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I know that you are expecting your is your second child.
Second congratulations.
That's fantastic.
I'm very curious about parenting style.
I'm like, out of Brad.
You're out of breath from rocking from here.
They're I don't touch the ground.
That's true.
They don't.
I like because I'm pregnant.
Okay, well, we'll get you out of here as fast as possible.
You're probably backstage yelling at someone.
Why am I I Why am I doing this?
Uh, no, I know that you're you're expecting your second child.
How old is your first?
She's 21 months, So that means, like, almost too.
Just say to you you're gonna stop doing.
I love parents that keep that going for a really long time.
He's 198 months.
Big difference.
They can do it.
21 months versus two years.
Yes, I remember.
I have Teoh who are older now.
They're in their late fifties.
I had one of them just before I was born, but no, I'm just curious.
Like it all comes down to parenting style.
Like with your first child with you and your husband.
You know, like what the parenting styles are like, how you defer safe.
Yeah, we differ a lot.
Um, yeah.
I mean, mainly, like I do things for the child that the child wants and needs.
Yes, Like, you know, I'll listen to wheels on the bus and read him, like, you know, one fish, two fish, green fish.
And Ryan will listen to cardi B like whatever he wants to listen to and like, reads him like, you know, a brief history of time.
It's annoying, right?
So he's doing the things he wants to do with the time that he would do anyway.
And the child can like it or not.
And then you are actually thinking about the child's well being.
That is the difference is their gender differences.
I was I was totally Yeah, I was.
My wife would do all the things that the baby needed to survive and live and have a productive life.
And then I was an ass all the time.
Well, you know, when I also, like, always think of like the future Like, what kind of person am I creating?
Like I know you don't want to sit here and eat your dinner but like, you're gonna learn us, sit here and eat your dinner and will breathe through it and you're not gonna like it.
And maybe I'm not gonna, but we're gonna get through it.
And Ryan, like like if he hasn't for the morning, Like, how do you eat for breakfast?
He's like a Greek mike.
He sat there and a little No.
I put him in the bathtub and fed him in the bathtub.
You want me?
Why the bathtub?
Because you don't go down that way.
Any seasoned chili on in the tub, distracted and having a great time.
And then he just shoves food and is not crazy.
That's absolutely nuts.
I mean, so that that works, it actually works.
I mean, I guess if you got food in him, then that's enough.
What I used to do with my daughter was when she was, you know, you know, like when she was about, ah, year old or so a little older than that.
And she wouldn't eat the broccoli.
Whatever I would say, this is my Moroccan really knows.
But he touched my broccoli, and then I would turn my back and she would just for the fun of stealing it, eat the broccoli and they'll be like, Who took my broccoli?
And I thought that was a great idea.
And now she's 16 and she steals it.
Didn't work out.
She gets out soon.
Broccoli, That's also feels still broccoli, but a lot of it.
Hundreds of Rob Lowe.