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Yeah, you Are you ready to take on some more advanced things in mind?
I hope so.
Because last time we made this look at it.
It's glorious and it does the job well on.
That's his advanced as our Redstone has got.
So far, we have also created this.
But I found a problem.
If I want to create more farms, I really want to do an X p farm because I think that would be really good for making stuffs.
We can take on the weather.
We need lots of iron because we need lots of Hopper's mind cards and all that good stuff.
So to extend this and make myself next p farm, I need iron.
And it just so happens I might have this stuff to build to make an iron farm.
Did you hear that?
This boy just got shared and it's actually working pretty well.
I've done some stuff with this one already, and as you can see, it's working really, really well.
I just need two times that by six and I have got wool or clouds.
The days Hey, welcome back Today we're going to make ourself on Iron Farm involving killing Iron.
Goldblum's over and over again.
So off camera, I have been breeding Villagers.
There should be some men Emese in here.
There they are.
Is four of them in total.
I need six plus a zombie, and I should.
They watched him dance.
What did he just grow up on the spot and then start mating with possibly a parent?
Oh, I'm not so uncomfortable about this happens and he's dance into Oh, jeez.
123 for I'm so confused there's another 10 this is weird.
This just got very, very weird.
Let's start making this.
I got this design from a guy called Doc M 77 who makes some really cool Redstone staff on Dhe.
Ironically, this doesn't need any Redstone.
It all is just kind of Minecraft logic, just like the farm up here.
So I need to go 20 blocks in the air for this to work so the golden ones fall down and then die in lava, and we get there, Luke.
But we also need to set it up.
So there's six villages, three on either side and then a zombie in the middle.
That's scaring the villages, which means that the Villagers chatter away.
And then they're like, Wait, we need We need a goal and help take out the zombie.
The golden spawns falls to its death, And then the whole thing repeats.
If you see me looking to the side like this, that means I'm copying something.
Okay, I got some blueprints ready.
First thing we don't make is the platform.
So I needs while you could make out pretty much anything.
To be honest, you also need a load of fence gates as well, which I should have the wood for.
Here's the platform that we've got its 20 blocks high, so we should allow for them to fall high enough.
And then we put a fence gates and open them on this side.
I think it needs to be one high.
Open up all these.
And this is where the gold arms are gonna fall out off.
You don't want a fallen out this side.
This side is gonna be fences, not fence gates.
So that works.
The other thing we got to get right is the water.
I have some water ready to go.
I haven't actually thought about how I'm gonna get down.
I think falling should be fine from here.
20 blocks up.
Pretty scary, but I'm sure it's gonna be okay.
I hope so.
Anyway, then we need 10 in total of these 12345 year that works, and then turn of these.
Now, the most annoying thing is going to be getting a zombie up here.
And also getting the Villagers are picks.
You need six villages on one zombie is gonna be a pain in my butt, but we're gonna have to try it now.
We need to the water.
So we need the water to flow because the idea is the eye Angolan spawn up here and just float down and fall and die.
And obviously, you have to get large very involved as well, because I Angolans, they don't take no for damage so they can't just fall and die and ah, lose their drops.
So does that kind of work.
I don't think that does.
How'm I gonna get this to flow the right way?
Okay, so apparently you do a line in the middle, so we are gonna need some more water.
So we need Thio, go down and come up but you do a line in the middle, and then you put one next to it, and then you should I'm literally being the eye and golden right now.
This is gonna happen.
Is it gonna work?
It should work.
There we go.
And we only take two full damage.
Let's go.
That could have been the end.
I could have died.
This thing looks pretty intense already.
Not gonna lie.
Wait, What?
What did I just do to myself?
What happens?
Me and my carriage is chilling here.
I don't know what I've done.
I think I've opened a gate on my head.
Dude, that's kind of cool.
I could make, like, a one by one hole, and then you can kind of just glide through it.
That's that's pretty cool, actually.
Okay, that's done.
And now we should do that.
Oh, I think that waas I did not You need that much water?
A tool.
Okay, cool.
So I start making the village of it, and I'm pretty sure they need to be.
I think five blocks away and they need to be stuck in some kind of weird like trapdoor mechanism.
So they're five away on the same level as the zombie.
So where is the edge of this?
The edge of this is there.
So needs to be 1234 and then five like this, and then the trapdoor goes there.
So that is where the village is air going to go.
And then they need a job each so that could be pretty much anything.
They just need one job, eat and then eventually will waterlogged that.
But I'll do that after I've got the villages in, otherwise is going to be a nightmare.
