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Oh, man.
Last episode of buying craft hardcore was a great success.
We are very quickly approaching end game by endgame.
I mean, like end end game, as in completing Minecraft forever, which is actually insane.
I actually completely forgot.
I haven't looked into this world for at least a few days.
We moved these beacons and it actually looks awesome.
But the only problem is I did completely rinse out the rest of my iron from my iron farms.
So what I need to do is wait for this to replenish before I can add 1/4 beacon.
And to get 1/4 beacon in the first place, I need three more with the skulls and last time that took me at least two hours.
So I'm definitely not going to be doing that in quite a hurry.
But we do need it for one of the advancements that have every potion effect applied at the same time.
I think that's gonna help me with that, because when you bring up this, I could already have some of these active.
I don't need a potion for every single one.
Anyway, today, what I want to do is work on something we haven't done yet, which is grabbing a trident because I mentioned to you guys that I am going to want to get some skeleton horses.
I don't know.
I'm on the fence about changing body and slow horse into skeleton horses because I don't know if I want to do that to them.
Regardless, we're gonna employ some news horses in the future and turn them into skeleton Horse is the best way to do that is to get a trident with channelling on.
When it rains, you get zapped forces into skeleton horses.
I believe that's the case, because when a channeling tridents hits the ground when it's raining, it creates lightning.
So we're going to do that very soon.
We're not doing that today.
Today we need to grab the Trident's.
The problem is, I don't really know how to get them from.
I think the best thing I'm gonna be able to do, which is good right now, actually is going to fly around the ocean until I get hit by one off the, um what a gold The drowned.
You get them from the drowned, so we're gonna make our way over to their um wasn't gonna D'oh!
I was gonna fly away, okay?
That definitely don't work.
There we go.
That's better to the ocean.
We could actually do this now.
This is so cool.
I love having these wings.
Last time we learned how to fly, we made ourselves and Lytro helipads We can land there without dying.
Do you still need to be careful, though I'm always gonna have a totem of and dying just chilling in my imagery Because if I die, I'll be so dead, the whole thing will be over.
And I'm this close to being able to complete Minecraft.
It's crazy, right?
I also need to figure out if I can get some more gunpowder at some point.
But today I want to get a trident and then try and get the inch armaments on it that we need.
We need mending loyalty, and we also need channeling, which is the last one that we need for our lightning toe happen.
So I think the best place to go because I don't think my farm is going to work.
I think the best place to go is over here just in a flat area.
Actually, I've heard somewhere that a river is goods.
That river is really good for sporting in the drowned.
Let's see.
Going down.
You're deep home.
We get this right, we just wait for drowns.
Now, I probably should have bought a boat with me.
But you know what?
I don't have one.
I just need drowned to come and attack me.
We'll wait.
This could be good.
This could be very good for spawning in German.
I think I need a flat area.
I was gonna make a whole farm for them by only need one Trident and I don't need one with Ian Charming on it.
I don't even know if you can get that.
But I just want some drowned to come and get me.
Look at me.
I don't know quite what I'm doing here, but I'm stuck in the ocean.
Someone coming to save me and I'll take your life and take their tried and what is happening here.
I'm not sure about this.
This is weird.
Should have made a boat.
There we go, right to remove and dying.
Let's see if I can boss this.
I need to be so careful.
I need to land gracefully.
We're gonna says mobs everywhere.
I'm gonna die here all night.
This is gonna be awful, right?
This land gracefully.
Oh, out of your busy lopping.
I know.
Oh, my goodness.
I'm not wearing my chest plate.
How did that happen?
I wasn't even touching the Ford bun.
And I was like, flying across this up is that was amazing.
Oh, wait.
I'm going back towards where I was before we had a drowned sport.
I heard they just sworn randomly.
I need them to spawn here.
I need a trident dweller, please.
Maybe I should go to a different bio.
Mom, let's go to a bigger ocean.
Let's do it.
Here we go.
I always feel amazing when I do this.
Look quite a way to the top of the world.
Let's go under a lot of rockets pretty quickly.
So we are going to farm creepers at some point, but not today.
Today is all about the drowned and get me that tried it.
Because not only do you need to find ones that have a trident, we also need to find ones that will drop the trident.
It's only a e.
I think it's only like an 11% chance if they have one.
Hold up.
Load up.
There he is.
What's good, bro?
I saw you from out here.
