字幕表 動画を再生する
That's key.
Here you go, ladies.
My name is except guy.
And would you like to start the survey?
You came into my house last week.
You've been in my house.
God, you have come into my house pretty much every day for the last seven years.
Some of you have.
So it's time to take a survey.
I want to know your opinions of what it's been like to be in my house.
I actually don't know what this is about.
I have a very nice room, though.
Oh, no.
Oh, no, wait, no, I don't wanna solve a Rubik's Cube.
Are you having a nice day?
I got brand new Internet installed in my house and it's absolutely sensational.
Do you have many responsibilities?
Yes, I do.
I am a I am a homeowner.
I have lots of responsibilities.
I take out the trash, I pay my own bills and my own taxes.
Look around for a moment.
Uh, I don't want to.
Okay, that's fine.
Are you familiar with your surroundings?
I think we're all familiar with my surroundings here today.
Do you know where you are?
My house?
Fight 14 p.
Have you ever had a panic attack?
Why, Yes.
Yes, I have.
And they're awful.
I would not like to get one ever again.
Do you find yourself questioning your existence?
Don't we all?
Why am I here?
Who am I here?
How am I here?
Do you believe there is a God?
I personally do not.
But he just hurt me.
No, I do not.
Now you're answering these questions out of free will.
Ooh, that's interesting.
Or am I being controlled by the brain in sight?
Your brain controls yourself, but it knows it's controlling himself and also has no power over itself.
It's a bizarre mechanism.
Are you certain?
Do you feel comfortable in your room?
Not right now.
I did.
Until I started doing this.
If the lights went out, would you be scared?
Uh, I kind of want to say yes because yeah, I would be.
But also, I feel like it's giving them power.
And they're just gonna turn off the lights.
Yeah, They just Have you ever wondered when you will die?
I did.
And then I took this quiz on it.
Apparently, I die very soon.
Threw something in the room with me.
Alfredo, have you cleaned off your desk lately?
Actually, I have.
Was the first thing I did was it was a mess.
Open the folder on your desk.
Do you recognize the contents of the folder?
It's Minecraft.
It's the D Bookman.
You in mind?
Throw away the contents of the folder.
Do you have Internet access?
I do.
Where you going to send me pornhub dot com.
Do you have any enemies?
I'm probably a lot of people in the world and I'm sure some of them want to be my enemy.
If you suddenly went missing with anybody, come looking for you.
I'd like to think so.
I'd like to think that if someone who has a channel of 23 million subs and just completely vanished off the face of the earth, I would hope that if someone would go looking for me.
Does that mean you're not gonna kill me?
Are you alone?
I want to answer Yes, but my mind is telling me No.
If you screamed, Would anybody here?
If they accept the guy screams everybody hears.
Let's say No, I want I want to see where this goes.
Do you know the person standing behind you?
Well, the fucker.
Oh, it was a shadow.
Oh, I don't like that.
No more nuts.
It sucked.
You fucking relax, you stupid computer.
Oh, that was good.
I hate it.
Are you relaxed?
Are your feelings real and not just programmed?
Like a machine?
My feelings are very feeling.
They're very really feelings.
Is there a meaning to life?
Maybe not.
I think I think humanity and life is a miraculous anomaly that happened.
I don't think we were brought into existence for any sort of bigger meaning.
I think we could all be wiped off the face of the earth and the earth would go on and another species would take over.
So let's say no.
Having no meetings, life does not mean that it's not worth living.
Life is amazing.
I love life.
Life is crazy.
Good re crazy.
Cool when it wants to be.
Do you know who you are yet?
I just had to go.
Do you know what is happening?
If you were told the truth about your existence, would you deny it in hopes for a better answer?
I don't think so.
If somebody came and told me what my existence actually was, I don't think that would change how I live my life.
That's the thing.
Not believing in God.
And I think there's any real big meaning to life does not mean died.
I can still enjoy it or make the most of it.
Or try to create my own meaning out of it.
I like that.
Oh, like it.
Stop it.
Similac her all over again?
When I ask you questions.
Is it really you answering?
Yes, I heard a sound.
Oh, I hate this.
I just wanted the fun jaunt through a video game today.
I did know Jesus.
If you could prove that you are not sending, would you be shocked?
Do you want to know the truth?
Look out your window.
Oh, look around you.
This room, the door, the computer, The house next door.
Is it all fake?
None of it.
I made this world I made you.
That's cool.
I've been trying to help you see it for what it is.
And now I finally don't it that can finally set you free.
This is a matrix shit.
A free I got out of school, you suckers about in a system gone, It was all lies a fool, Ese.
You got duped.
See, that's the beauty off.