The next thing of the beds, and I'm pretty sure the beds need to be on.
Let me just put some dirt down real quick.
Need to be on this level, facing backwards.
So let's try this.
That's not it may be like this.
That's not it either.
A There we go.
So this will keep the water in, and then we need to put another one on here.
So that should be right.
I'm pretty sure.
Yeah, that's five across sweet.
So that is where the zombie is going to go.
This is where the village is air going to go.
So I just need to repeat that on the other side now.
Beds, beds, beds.
Okay, I think that's done.
So I think I'm just gonna go with compost is just because they're the cheapest.
I'm pretty sure it just needs to go like this.
Then you put a slab up here, this trap door and that should keep the villages in, not to escape.
This isn't actually that bad Thio to create, you know?
Why is this a thing in Minecraft?
If you dig blocks too quickly, you get stuck.
Well, I'm floating.
Why is this a thing?
What is happening?
I'm a wizard.
This is what the chicken was doing in the last time.
I need to get down from it.
It's kind of like a cobweb.
It's really weird, right?
I think I've got each bit done.
I just need to get villages up here now.
That is going to be a pain in my butt.
Are you kidding me?
How am I gonna do that about them jumping around and stuff?
Three villages in each as well.
I wonder if they've grown up.
Have you guys growing up?
You got those legs stretched?
Actually, divergence Legs grow.
I don't think they do.
I think they say the same size from birth, right?
I mean, we got 1234567 Old Jesus seven.
Since when?
What have you guys?
Oh, what have you guys been up to?
I need to have some rails and sort these these punks out.
This is gonna be painful, like, so painful to get the villages up there.
Not looking forward to this one, Atal, How'm I gonna stop them from getting out?
Because I can't put a trap door and I need the trapdoor to be there.
I think I'm gonna have todo make them fall in somehow to get them on that and then break the block underneath.
Should drop them down onto the trap door and keep them there.
I'm pretty sure, but, um, let's see if this feels like working, shall we?
This is gonna be This could be quite the task.
This is gonna be the hardest bit.
Believe it or not, the zombie is easy because zombies just follow you.
Villagers do whatever they want.
Now we all know that the best of times this is painful to get one, not just one Villager out, but six is gonna be unreal.
But this is what you were born to achieve.
How am I going to do this without everyone escaping?
That can go there.
This could go here away.
Can I use a slab?
Wait a second.
I'm about to use a slap.
Stop getting out.
There we go.
I just need to push them hard enough to be able to get them all the way through mine.
Cart, Behave yourself ever goes.
Someone get in.
Just get in a Someone did.
So now I need to push them hard enough so that they won't die when they get through.
I think I just need to Oh, geez.
They're trying to kill each other already.
I think I'm gonna make this a little bit flatter so they don't roll back.
That should be fine for that, lads.
This should make everything a lot easier.
Go my pretty Yes.
Just don't fall back down, please.
Why did he go?
Did you go with way around?
Hey, is making his way around a lot.
So pleased, right?
It's gonna take me, uh, pretty awhile, So I'm gonna see if this one works.
I'm gonna try and get out this giant hill is Well, I probably should have used powered rails.
I don't know why I'm not.
I'm just using manpower right now.
He's already changed for a farmer is ready for this.
Okay, You better behave yourself.
You're gonna go above the composter, Actually, the trap door.
Not the composter, it all.
You've gone too far.
You've actually gone too far.
That's kind of okay.
Oh, this is tense stuff right here.
I don't know if this is gonna work, but we're gonna try.
So what?
We break this?
Oh, Gloria's No, no, no, no, no, no.
Stay that.
Stay that whole G's.
You know what?
That's fine.
That's fine.
Just get in.
Apparently not as smart as I thought it was.
Yes, Yes, yes.
Come on.
Your elbows in the way That's Rob talking about Is that it?
Done, Connie?
No escape.
Now I feel like he's fine.
This is great.
I just need to keep that there, Which means I need to edit this again.
All my goodness, this is a headache.
Such a headache.
I just need to do that five more times.
Lancer is gonna get interesting because I don't know if I'm about to collect the mine cart efficiently, but I guess there's only one way to find out.
All right, Let's do this.
It selects a Villager.
There we go.
Done already.
This is actually where you better.
Why didn't I think of using slabs before?
Excuse may.
You will eventually ride the roller coaster.
But for now, you two just chill.
Well, they don't suffocate their own suffocating slabs.
Arm a genius.
All right, let's see if this new machine works.
