking for a Rod Tyler.

  • All you gotta do is ask, but I need someone for that you know that.

  • Come on now.

  • I ain't too proud to beg.

  • We got to do is ask Girl.

  • Uh, Republican.

  • I'm gonna try the tack This game I got a gold back on March road.

  • Smart, Real smart.

  • You're gonna win every fight you can tell.

  • That was sarcasm.

  • No, no sarcasm.

  • Techshop is the way, bro.

  • Why?

  • Why is it better?

  • Because, like, the pumps are 180 damage, Max, you concretely 1 45 like sixties in the time it takes someone to shoot one.

  • But trust me, it's it's really right here.

  • But way you market army.

  • When do you get back to 200 problems That gold.

  • Purple?

  • I was gold is to 20.

  • Yeah, well, if I had a chance to take this blue and go get upgraded to the Northwest, I might just do that.

  • Actually, some brick are some wood, and then some metal and I will be able to upgrade my shot.

  • We have same sums over here, and I have fabric.

  • Takes a break.

  • Wouldn't wait.

  • What was that llama?

  • I can't remember those south along the road down there, like right over there with dropping this RPG So I did it.

  • I don't think I should dropping opposite, you know, arm up and burned.

  • 375.

  • Everything.

  • Just a kid.

  • We have his own.

  • I mean, yeah, I already got, like, replacement would over here, so there should be an upgrade table in town right here.

  • We have when we have him.

  • Where is it?

  • On the bottom.

  • Where are the cars?

  • Bryant Street.

  • There's a lot of funny you had to do to you.

  • Yeah, I I have Maxima door.

  • There's two llamas over here.

  • What the hell?

  • Right.

  • There you go.

  • There's your great.

  • Okay.

  • Already have Mex metal Mark one.

  • All right, Mark, I'm gonna run.

  • I'm gonna run over and grab.

  • I'm gonna grab all the massive dropped all my materials.

  • Years 350 Metal 109.

  • Imagine someone rolls up on me right now.

  • I got nothing.

  • Imagine I just dropped everything so I could just go back in town.

  • Grab it right in there.

  • Discord.

  • Right now.

  • Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!

  • You!

  • Where's the launch pad?

  • Where's the launch?

  • But we don't have a launch pad.

  • What do you mean, what I owe you for shock wave chocolate chocolate.

  • And she has no Luke go Thea other, the other llamas.

  • I'm getting him.

  • Come here, boy.

  • Against the unions.

  • Yep.

  • There's a delivery to guys directly in front of me.

  • Well, there I go, Major.

  • Point out, boys from sixth grade.

  • It's not gonna help.

  • I feel that one guy.

  • Don't Don't, don't, Don't, Bill.

  • Drink.

  • Yeah, I got you.

  • I got you guys.

  • All right?

  • Right, right, right, right.

  • Good.

  • I just So she also shoots.

  • Thank you for one download.

  • We cross connected them detecting.

  • So you come on to me.

  • 19 balloons, guys.

  • No shows.

  • No, She looks like the links Black links.

  • Look to the south.

  • Doesn't want it.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Right.

  • Topped up.

  • Nice person is about Oh, my God.

  • Where is I Got him.

  • All right, Tyler, Pick the most loved about This is not my floor.

  • I think that's a good idea.

  • Job.

  • I got your card, Ben.

  • I got 25 seconds.

  • Nice to him.

  • A chopper here.

  • Feel like that?

  • SpongeBob picture after when he's like you, he put to say he's naked.

  • He puts his hand on the rock booth.

  • Get this job.

  • There's two purple pumps up here.

  • I have one running, not use them.

  • Yeah, bro.

  • I thought that was your purple spot is like shooting.

  • And I ended it.

  • I just got blasted talking about that guy with his own.

  • We have one steamy stacks.

  • We could probably get away with it too.

  • Hold on here for someone Market It is met.

  • We get away.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, We'd probably lose this loop around, Get a loop around My God, man, I'm here all week.

  • Yeah, I'm gonna be honest with you.

  • I don't know how I father one hell of a mental slip another full pot.

  • I mean, for someone right here.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • Take it.

  • Actually, use whatever you're struggling a bit to drink.

  • I get it.

  • Oh, David, it is okay.

  • Yeah, That's one sniping.

  • We still get Benny.

  • I said, OK, it's safe twice.

  • So let's go for it.