A game like that is that anything can be really or nothing could be Really Or sometimes could be really or whatever life is what you make out of it.
Go out there.
Have fun, make the absolute most court.
They're uneven.
Get yourself.
Ah, faithful friend.
I'm Jacks up the guy and I'm 14.
Let's get deep.
I think this is a game about a dog is gonna go crazy and kill me, or I love the dog.
And it's not gonna kill me.
And I have to protect it.
Either way, it has a dog in it.
And that makes me happy.
My name is Max.
Since Hogan came into my life, I have never felt alone.
He is my best friend.
He accompanies me in good times.
And in bad times whatever happens, I will never abandon he.
Oh man.
I have the tip, Ernest tapping his shoes of all time.
These are not the type of shoes that would make those tippy taps you.
Jesus, do like they have laser.
I have a swagger.
Air jealous quick and in their boats.
He stopped dancing.
Classes are paying off Kujoe.
I mean, you go.
How dare you!
I can't do that to me.
You are nothing.
You don't even have an ass.
If it doesn't have an ass, it's not worth being scared off.
Fucking health.
She passed.
Jump scare.
Don't do it again.
It's locked from the other side.
But I can't see nothing.
It's market What I say.
Where is he doing to me?
You picked up the flashlight.
Why didn't I have a flashlight before?
Bring a banana with you.
Fuck everybody in the ass with it.
Okay, that was fine.
I was just mildly turned off there for a second.
But I'm back on, baby.
Let's go.
Was this the sliced cheese place?
Aztec cheese.
I'll take that.
No, I'm not Know what she washy?
Wishy washy.
There you go.
Oh, don't turn off the light and scary in the dark if you wash yourself in the dark.
How do you know if you're really washing yourself.
If you can't see the dark, how do you know it's gonna be gone?
All right.
Oh, Hugo.
You're not supposed to scare me.
You're my friend.
Oh, okay.
Good doggy.
There is a food here.
You need the meat.
I need the meat.
The meat.
I need it worth me.
Her name's Hogan, not Hugo.
My bad.
Okay, wait.
You should a good God.
If you like the story, shoot me in the chest with a shocker.
Get the door open.
You can come with me if you want.
Protect me.
Lord knows I need it.
It's a post.
You go.
You, You, Logan, you I know your name.
There's the meat.
I love a good squelching my meat.
Here you go, hoagie.
I got you some nice NUM numbers.
The needs, the meat.
Eat up, boy.
You're gonna be just Jesus sounds this game or so loud.
It's not like you.
You know, you're sounding more like a paper shredder than a dog, you know.
Oh, the cattle rescue to return.
Okay, I don't like that.
What did my doggy door close?
I don't like it.
Stop fine.
You want the meat?
We should go to Arby's.
Apparently they have them.
My dad will be home any minute.
And he's a policeman.
I don't want to go.
Hogan, do you know Oh, Jesus.
I was like, Fuck you.
It is my house.
I'm not sure what to do.
Next board, Hogan.
Domino's is here.
You mean you want Papa John's?
Did you see the video of him recently?
He's a weirdo.
No, no, no.
Oh, God.
Abandoned Hogan killed Hogan.
I don't know.
I don't have to kill him, but he don't abandon him either.
I should ease his pain, but also that's horrible.
I thought it was gonna be like revenge.
I don't know what to do.
I don't want to.
I don't want to do what do we do?
What we do?
Can I Can I Can I kill myself?
Kill that fucker.
I'm sorry, Hogan.
No, no, no, no, no, no.
I did it because I didn't want him to suffer, okay?
I'm a horrible person.
It shut up.
It may.
Ah, fuck it.
Playing games on the internet.
It must be fun.
And I suppose have moral dilemmas.
You gonna shut off the lights.
It's kind of funny.
You're a monster.
If the game receives sufficient financial support, I'll finish the development of video game.
Can you finish a person that doesn't make me have to kill my dog or abandon him?
Can I have an ending?
That's me going off with my dog and having for that'll be great right now.
I feel sad.
Whoa, that's cool.
That's such an awesome way to start of the game.
The tape landed on my desktop, Boy.
We're in for something good.
M s boss.
That's my operating softer.
Oh, my God, I can actually do this.
This is a game called No players online.
So either this game is shit or it's gonna kill everybody.
Um, Free skins, Capture the flag!
Best capture the flag server.
Our free skins.
Okay, I couldn't join that one, but I can enjoy it.
Enjoy this one.
Want to play with mods?
Let gamers play.
Oh my God, This is so cool looking.
Holy shit!
Looking for players?
Oh, this is gonna get spooked tastic, isn't it?
Reminds me of the old quake.