I need to get him above the other Villager, which is perfect.
That don't go too far.
Oh, okay.
How are we gonna do this?
How we're gonna do this.
How is this gonna work?
I need to drop you down, son.
Let's block him off there.
And this is push him.
That's perfect.
I just need you to fall straight down, buddy.
No nonsense.
Just fall straight down.
So if I break this, uh, because he fall in Wait, You fallen in, bro?
What's happening?
But I know why you there?
No, don't do this.
Get in, get in, Get in the hole.
Getting the whole getting the whole.
Why would he fall in.
Oh, geez.
This is going really badly already.
Get in the hall.
Get in the hole.
He doesn't want to get in because his mates already in there don't make me hit you.
I will hit you.
But then I don't want to disrespect you at the same time.
Maybe if I put the water in, Maybe that's how I need to get it to work.
There we go.
Now will you get in?
00 this might be working.
Sorry I had to do it to you.
I had to do it to you.
I'm sorry.
I had to smack you.
Don't judge me.
Do not judge me, right?
They should be stuck in there.
Now, I've only got one left and I have no idea what I couldn't do it.
I think put in the Yeah.
Just there is fine, right.
There we go.
Now what?
That blocked up the other side.
Time for Villager number three.
This is difficult, right?
Can you select me a Villager, please?
This guy.
Then we go Sweet.
I just don't need one.
That's ah already got trade.
I just need just need the baby's There we go.
Village number three.
That means we're halfway to this working.
I don't quite know what I'm doing right now, but it seems to be working.
I think if I break what we need to break the one underneath this one, Okay?
I did it already, and I did not mean to do that.
So going in from the sides definitely does work.
Can I just push him in now?
Oh, this is so messy.
Getting are you fell in the compost or what?
You did not just do that.
He's He's fallen in this for that.
Wasn't that wasn't the plan, Okay, this is gonna get messy, real messy.
Real fost.
I'm off to do some punching.
There we go.
Oh, jeez.
Oh, they've got angry.
They've gone real angry.
I was gonna keep spouting this until it works.
Do them ads.
They're so mad.
Uh, yeah, yeah.
Uh, okay.
You guys need to calm down.
You guys need to calm down.
Where have you gone?
How did you survive that?
Actually, that's pretty impressive in itself.
Oh, my goodness.
You guys are so annoying.
Where are you even going?
You don't even know where you're going or not.
It's going to night time.
Never work with villages.
It's because I hit them.
Wasn't I?
Should have fit them.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean it.
Kinda meant it.
I'm sorry.
I'm really sorry.
Sleep, sleep, Sleep, Sleep, Sleep, sleep, sleep Don't.
These guys and I don't even know where they're going.
They just in the water.
That's kind of okay.
I can trap them in boats.
You won't escape me now, fellas, Actually might be my genuinely be escaping for me Boat.
There we go.
And boats.
You think it's funny?
You think you're funny?
Things is like a good time.
I need to rethink this strategy.
How on earth do I get them in there?
I think I've got it.
I'm gonna push him to remind Carter here, push the mind got down there, break the mine cart, and then he shouldn't be able to escape.
That's the plan.
Anyway, I'm gonna leave those guys.
They're just to think about what they've done because Yeah.
Oh, Okay.
Um, wait, what's happening here?
Hold up, Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up.
Hold up.
How is he?
In a boat on the mind.
Cut at the same time.
Oh, hold on a second.
Did I just I just figure out something about the game hole to transport two at the same time.
That's what I'm talking about.
Look at this.
At least I can pick him up.
Oh, my goodness.
There off.
That going?
What just happened?
How did they do that?
I've just found a hacking mind.
You put them in a boat, picked them up in a boat, and then they just go.
How is that possible?
You better be dying up here.
By the way, where did they go?
They in there?
I am confused and also slightly worried for their health.
What just happened?
I set up this whole thing.
All I needed to do is put a boat in.
You sharing with some people there?
What's happening?
Uh, love boys.
Oh, my goodness.
I am so smart without him realizing it.
So there's definitely three you in there?
There's only two in there, isn't there?
What did the other guy go?
Did he glitch out somehow?
I don't want to keep losing villages here.
I have maybe one or two spare, but I don't have that many.
Even happened to you guys?
Yeah, There's definitely two in there.
I don't know where the other guy went.
You disappeared?
I thought I'd found an amazing hack.
Well, I kind of did.
But my goodness, they went fast.
Well, least I now know if you want something to go really fast in a mine cart, put them in a boat and then picked come up in a mine cut.
