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What if there's a challenge for real?
Yo, yo, yo, What if there's a challenge, bro?
Where do you swear you boat the entire Matt perimeter?
You both the entire perimeter that you want to do it?
Let's try it.
I will start.
I'll start here.
Holly Edges will bow all around everything Box for the boat thing.
Yeah, Let's just let's just hit it and go.
Yeah, we'll start right here.
Well, I feel like I mean, you get a gun and bandages feeling a whole map.
We're gonna We're gonna get the boat, Dude, we're gonna get Don't worry.
We're gonna get there.
We're going to circle.
No, he doesn't.
He added a way.
We need to get a circle like No, it doesn't matter.
It doesn't matter about the circle.
You want to join us hopping about right now, Okay.
Oh, my God.
I told you, we need God's name.
But right here really Guns, though we don't need guns, man, I'm telling you, that was a one time thing.
That was a one time thing, bro.
That's not a boat.
That is a fake boat.
I thought was a You know, it and now I don't have a boat.
Even I got about I got about.
Well, um, I'm gonna get a challenge.
Well, I'm gonna have to come and pick you up.
You know, we don't even know if it's an achievement.
I'm, like, worried about it.
I love it.
I have a gun.
I was spies.
I'm stopped.
Why veer right like that?
You wanna drive?
You don't know how to land on the bottle.
I gotta go there, man.
You have to go there.
All right.
I'm excellent.
Let's go bone.
It started right here.
It's not bad to look at the zone.
I have five is five entities as well.
I don't think it's possible, isn't it?
I mean, it's possible.
Let's go.
Tell me, Victor.
I know.
What is your name?
I mean, there's nothing I could do.
You have no shot.
No, man.
She's got an r p.
We're done with this challenge.
We're done with this potential achievement heresy with 500 gonna work in the, you know, a lot of time to think about my original, my original paint on the whole job situation, and definitely there can't be there.
Can't be any, Uh, what's the word?
I'm looking for exceptions and things like that, but I do think that you know his age and his status should be right.
Right, right, right.
What I'm saying is like hopefully, hopefully it's not permanent.
You know, like a like a six year, one year, our six month, one year.
You got it, You got it.
He's got it.
He's got a he's got, like, you know, there's gotta be some sort of punishment other than obviously being banned.
Three of the park wants to be.
No, no, no.
You know what I mean?
I don't understand why, but community service, you know, you got it, you know, have the harpoon.
What do you want?
They get fine, too.
Yeah, I think there's definitely a lot of what?
I mean, you pay a fine like you.
Are you telling me that if Jarvis right now, doesn't he gives like, a $50,000 fine like Children?
Possible effort would donate it somewhere like this.
Some sort of charity.
But you have to pay like you think you will be upset about that.
You just gave $50,000 to a charity like?
No, it's not about fat.
People would be like.
I mean, what do you think?
That some 12 year old?
Yeah, $50,000 to a charity.
That's why the money would go on epic pockets, one of those things where it's like, Oh, yeah, what should get going?
And it won't go in their pocket if that.
If that were to be a, uh why would why, What?
What do you mean, Why would he pay that?
Like what?
He wants to come back to the game.
But I think it is none of them.
Yeah, I know.
He was back.
The light.
I think it's 2019.
I think that we can you know, I think we can come up with creative, creative and and positive ideas to show people, you know, Hey, you're gonna be banned permanently.
Unless, you know, I'm just saying, I think this I, uh, produce got an incredibly successful looking space.
You don't know.
It's a large hole.
Has to be a large sum.
It can't be like $5000.
Listen to.
Jarvis probably had an incredibly successful creator code.
Not to mention he's got millions of subscribers on YouTube and it was a popular streamer.
Dude's got it all right.
I'm not saying he's obviously rich when that's the whole point, and that's again, that's the whole That's the whole point of the that amount, that large amount of money.
It's like it's like he's not gonna be Oh oh, he definitely still uses his mind no matter what.
Six months probably.
Yeah, six months to a year, you're you're I thought about yet obviously, don't cheat chat course.
That's obviously the Golden Rule, and I'm pretty sure that that's that's a pretty pretty, pretty significant and understandable precedent.
You're banned for life from Fortnight as a as a content.
Greater because you hacked unless you donate $50,000 to a charity like off ethics.
Troy, You know, I mean, like, do you like that is that's a pretty that's a pretty that's just business class size.
Not everyone's rich enough for 50 grand with They don't cheat.
Don't cheat on me.
Don't you know the concentrator?
Little point?
No point is like if there is going to be a way to get on band, it's got to be some crazy, you know?
I mean, listen, man, everyone wins, Everyone wins.
Do charity gets $50.
I just don't like how you live in a video.
Yeah, I mean, I watched it on.
Uh oh, boy.
You know that.
It's just that I'm gonna I'm not gonna say, man, that's like that.
That's a phase, boys.
I mean, they're always trying to look for that edgy next level, like game changing content that they think is gonna be funny.
Like there's something wrong with that.
But you know, when you have when you're around a bunch of guys who are kind of willing to do you know anything for a really good video like I really would I would be surprised if that was actually Jarvis's idea, but the core Welcome to 2019.
When when you say something, it's forever.
I have people.
I have people on the Internet that won't read my comments to that article saying that I went back on what I said.
I'm just gonna get people were gonna come up to me like you know what you think, maggot.
Why do the Oh, no.
Well, I believe everything I read on the Internet making another article.
Oh, yeah, Here comes Another article freaks out about our article one.
I know.
You know, this is so weird.
It's like, Oh, yeah, you guys, I, uh It's not even morning, and I got breakfast on my mind status.
Toss him up there.
That's like that one.
Homie, this guy has got the greatest Internet of all time.
I've had it.
My wrap 1 27 boom.
Oh, and that it is, uh, yeah, they like to be.
And they maybe that's not reach.
Raging is more like nice.
Do you see?
I like I was just staring at me.
Look, he wants and he like face.
Do you?
You got to be quicker than that.
Oh, yeah, I definitely Yeah, yeah, yeah.
Outrage, culture, rage, culture of the same thing, dude.
Not go for it.
Oh, no, He's got sniped.
I'm going with that hard.
You just missed, like, every shot and realize your trash Me so many men come down for the third.
Good for you every time.
Get me up in Holly immediately.
Please haven't Matthew with math or hear about you.
Get me off forever.
Give me up.
Get me up there.
Come on, man.
You mean that Can I get?
I just need ammo and the There's only one.
Go for this.
I thought you said there there another time.
I said, never mind.
It's a butterfly.
Oh, well, have you ever seen this?
That there's like starfish on these on the rocks.
Look at this.
Yeah, I've never seen this.
Starfish on the rocks.
Look, don't hit them.
Well, I mean, I have to hit them.
I want it's what happened?
My break.
Look at this.
All right, guys.
Oh, it's only one guy.
Does he do in the glitch?
They fix the health witch yet?
Oh, yeah, is one guy and maybe the dual died because you can heal.
He's healing.
It's a Slurpee, and I can't find, uh Do you know what?
That's it.
We're gonna die.
I mean, we lose this like, there's just Maybe it's a tree that no may feeling, Pop one.
Yeah, I'll take one now.
I guess they feel it.
Uh, I'm going back and watch this.
You watch it.
Well, I don't want to see what happened, man.