You got any friends with the tried and I would really, really like one.
Um, this is a public place that's born.
Oh, yeah, we got that.
There is.
There's one of the trident right there.
Okay, I need Thio.
Get out of this.
I need to put this on.
He's genuinely got one, right?
Okay, this is out.
This is a good place.
But that right now give me your trying a buddy.
This is what I wanted.
It's exactly what I wanted.
You know what?
You can hit me with it all you like.
Just drop it when you die.
Did you drop it when you die?
It's I don't think you are.
You dropped gold's you add to drop gold.
You didn't drop it, did you?
Little punk?
I take out on you.
Please find me a guy.
The other tried and he's willing to drop.
There was I think it landed down here, actually.
But if it works like that down here is can I grab this?
Grab this.
I want it give me.
I want to try and please.
Oh, I'm gonna die.
Help me right now.
I'm going crazy.
I don't think I can pick it up from here.
That would be good, but I think it's gonna happen.
But if it did, I wouldn't be mad.
Surely you could just rip this out the floor.
I think it might have gone.
Now, where did the trident go?
I'm not gonna die for it.
I'm not that into it.
Oh, I'm actually really low.
Please don't die.
Do not die for the trident is not worth it.
So I guess the plan is either fly around for a dress.
Oh, someone just threw one at me.
Where are you?
There you are.
They are sporting here.
This is where I should have built my original, um, my original base or coming at you.
There we go.
Drop it.
You didn't drop it.
We're going to sake.
I didn't realize the Trident's were so hard to get.
It's actually hard enough to find one.
A drowned spawned in the wild with one in the first place with looting three.
That's like an 11 point something percent chance and even dropping it.
It's crazy.
Yeah, This was when this would have been a good place to build my original farm because it looks like drowned a sport in here.
I just need one that's gotta try it in and then feels I drop in it.
Um, yeah, It's gonna take a while.
It's out in the ocean Lost scared alone.
The sport more often near these things.
I feel like they do normally.
They're like, packed with them in here.
Is there actually a anything in here?
There it is.
Bury treasure map in some coal.
Don't mind if I do.
You know what I think gonna put on my Oh, geez, My literal wings are gonna die.
Oh, I need to kill some stuff desperately.
Oh, dude, I didn't realize I've got mending, but I completely forgot that I actually need to collect experience for it to work.
Sorry, guys.
You have to go down.
I need your experience, don't you?
Don't just go away from me, Please.
There we go.
Repair my wings, boys.
Night One extremely unsuccessful.
And now I think that my my stuff is going to break its not a good start, is it?
Let's see if these guys want to play.
How's it going, guys?
I just want to take your experience.
That's all I need is gonna go into my sword first, isn't it?
You need to be careful about these things.
Here we go.
Did you have an ex P farmer home, though?
So no worries Having Electra and I'm walking.
This isn't what it was made for.
So I'm gonna just quickly use one more boost.
It should survive that long and fly it to my ex p farm.
I'm gonna go out on a limb and say I've read somewhere.
I'm not sure where it is, but I've Red's my goodness, That was close.
Oh, my goodness.
I almost broke it.
Look at that.
That's so close.
Or if I lose the a liter, I will be so mad at myself.
It is un really.
This is probably stopped working as well as in it.
Yeah, you're, like the worst employee ever.
You just think you do what you want.
Basically, don't.
Yeah, right.
What we got here?
Let's see how much this will give us back wings.
Gonna make sure that it's working what is happening.
Everything's broke, right?
Let's take this out.
I never paid them fully.
Carry on what you're doing, right?
That's now fully repaired.
That is good.
I no need to wait until sunset, which is super annoying.
The only other way you can get drowned is by flooding a spawn, er, but I don't think there's an easy way to do that.
I don't think that spawns in the ones with the Trident's either.
So I need to wait around like a river or something like that.
To be able to get more drowned.
Spawns only saw three.
Luckily, two of them a tridents.
But if I'm gonna get this trident today, I need for this to work way better.
Let me see.
What by own this is this bio is Yeah, it's a normal river.
I think they might spawn here.
I just need to wait till nighttime fun.
I've been sitting in this boat for about I was gonna say, Yeah, that's a lie.
I've been staying here for about 20 minutes.
Important, even 20 minutes.
But it felt like it ready to get smacks by some drowns.
I just needed to happen.
I built a boat.