I never pay too much of it.
But if I did I have an overview.
Bitches captured the other team's flag.
I'm gonna win.
If there's no other players on lane, that means I'm the best player online.
I'm going to EA Sports.
Look, there were even defending their flag.
Fucking rookie mistake.
You defend your flag, man, the way some dumb ass is going to come and captured like me.
It's a complete mirror of each other.
That's cool.
I don't know if I was supposed to do that.
Like my first instinct is to immediately shoot something.
This is spooky.
Is that another player?
Oh, hi.
That's fucking freaky.
Am I playing with ghosts matter?
I'm still gonna kick your ass.
What up?
Pro gamer jacks up the guy.
Can we Can people start writing articles about this?
Oh, it's a lot righter than it was before.
Redder means better.
Okay, I was fine.
But if you show up, I ain't afraid to pop some caps.
And ass is That's how I talk.
I have friends.
Somebody, somebody joined.
Thank God it's getting a little too easy here.
Kun's a visit when you see any good, I think he's got skills clearly not because he's in the wrong area.
Dude, I'm going to score dough just in case.
Oh, freaky.
Wait, It's open.
Who shoot?
What the fuck?
Okay, just win.
Just win.
You don't need to do about you.
Don't do anything else.
Just be a big, brave boy.
Could you do that for me?
Sure can.
I got this.
I got this big epic gamer, man.
Big winning game or time.
Just leave the fucking scared myself.
Hit my most by accident.
Hey, Jack.
You scared of video games?
Who would be afraid of a video game?
It's not What is your name?
I shouldn't have shot his gramophone.
He's really mad at me for that.
Maybe it's the ghost of the gramophone.
Graham, A ghost.
Okay, I want to win.
Just win.
All you have to do is get the flag in the end zone and you in No, Ozark, not Stop!
I'm a soft, supple little boy.
You can't do this to me.
I have banana journal.
Dev has joined a spectator.
Stop what you're doing.
Do not move another step.
Whatever you do, do not deliver that flag.
How did you even get access to this game.
Can you hear me tonight?
Type if you can read this, press y to chat and say something oppress.
I press way?
It's not working.
Never mind.
I don't think you have chat permission on the server.
Oh, to shoot twice if you can read this.
I did it, John.
Okay, so you could read this.
I sure can.
So let me explain.
If you delivered that last flag, the servers were shook down.
I absolutely cannot let that happen.
Tell me more.
I've been working on this project for more than 11 years.
I can't let you jeopardize all of my work.
This may look like a simple FBS came to you, but this game has the power to raise the dead.
At least that's what it is supposed to do.
I can't jump off the edge.
It's a work in progress.
As you can probably tell, I'm making this so I can see my wife again.
Oh, John, No.
But she seems to be stuck in a sort of limbo.
She stuck playing video games.
You probably already met her.
She might come over a bit aggressive, but she's just scared and confused.
Can you blame her?
You destroyed the record player with her favorite music.
I didn't mean do.
I'm an idiot.
I used that music to keep her camp.
If you delivered the last flag, her soul will be set free.
But I know I can save her and bring her back.
Please press escape and shut down the game.
I'm not doing it, John.
Do not deliver that flag, John.
I'm just joking.
John, you're so stupid.
You think Please press escape and shut the game down.
You know, John, I want to, but I'm a youtuber, and that would be the end of the entertainment.
And I have a job to do.
I have some people to entertain so people could please.
Goodbye, John.
Pick from server reason.
Connection to host Lost.
Oh, John, I'm sorry.
Is there more to the game?
I don't know.
There's actually no servers.
When you re launch the game, everything is gone.
I can't hit Enter on anything either.
Dear John, today I made the mistake of playing your game.
Moreover, I made an even bigger mistake by setting your wife's soul free.
I had a pancake this morning for breakfast.
Hope you're doing well.
Love Shaq.
Dear John, I thought about you today.
I hope you're doing well.
I myself I'm not doing the best that the moment, but I know I can pull through in time.
Things will get better for me.
Dear John, I haven't heard back from you in a while.
I would really like to get in touch Chat soon.
Sean, you're John.
What the fuck, man?
You're John.
You said we could be friends.
Just because I deleted your wife from existence does not mean I'm a bad person to your John.
Look, I know I came off a little strong and a little aggressive, but I promise I can make this right.
We could be friends again.
All you gotta do is talk to me again, man.
Open up.
The servers will be chat to you.
Please reply.
Shawn, please.
He's just servers right back.
You know what, John?
Fuck you.
You're the problem.
I was perfectly nice to you.
And you going ro it in my face.
Fuck it anyway, John.
That's it.
That's it.