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  • Yo.

  • What if there's a challenge for real?

  • Yo, yo, yo, What if there's a challenge, bro?

  • Where do you swear you boat the entire Matt perimeter?

  • You both the entire perimeter that you want to do it?

  • Let's try it.

  • I will start.

  • I'll start here.

  • Holly Edges will bow all around everything Box for the boat thing.

  • Yeah, Let's just let's just hit it and go.

  • Yeah, we'll start right here.

  • Well, I feel like I mean, you get a gun and bandages feeling a whole map.

  • We're gonna We're gonna get the boat, Dude, we're gonna get Don't worry.

  • We're gonna get there.

  • We're going to circle.

  • No, he doesn't.

  • He added a way.

  • We need to get a circle like No, it doesn't matter.

  • It doesn't matter about the circle.

  • No.

  • You want to join us hopping about right now, Okay.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Huh?

  • I told you, we need God's name.

  • Boom.

  • But right here really Guns, though we don't need guns, man, I'm telling you, that was a one time thing.

  • That was a one time thing, bro.

  • That's not a boat.

  • That is a fake boat.

  • I thought was a You know, it and now I don't have a boat.

  • Even I got about I got about.

  • Well, um, I'm gonna get a challenge.

  • Well, I'm gonna have to come and pick you up.

  • You know, we don't even know if it's an achievement.

  • I'm, like, worried about it.

  • I love it.

  • I have a gun.

  • I was spies.

  • I'm stopped.

  • Why veer right like that?

  • You wanna drive?

  • You don't know how to land on the bottle.

  • I gotta go there, man.

  • What?

  • You have to go there.

  • All right.

  • I'm excellent.

  • Driver.

  • Let's go bone.

  • It started right here.

  • It's not bad to look at the zone.

  • I have five is five entities as well.

  • I don't think it's possible, isn't it?

  • I mean, it's possible.

  • Let's go.

  • Tell me, Victor.

  • I know.

  • What is your name?

  • I mean, there's nothing I could do.

  • You have no shot.

  • No, man.

  • She's got an r p.

  • D.

  • We're done with this challenge.

  • We're done with this potential achievement heresy with 500 gonna work in the, you know, a lot of time to think about my original, my original paint on the whole job situation, and definitely there can't be there.

  • Can't be any, Uh, what's the word?

  • I'm looking for exceptions and things like that, but I do think that you know his age and his status should be right.

  • Right?

  • Right, right, right.

  • What I'm saying is like hopefully, hopefully it's not permanent.

  • You know, like a like a six year, one year, our six month, one year.

  • You got it, You got it.

  • He's got it.

  • He's got a he's got, like, you know, there's gotta be some sort of punishment other than obviously being banned.

  • Three of the park wants to be.

  • No, no, no.

  • You know what I mean?

  • I don't understand why, but community service, you know, you got it, you know, have the harpoon.

  • What do you want?

  • They get fine, too.

  • Yeah, I think there's definitely a lot of what?

  • Yeah.

  • I mean, you pay a fine like you.

  • Whoa.

  • Are you telling me that if Jarvis right now, doesn't he gives like, a $50,000 fine like Children?

  • Possible effort would donate it somewhere like this.

  • Some sort of charity.

  • But you have to pay like you think you will be upset about that.

  • You just gave $50,000 to a charity like?

  • No, it's not about fat.

  • People would be like.

  • I mean, what do you think?

  • That some 12 year old?

  • Yeah, $50,000 to a charity.

  • That's why the money would go on epic pockets, one of those things where it's like, Oh, yeah, what should get going?

  • And it won't go in their pocket if that.

  • If that were to be a, uh why would why, What?

  • What do you mean, Why would he pay that?

  • Like what?

  • He wants to come back to the game.

  • But I think it is none of them.

  • Yeah, I know.

  • He was back.

  • The light.

  • I think it's 2019.

  • I think that we can you know, I think we can come up with creative, creative and and positive ideas to show people, you know, Hey, you're gonna be banned permanently.

  • Unless, you know, I'm just saying, I think this I, uh, produce got an incredibly successful looking space.

  • You don't know.

  • It's a large hole.

  • Has to be a large sum.

  • It can't be like $5000.

  • Listen to.

  • Jarvis probably had an incredibly successful creator code.