That's why I spent my lost 10 minutes doing how the budget hurt myself.
As the moon rises, so do the drowned.
Hit me with your best shot, boys.
I'm ready for it.
Can I just fly around and see them like I did before?
I feel like they'd already like pre spawned in.
I'm at least going to try it for a little bit because I need something to make this Foster.
I need a trident.
I need one Bad.
Uh, wait.
This could be it.
Look how many drowned.
You're I think we found it.
I think we found the place to be.
That's five.
It's near these structures.
I knew it.
I knew there was a place near here.
Uh, Troy, the boy.
Come on, try it on, boy, please.
I was about to do that.
I was trying to use my shields, but I don't have one.
Oh, jeez.
I'm drowning now.
Okay, this is bad.
It's really bad.
Oh, no.
Um, I need to change clothes real quick.
Put this on.
Get you out of here.
You're not a drowned boy.
I just want the drowned boys Where is he?
There he is!
Come on!
Give me this Trident.
I deserve it.
You know I deserve it.
Why won't you drop?
It was definitely way more of this morning down here, though, on these little monuments.
If I had a banner, I could have marked it.
But I don't have one on me.
The's Triton's air Just mocking me.
You should just be able to grab them.
Give me.
Give me this.
This is rightfully mine now.
I killed your owner.
So this is mine.
Even moves through the air and I just can't get it.
Come on, don't be mean.
What is that?
What is that skeleton?
And since when do they spawn in?
Where did that come from?
I have never seen one of these spawn before.
Look at it is only in a nice boy.
Oh, that's crazy!
Look at this thing.
What is that?
I have never seen one of these things before.
And now he's fighting the spider.
Can you just show?
No, I want I want I wanna attack him!
I want him!
He's mine!
Look at this!
Do monsters hunted way?
Did I just complete the achieving where killed every monster.
Kill one of every hostile monster.
You have to be joking.
I didn't know.
Think I would've completed that right now.
That's sick.
I've never seen one of them before.
And I'm just supporting Igloo up here is well, that I kind of want to check out, but I really need to see more drowned.
Look, this igloo is this rare as well.
Where am I?
An alternate dimension.
I think there are any sport over here.
Look at them.
They got, like, weird clothes and special enchanted broads.
Now, last time I was in one of these, huh?
You told me to go underneath.
There we go.
Secret passageway.
Let's go.
Oh, please.
Minecraft sort me out.
Oh, I thought I was gonna die then, But last time I saw one of these, I didn't know there was a weird secret tunnel underneath the carpet.
Oh, I see what's going on here.
It's giving me everything I need to be able to heal this guy.
That's so cool.
I can trade with you.
Obviously, I can trade with you, but it's given me the stuff to be able to fix you.
You know what?
It be rude.
If I didn't ordinate, let's just do it.
I've got a golden Apple despair because I just found one here.
So let me splash this guy real quick, and then I can hear him, right?
I didn't know this was a thing.
Is that the ready made healing thing?
Ready to go?
That's so cool.
And I've got some stones, like and what is going on here at these silverfish things as well?
I didn't know these could be silverfish things.
I'm learning so much just taking your bricks real quick.
I don't think you'd mind.
Well, I'm actually Loki wasting the nighttime right here, and I haven't got a lot of time.
So hopefully by the time we get back downstairs, this dude has been healed.
And give me cheap stuff.
Oh, geez.
No, no, no.
Stay away from me.
I need drowned.
Give me a tried and it's unreal that I still don't have one sport.
Now, let me see if I can turn this guy into a drowned because apparently if they get submerged for a long enough amount of time because they can't really swim, he would turn into a drowned, but I don't know if he'll turn into a drowned with a trident.
I just want to see I think it takes some 30 seconds to change If Egon swarm with the tried and I just need to bob zombies into the water.
But I don't think he can.
You definitely can't get out The poor guy.
You, Mads.
Oh, we shaken.
You're shaking.
It's happening.
Have transformed one zombie into Ah, normal Villager now and transforming a zombie into a drowned.
I'm doing science Over here, guys.
Big boy Science.
Hey, there we go.
Don't change.
It's what I want to go.
So you're gonna have to go.
Sorry, lads.
By Let's get back to our little science experiment over here.
How's it going?
How you doing?
You're still not healed yet.
It doesn't take that long.
I like her as like the ah, the arrows as well.