  • I don't see any healing.

  • Let me know.

  • Oh, Tim, there was a med kit and sit in storm now.

  • Oh, and, uh, make it their little east.

  • I don't know if you noticed, but soon Tyler started to say there's a fishing pole right there.

  • A little bit of twine came trying a little too Want t stop this.

  • You need somebody to do it.

  • Really?

  • Let's win.

  • This game was it might be unloaded.

  • Honestly.

  • Arenas and kind of far out corners.

  • A lot of leftover leader.

  • All of it.

  • What the heck was that?

  • Uh, could I just unlocked it?

  • Yeah, I got some ammo.

  • Yeah.

  • Been hurry up when you get your chest on me.

  • Wow.

  • This place is this is nice, You two.

  • Just a lot of Chester in the purple building.

  • This had to be blessed, right?

  • Like you could build on every boob in.

  • I'm getting shot from where we were.

  • And guys in the Southeast.

  • Let's go.

  • Just go.

  • Just going on Flashes.

  • Come inside.

  • That s if you were here when we walk in here, take half ammo.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Casually bring 5000.

  • They're exactly where we were There.

  • On the campfire.

  • Literally.

  • Okay.

  • Okay, okay.

  • It may just be one more ammo.

  • I'm coming in to you guys.

  • Okay, Well, I got a team shooting him, actually.

  • Okay, Three guys, three guys, Get back on.

  • Yeah.

  • Can you remove that marker?

  • I guess There's minor movement.

  • Now move it.

  • These guys, these guys might be lot of signing this tree.

  • Ninjas.

  • You guys voting up?

  • Yup.

  • Together.

  • Okay.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Son of a gun.

  • Not a match.

  • Drop little bit.

  • Drop down a low.

  • Go to the building.

  • No.

  • Head to reload.

  • Where is the chest?

  • I'm underneath one directly monster.

  • Yeah, Your boy.

  • He's gonna make it.

  • Wow.

  • Have frickin dude cracked me delirious.

  • God, you're so annoying.

  • Okay, I spoke to me.

  • You're so bad.

  • Guy's gonna come down.

  • No, I couldn't.

  • I was living in shop.

  • Everyone.

  • I couldn't do it.

  • Wait.

  • Are you staying in the building inch?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Like directly above it.

  • Sounds like, uh is anyone can get him.

  • I don't I don't know the What's that?

  • Coming into unit a little.

  • I don't wanna go up there and fight that someone's on top.

  • You blew wife.

  • I cracked 100 twice over there.

  • Dude, I should have followed.

  • Actually kept meeting.

  • I would've had to.

  • Where's over there?

  • They're right here to the west of us.

  • Right there.

  • So we're going to think actually, I knocked him in, I think.

  • Yeah.

  • Uh I mean, you guys are pretty much safe coming up.

  • Picture.

  • I'm going down there.

  • Don't appear.

  • They built a way down.

  • Make sure you guys don't build too hard just because they have RPG crackers, Kid.

  • How much?

  • How much?

  • Uh, 300.

  • It was gonna fly out of him.

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • It's not Come down.

  • He's putting up.

  • I'm coming.

  • Nice connected us.

  • Nice looking nature.

  • One came in.

  • Every one of them has RPG.

  • Be careful.

  • Right here.

  • 32.

  • 32 road gold, RPG and everything for next time you guys got you guys have.

  • Don't you guys have zone?

  • I think Blue.

  • I'm trying to build up, knock down a little bit.

  • His bag.

  • Lewis Field Later.

  • Later.

  • Later.

  • Things out.

  • One of them has RPG.

  • You guys.

  • You guys got this easily.

  • I'm not going.

  • He's not the guy right here.

  • Drop it.

  • Choke What?

  • It brought it and brought it home.

  • Someone already.

  • And you know, I got with a trap.

  • Nice back.

  • Left.

  • I don't think it's on.

  • I got three guys, love, I'm holding it.

  • I'm holding holding.

  • I've got a knock.

  • I'm going down there From before I was down on him right now.

  • Price flying.

  • Nice to work for it to be one.

  • Sure.

  • It's going to The east is going.

  • Mark s wake up.

  • I wanted to.

  • Nice.

  • I'm gonna go out for one.

  • Oh, my guacamole.

  • Dude.

  • Good job.

  • Job laying on a little lip up top taking shots.

three live.


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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日