I don't know if that's, like, exclusive to villages, but that was pretty cool.
This is such a mess, but, um, yeah, I don't know any other way to do it, actually.
What if I get them to sleep?
Maybe that would work.
They sleep in the beds, and then when they get up, that's kind of the design.
Anyway, if I get him to sleep in a bed, let's see if that works.
Oh, no, I never want to sleep.
Excuse me, guys.
Get any one of you to get up that real quick.
Can you just get up there?
Get in the mind.
Get in.
There we go.
Look at him.
He's well upset.
I woke him up and everything.
Let's go.
This is really important.
This can't go wrong.
No, no, no, no, no.
Don't do it.
That was some quick thinking on my part.
My goodness, Please don't do this.
Just chill.
Please chill.
Here we go.
He goes, there we go.
You're down there now.
If I block you in like this, you call and get out on The only way is down.
Get out, Go down!
Hey, let's go.
Okay, Right now, Hopefully the other guy will wake up and all will be well.
There will be three little guys chilling in there.
If that works, I know how to do this.
Now I want to get three more under zombie up there for this to even work.
And it better work too, because I am moving.
None of them by this stuff stresses me out because you could do like a whole bills and then it just not work.
Which would be tragic.
They're looking over there.
I'm seeing bodies in there.
I am seeing bodies in there.
This is great.
Head count is three.
I need to figure out what I need to put where on top of them.
I think I need to put a slab on top.
So the slab needs to go on top of their head.
So one block, I think here and now we can get rid of everything.
I'm pretty sure you can't get out, Kanye.
You ain't going to get out.
You're gonna Bob do this makes me so nervous.
Because if they come out, they're gonna come pouring out.
You gets, He's going to stay.
That right?
It's gonna chill.
Give me all my stuff.
The only thing is, one of them isn't turning.
Aw, because I haven't done this for trying to get rid of that composted there.
And then they should all three turns of farmers eventually.
I'm thinking that he's go lower.
Yeah, There we go.
I think that needs to go there.
Yes, that's it.
That's it.
This is your new home.
It's gonna be glorious.
I think it's working.
Oh, OK.
Now I need to do that on the other side's do.
This is this is quite this better work.
If it doesn't work on we saw upset.
We are fine.
All right.
Who's next?
Me to make sure we grab the right one way we go.
Let's do this again, shall we?
I'm gonna do the same technique I did before, which was get them out.
The mine car and smackem that seemed to work.
Come on, my pretty.
There we go.
Right Is going not you in.
Then he was gonna get a little smack.
This this.
This is perfect.
I finally figured out.
Right, Mine.
Let's go.
Let's go.
Let's do this.
You come with me.
Come on.
Me Gloria Site, I promise you.
Get in.
Think it stops.
Spit head.
Do I have got this down?
Oh, my goodness.
I should definitely have this done by sunset, but I don't even think I need it doing it this way.
You just punch them in.
But why do you need Sunset four is a zombie?
All I need is a zombie to follow me away up so I can put me in a cauldron, which is gonna be difficult, you know, I might do I might make a zombie a leather cap, and then he should be able to stay around for a bit.
Oh, I need a name tag.
I've just realised I need a name tag.
I think you have to name the zombies so he doesn't disappear.
That could be a problem.
Let's push you down.
This this big Bob's big winds, right?
I can write this down.
Let's go, guys.
Let's actually enjoy ourselves while my doing.
Why have I been running all the way down when I could just do this villages of having all the fun?
I have an idiot.
And this, well, this'll put me straight into the pen is Well, this is great, huh?
I have arrived at your the lost dudes.
Don't mess this up, okay?
It's a long way to fall down even further than before.
So when they said they could survive that lying to you Here we go shop and smack their sleeping.
I was about to say, What on earth is happening?
Um, yeah, let's go in this.
Let's get out of here.
Zombie is going to be difficult to find.
I need a name tag so badly I might have to use my experience farm after my fishing farm for it for that to work.
Okay, I got three villages That looks like the biggest mess you've ever seen, but it's gonna look, I promise you it's going toe work.
Okay, so I think is lucky Boy time.
Now, this has been on for ages.
I just want to see if we've got what we needed.
I'm on 24 levels.
That's how you know how long I've been on here?
What we got, what we got.
Oh, we all on, bro.
That is actually really good.
I think I looked up the chances and the chances, like 1.7 percent chance.
So it's really, really low.
What do we name a zombie?
Um, I actually don't have a name picked out burger.