So you want to do That's kind of cool.
Oh, are you kidding me?
He started to Annette wit and it would have no jobs.
You guys both suck.
Oh, geez.
I can't believe it.
Oh, or he's got a fishing rod.
I'd go click, baited my goodness no.
Are these guys aren't get to spawn and you give me a fishing rods.
And he dropped the fishing rod.
Guys, Maybe so mad it has bean out.
It has been an entire week on dhe.
I've already played Minecraft that much because this took so long.
But now I've got a very small boy trying to hit me with a trident.
And I've also found a better location for this.
So let's try and figure out how we're gonna try and take this guy out.
This better be the one I have killed for about 10 tried and holders and none of them have worked.
So I'm hoping this small boy will drop it.
I don't think he dropped it.
Why is it so hard to get?
But now, basically, I'm in a deep ocean bio.
We've not much land around cause before there was way too much land around on other things could spawn Whereas now all we've got is basically drowned sporting in and fish.
So there's much more.
Look, there's way more drowned this morning.
And so I'm gonna try and shop these guys down until daytime.
You still got a little time left.
I also got a north to the shell from this, which is pretty nice.
So I could make another conduit very, very soon.
A definite didn't get it.
Did I know my elite?
True as well.
It's all those dead.
I'm in a I'm in a mess.
But I will get this trident.
I need it.
I also know that after this grind in getting the trying in the first place, I don't need to grind out the mending and charm mons and the loyalty enchantments from our villages.
So this could be a little bit of a grind.
But when we've got it, it's gonna be so worth it.
Here's another one doesn't have a tried and the come on, tell your friends to bring the trident's with him.
Baby drowned with the trident is actually pretty rare in itself.
Don't have a small chance is born with one.
They only have a small chance to be a baby one in the first place.
So that was pretty lucky.
Unfortunately, we weren't lucky enough to get the trident from him.
Hold on.
We got a lot of them here, but I don't think any of them holding a tried and he's got enchanted fishing Rod, which is pretty crazy.
This guy's got a normal one.
I told you, steal it.
We got lots of them out.
I thought someone throwing something at me.
Oh, so it is throwing something at me.
One of them is gonna try and it's this guy.
You need to go, like, straight away.
Give me your trident.
This is mine.
I don't think it dropped the tried and still you tried.
It is so, Rabbi, So rat.
Come any there are.
This is definitely a better place to be.
I don't want to die here either.
Ah, still no tried and killed so many.
Oh, there's the guy right underneath me.
I didn't know he was gonna Sport come in.
Come on.
That'd be the last one.
You're the last one alive.
Give me it.
Don't Never mind.
The sun sets on another day off trying to get this stupid trident.
You don't bring me one.
You die is gonna drive me crazy.
I feel like this is the longest of grind over something in this whole let's play.
And it's like, what are the last things we need as well.
And this guy hasn't notes of the shell.
This is how I got my other one.
I don't know if it drops every time, but I sure love it.
If What does that chicken come from?
Give me that.
It does drop every time.
Why doesn't the tried and drop every time?
That's so mean.
What are you doing here?
Why you out in the ocean or by yourself?
You okay?
I feel like I should take you home.
But I can't.
I can't.
I'm busy at the moment.
Tried and what?
I wanted to try it.
And so I think the north of the show is every time the Detroit and just staying.
Drop him for me.
Someone's throwing something at me.
There it is.
I was like, I'm sure I can hear one.
This guy had so hard as well.
Do you know die to Thorne's?
Come on.
I have been here for days.
Another day is past.
Oh, my goodness.
It's still not there.
Look at the state time again.
So the odds of getting one with looting three from a tried and bearer is like 11%.
I've definitely killed Maur than 10 which should be enough when it comes down to high probability and stuff you should need to kill.
Just under tend to be able to get one trident.
You know that I'm working for me.
Another challenger approaches.
How's it going, bro?
You're gonna drop it for me.
You feeling nice?
Looting three.
Yeah, I think that works anymore.
Come on.
I know you're not gonna drop it for me, but I thought at least try it.
We got it again.
Come on, Come on.
Jeez, it's kind of a joke.
Now I've killed at least 20.
Just put this all into perspective while we're are floating here in the ocean.
The gold ingots, which I currently have seven off, only have an 8% drop chance from drowned.
That's right.
And I have how many of them?
That's crazy.