  • Not to mention he's got millions of subscribers on YouTube and it was a popular streamer.

  • Dude's got it all right.

  • I'm not saying he's obviously rich when that's the whole point, and that's again, that's the whole That's the whole point of the that amount, that large amount of money.

  • It's like it's like he's not gonna be Oh oh, he definitely still uses his mind no matter what.

  • Six months probably.

  • Yeah, six months to a year, you're you're I thought about yet obviously, don't cheat chat course.

  • That's obviously the Golden Rule, and I'm pretty sure that that's that's a pretty pretty, pretty significant and understandable precedent.

  • Hi.

  • You're banned for life from Fortnight as a as a content.

  • Greater because you hacked unless you donate $50,000 to a charity like off ethics.

  • Troy, You know, I mean, like, do you like that is that's a pretty that's a pretty that's just business class size.

  • Not everyone's rich enough for 50 grand with They don't cheat.

  • Don't cheat on me.

  • Don't you know the concentrator?

  • Little point?

  • No point is like if there is going to be a way to get on band, it's got to be some crazy, you know?

  • I mean, listen, man, everyone wins, Everyone wins.

  • Do charity gets $50.

  • I just don't like how you live in a video.

  • Yeah, I mean, I watched it on.

  • Uh oh, boy.

  • You know that.

  • It's just that I'm gonna I'm not gonna say, man, that's like that.

  • That's a phase, boys.

  • Dude.

  • I mean, they're always trying to look for that edgy next level, like game changing content that they think is gonna be funny.

  • Like there's something wrong with that.

  • But you know, when you have when you're around a bunch of guys who are kind of willing to do you know anything for a really good video like I really would I would be surprised if that was actually Jarvis's idea, but the core Welcome to 2019.

  • When when you say something, it's forever.

  • I have people.

  • I have people on the Internet that won't read my comments to that article saying that I went back on what I said.

  • I'm just gonna get people were gonna come up to me like you know what you think, maggot.

  • Why do the Oh, no.

  • Well, I believe everything I read on the Internet making another article.

  • Oh, yeah, Here comes Another article freaks out about our article one.

  • I know.

  • You know, this is so weird.

  • It's like, Oh, yeah, you guys, I, uh It's not even morning, and I got breakfast on my mind status.

  • Toss him up there.

  • That's like that one.

  • Homie, this guy has got the greatest Internet of all time.

  • I've had it.

  • My wrap 1 27 boom.

  • Oh, and that it is, uh, yeah, they like to be.

  • And they maybe that's not reach.

  • Raging is more like nice.

  • Do you see?

  • I like I was just staring at me.

  • Look, he wants and he like face.

  • Do you?

  • You got to be quicker than that.

  • Oh, yeah, I definitely Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • Outrage, culture, rage, culture of the same thing, dude.

  • Not go for it.

  • Oh, no, He's got sniped.

  • I'm going with that hard.

  • You just missed, like, every shot and realize your trash Me so many men come down for the third.

  • Good for you every time.

  • Get me up in Holly immediately.

  • Please haven't Matthew with math or hear about you.

  • Okay?

  • Get me off forever.

  • Give me up.

  • Get me up there.

  • Thoughts.

  • Come on, man.

  • You mean that Can I get?

  • I just need ammo and the There's only one.

  • D'oh!

  • Go for this.

  • I thought you said there there another time.

  • I said, never mind.

  • It's a butterfly.

  • Oh, well, have you ever seen this?

  • That there's like starfish on these on the rocks.

  • Look at this.

  • Yeah, I've never seen this.

  • What?

  • Starfish on the rocks.

  • Starfish.

  • Look, don't hit them.

  • Well, I mean, I have to hit them.

  • I want it's what happened?

  • My break.

  • Look at this.

  • All right, guys.

  • Oh, it's only one guy.

  • Do.

  • Does he do in the glitch?

  • They fix the health witch yet?

  • Oh, yeah, is one guy and maybe the dual died because you can heal.

  • He's healing.

  • It's a Slurpee, and I can't find, uh Do you know what?

  • That's it.

  • We're gonna die.

  • Release.

  • I mean, we lose this like, there's just Maybe it's a tree that no may feeling, Pop one.

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, I'll take one now.

  • I guess they feel it.

  • Uh, I'm going back and watch this.

  • You watch it.

  • Well, I don't want to see what happened, man.



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