We're going to call him Booger.
B o G e.
I think this is gonna be pretty difficult to get a zombie inside a cold Rin.
I don't think you have to use a cold drink either.
I think it's just That's just what I'm going to use.
Let's find ourselves a zombie.
Let's see if we can get him to climb this mountain.
I found him.
That's gonna be our guys, right?
You come this way.
We're going up the mountain.
You come in, doesn't wanna go on the rails.
Come up, out.
I just want to go on rails.
This is risky.
Oh, my goodness.
This is keep on going up to see if the four of us this should work.
Oh, no, no, no.
He's gonna be off.
Why am I so dumb?
Look, they're coming.
They're coming.
I need to mark this one.
This one needs to go.
Here we go.
Oh, no.
I don't have to take this off to Come on.
Come in.
Come into the cauldron.
Okay, This is bad.
I don't want to stab to die.
There we go.
Oh, God.
I'm just fell from the sky.
I need Thio make this work.
So I think if we do trapdoor here, he might get stock.
I don't really know.
It's really hard to get them stuck in their yacht into this guy.
He's going for it.
It actually worked.
I don't want to name him because I don't him to die, and then I'll lose the name tag and that would suck.
So I'm just going to keep him here and try and push him in.
Um not quite sure how I'm gonna do it, but I'm gonna give it a go.
How do I push him in without punching him?
Cause I feel like await.
Go in.
Oh, dude, don't die.
Don't die.
I just need you to get in One sport up here, actually was not what was supposed to happen.
Get out!
Get out!
Get down there!
Get down!
They're going to your duty.
Get out of here, Jace, He killed more zombie.
Why didn't I use my fishing rod?
You can fish zombies, right?
You can fish any mob.
I'm gonna try that.
I need a way for them.
Thio fall off and die.
I'm guessing I could just make something like yeah, directly down from here.
Could this be where they got a full?
So maybe like there and it's four across, right?
I need to make some lava right now.
Actually, I could just use water.
Big pile of water, lava in the middle.
Aw, that's gonna be perfect, right?
I'm underneath this and my lover is gonna start here.
I think we need signs.
I'm pretty sure we need signs to do this.
Um, what's the?
Wasn't gonna break their will Really low my bow.
And this is part of the weights.
Get into an X p farm, so I can actually you don't repair everything.
Because I've got a weather to fight soon.
So yeah, the idea is that they will fall off the edge of here.
Water will make them flow into here.
But I need to make sure this can actually work.
I don't know if this come block lover or not.
You know what?
There's only one way to find out.
So does this Stop.
It looks like it stops it.
Dare I go underneath?
Oh, it stops it And things hopefully come forth through signs.
I don't think mobs come stand on them.
So I need thio Two layers of signs which is gonna cost a lot of words.
So I need No, I was going to night time now.
Oh, no.
Let's chop.
This is your moment.
I can't be using anything else.
Here we go.
Let's do this.
So I need to come across here and do exactly what I did before and trap him in and hopefully used the fishing rods to get him in there slapping trapdoor.
Okay, this is good.
I just need some willing volunteers.
Then we could figure out the trap, but just want to make sure it works.
There's a zombie in there.
Why is there a zombie in there?
There's never zombies in there.
What are you doing?
You know what?
I'll forgive you if you come over here.
Come here.
Come here.
Right now.
Come on.
It's okay.
There we go.
Never set foot in there again.
I'm bringing you up, boys, and bringing you up.
Here we go.
Lock him in here.
Lock him in here.
Not done.
He's trying to be clever about it.
Oh, no.
Oh, no.
There's a suffocating Dolan.
Oh, dear.
This wasn't supposed to happen.
Just gonna let it happen.
Um, no.
You lucky boy.
Don't feel like this is happening when we went in, then you die.
You're taking a while.
You're okay.
So how does it take them to die?
I got him and he finally died, right?
I need you to get in there.
I want it Just works.
Um trapdoor.
He, uh, give me the eye.
And I think I just did it.
Yes, yes.
This is working.
I don't feel confident enough.
T 00 I do feel confident enough now, Booger, is your name Booger?
A bogus air.
Okay, so now this should work because the golden shouldn't need.
There's one down there already.
In my have worked a farm that I made my have worked.
We've got one piece over there that's so annoying.
I think we can take this down now.
Now, you just see if it works, I guess some invisible blocks now, I guess we need to take out the rest of whatever this is so that Gollum's don't sport on the outside.
But I think this is gonna work.
I might go to sleep first, actually, and see if a ways you're gonna know you shouldn't.