There's only a 6.25% chance off the drowned even sporting him with a trident.
And then it's 11.
From that, I might cry.
Hold on a second.
Let's get these guys out of here.
Oh, no.
This isn't going well.
I need to not die from Thorne said over.
This is loads one.
Just go on.
Just go on.
Just go One.
Yeah, There it is.
It's good.
I'm breaking to win it already as well.
I don't need your own.
This is bad.
Um, yeah.
I'm in trouble here.
Where did all you guys come from?
Her quickly change clothes.
I'm ready for you.
If I get to be so mad.
He broke by its I just couldn't see her.
I don't believe it.
Oh, I gotta get out of here.
You will suck.
You drive me insane.
I got to.
In the end, I actually got to in the daytime as well.
What could I drop?
Let's get it.
We don't need iron nuggets.
Oh, man, I got a decent one to look.
Check this out.
I'm breaking to tried in on a normal one.
I can combine those on DDE.
It has been so long out here the other beginning.
You saw my Electra was pretty much dead.
Now it's pretty much healed, so I need to get out of it.
This drive me insane When the fireworks to me up, up and away, huh?
We finally got one.
Not just one, but two in a row Actually, I own a Really?
You know what?
Our patients paid off because we got one with them breaking on.
That's pretty.
That's pretty good.
That's present in a normal one on Dad.
3/4 off the durability.
So now it's pretty unlucky.
But now we need to go and get mending on it, which we can definitely do.
But then we need to roll channeling so that we can try and get our We need loyalty as well.
We need a few enchantments.
Luckily, I got some villages.
Yeah, here it is.
Home sweet home.
I have been in the ocean for so long now.
I forgot what this looked like.
Ah, named D'Argo.
It has been so long.
I recorded the first half of this episode over a week ago, so I actually have no idea what I've done today.
Regardless, that scared of all this Rome flesh, old man, I was gonna throw some of this away.
I think I can trade it.
Actually, I can trade all this stuff.
Let's get rid of this snow.
So we need these emeralds, and we also need I think we need books.
A cz Well, yeah, we're gonna need some books just to get the mending.
We're also gonna need a What's it called the table with a book, A lectern?
I think that's it.
Actually, I think that's what we're gonna need.
Actually, let's combine these.
First we can combine this Andi this and it makes well, it's not that great, but we also need to think of a name for the trident we combined to.
Now we need channeling because remember the reason we're doing this?
You'd have heard this already.
Body said this a week ago.
The reason we're doing this is to get skeleton horses, because in the brain, if you throw a trident with channeling, it zaps the ground of lightning like someone's lightning.
And if he's up awards for lightning, it creates a skeleton horse.
So that's the plan.
The hard work is done.
Now we got to roll for the right enchantments, too.
Loyalty and channeling.
I've already got mending this.
Go and grab that as we glide eyes to the grounds.
Walt, that was awkward.
If I open Sesame, where's Mom?
Ending boy, where you at 10 emeralds on a book that ain't too shabby.
And friend, thank you for mending.
He's already He's actually only a novice.
Still, that's crazy.
Pleasure doing business with you, sir.
Right now we need to turn these two into the right people.
So not back.
That is not what we need.
So I need to keep on re rolling this over and over again so that you can get the right in chartman.
How do you turn into a leather worker?
So during this over and over again, Efficiency five.
I've already got that.
Never mind.
I was going to say that's a pretty good one, though.
So every time I do this, this guy will reroll riptides riptides for a for a trident But that in bowls it being able thio make you fly through the air, which is pretty cool, but it's very, very dangerous in a hard core.
So I am not going to be doing that channeling.
Oh, I got it channeling.
That's a good one.
Okay, that and that gives me channelling sweet.
So this guy is now locked in, which is annoying.
But this guy has decided to start into a library in so we can make it so this guy has loyalty, So channeling and loyalty of the ones that I need.
It's already got mending, and now it's need to combine them all.
And then we get I have run out of emeralds, though, which is a slight problem.
Let me just go and trade my man some paper.
So I actually have the emerald spell to trade with him when he creates the trade.
Otherwise, there'll be super awkward.
Really awkward, actually.
The channeling was pretty cheap, actually.
Ah, I need to trade all of this with you.
How are you gonna give me the eighth?
Okay, that's not too bad.
And he still got space nicely to keep re rolling this over and over again to be able to get the right one.