You shouldn't burn, right?
Maybe it's the curse of the name tag.
He might burn only one way to find out.
Here we go.
Don't fall out either.
If you fall out and be so angry with you, is there?
Look at him jumping up and down enjoying himself.
Says one eye and got him over There is another one going to sport.
I need to get rid of this so badly.
I'm gonna do that right now.
Lucky boy.
Thank you for your service.
There we go.
That's what he's gonna do.
You really want to get him, huh?
And this will workers walks.
I think once the water pushes them in, they're gonna want to kill that guy.
Okay, I think that's it done.
Oh, this is so dangerous.
I'm out.
Just in case.
Yeah, that could've been dangerous.
It's flowing down there, but it works.
So this should happen.
They should fool set on fire.
Okay, that's not gonna work.
I need to block that up.
What should happen now is if we grab some water to flow that guy in.
He won't die from four damage, but will die from lava.
There we go.
It's gonna set him up.
That's gonna Ah, why did that happen?
I'm pretty sure that would have worked, though.
And then he'll burn to death in their, um Is there an easy way for me to kill this guy?
There we go.
Is on fire.
I don't know if they die quicker when they're on fire.
I'm not too sure.
Hope we just came out of nowhere.
He just came out of nowhere.
This is working.
Do they die quick enough though?
Because he and dying yet I don't know how long they stay on fire for, Okay?
They're not dying quick enough.
I might need some more lava, so I need to make it thicker.
But this is working.
You saw it happen before your very eyes.
It's working.
I'm so pleased.
Otherwise, this would have been a horrific waste of time.
All right, let's get this back up.
Another 10 my goodness.
Yes, We were limited fire, lads.
We got it.
I don't think I could go down there because this guy's gonna be extremely angry at me.
Um, he's gonna destroy my life.
Whoa, whoa.
Don't push me and Oh, my God, This is actually working.
Well, there's so many down there.
I just need to work on getting the lover to work properly.
Gonna need you fellows to die, please.
Very, very quickly.
They have so much health.
Okay, he's dead.
That means we collect our Ryan.
This guy's gonna die, but this is working perfectly.
I just need to add the water around the outside.
We're golden golden.
You see?
You get it, Okay.
He's dead.
He must be dead soon.
Those are done, then we collect our goodies.
But I obviously need to make this lower, so I need to test it with two thing.
Maybe I have this to tools.
Let's break these lava signs.
Floor, which should be made out of hoppers are lava signs.
Actually, then they need to be hoppers.
They're right, right?
This might make a little bit more sense.
So we're gonna put lava in this section and that will run over there.
And then we have water.
Push this bad boy in, and then he should die.
Okay, You know what?
You're gonna finesse me like that.
That's fine.
Walk in walking.
I dare you!
There we go.
So now he should be too tall.
But his drops should still drop on.
If a ll This floor is hoppers, This should work.
I'm pretty sure as long as that drops, I don't want to stuff to burn up.
Let's grab that.
Did it work?
Oh, yes, Yes, I think it worked.
I think it worked.
I think it worked.
I'm getting way too excited about this.
Let's go.
I've got I am Ah, man, this is gonna work.
So all I need now is enough iron to make hoppers and then enough water around here for it to work.
And then I should probably get rid of those Golan's over there because the problem with those spawning is that it?
I'll never mind.
This is perfect.
I've already got myself 21 iron.
This is great.
This works, this works flawlessly.
Let me assess it out one more times.
We've got this here and then move this bad boy into it and he's gonna burn and die.
There we go, because he's gonna be standing up there two blocks tall.
I just need to get enough high.
And I do this over and over again to get some hoppers from that.
We got ourselves an iron farm.
It took this with me about three hours to make.
And most of that I think about our of that was trying to get the zombie and the village is in there.
But I'm gonna leave this here for today.
Guys, I've got a really big surprise lined up for next episodes.
If you're excited and you're happy that this actually worked, then leave her like that.
I'm gonna work on this just to make it look a little bit clean.
I want to kind of make it out of clouds of these bits.
look like clouds.
But you can't make it into a big cloud because otherwise that ain't gonna work.
We did it.
We did something cool in Minecraft, so I hope you enjoy it.
If you did leave a like that great appreciated subscribe your brand new to the channel as well to see what would videos every single day and catch up with the syriza's well.
And you do not want to miss the episode on Saturday, it's going to be crazy.
Thanks so much watching guys on a CIA suit.
Good back in candle campus for four Rubber band.