But he's not changing jobs change.
Come on, Unit wit.
Wait, wait, wait, wait.
Did you hear that?
What are you doing here?
No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Okay, You need to go at you.
I'm just gonna leave them alone.
I'm not even gonna bother them.
Just leave.
Leave me alone and nothing bad will happen to you.
Block ourselves.
And why now?
Three 0 29 emeralds.
Though I need Thio be right back.
I'm going to sell my soul.
So the higher the level off loyalty, the faster the speed at which it will return to you.
So, loyalty one is obviously still gonna work.
But our man, that's actually too good not to do so.
I need to make sure that he doesn't lose that.
Which means I need to do some trade in pretty desperately, right.
Let us make as much paper as we can carry.
This guy is going to give me so many.
Amber was how many days I need 29.
You're gonna give me that much?
How are you?
Take my take my paper.
Just please don't run out.
I'll be so mad.
I just run out.
How many have I got?
What else do you want from me?
Glass panes on a compass.
Cole equals emeralds.
That's easy.
Okay, I'm gonna get cold, and I'm going to get was the other thing.
Glass panes.
Oh, baby.
That's right.
I got so much coal.
I am back for your wares.
Take all of this.
Take all of it.
I don't need any of it.
He's not even gonna take it off now I can go get my channeling.
No, my loyalty book on lock this bad boy.
And please don't have change.
Please don't have changed.
Dang, I need a book company.
If I forgot the most crucial ingredients, right, Grab a book and then I could ensure in this bad works.
I still have 62 levels, which is crazy.
Printers got unlimited enchantments.
We're here.
We got trade of the century as going buddy still got loyalty.
I will take one of your books.
Thank you very much.
Pleasure doing business with you guys.
I will move you out very, very shortly.
But for now, I need to combine these and actually test out my trident.
So this better not break.
Doesn't really matters.
We've got some breaking and then we add loyalty to it.
Then we want to go out mending on dhe, channeling a cz.
Well, I don't know if you can add sharpness to it.
I'm not sure what else you could do.
Mending five and then channeling is 11.
What's we?
We need to name it something.
What's gonna name it?
That's what we're gonna call it till you tried it.
Oh, buddy.
We got it.
I'm so pleased.
Look us now we're proper end game Minecraft now.
Right now, we need to test this on something.
And since it's not nighttime, something's gonna die.
This sheep right here I've never used Detroit of before.
Are we gonna sheep?
You need to die.
It doesn't go far enough.
It does come back really quickly, actually.
Uh whoa.
A throw a drink, Throw a trident as something.
What is the other advancement For that?
There's definitely another one strike a village with lightning.
Well, I can only summon lightning when it's raining, so I need to figure that out.
I also need to figure out how I think I can put sharpness on it.
I feel like I can Maybe you can't.
It's impaling, and that's it.
So our next challenge is to literally wait until it rains and then we can create our skeleton horses.
We got a skeleton dog.
Oh, but now we could have ourselves a skeleton horse.
And I don't know about you, but I'm excited.
That took so long.
Timmy's it really tried it.
Let's go.
How far can you throw this thing?
I'm gonna make it go without pay this party a terrible idea.
That's far and it should come back.
Oh, that's so cool.
All that's so good.
We got the best loyalty as well.
The roles for the enjoyments actually made up for the fact that it took ages to get the trident in the first place.
It really did Juice.
How did you end up in there?
Do this go so far?
Finally got one.
I get it.
I for hair cactus, pear cactus and deleted, upbeat.
I'll be so upset right before I lose this thing.
Let's send out the video guys, Thank you so much for watching.
I hope you enjoy it.
Let's never like for the Trident.
This took me like a week to get its crazy.
So unlucky, but we got it.
It's fully enchanted to the max.
Let me know if there's any other enchantments.
I should put on it Interesting that it doesn't actually glow within charm mints.
I feel like it should Yeah, let me know if there's something we component to make it more strong's.
It didn't kill that pig in one shot, but next up we wait for rain and we start zapping things of lightning increase our advancements on.
We're pretty close to completing the entirety of my craft.
Guys, Thank you so much.
Watching this is very painful.
Episode to record two Thank you so much for joining me on this journey.
If you did enjoy them, please do leave a like subscribed using that button the big red button underneath the video that be greatly appreciated.
And I see you will in the next one you buy candle campus for four Rubber band.