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so say Neri, running and doing whatever he wants is working out for him.
No one chased him when he ran.
He's in Iran for about a year, and he decides he's going to sneak back into the United States.
What she does, after literally fleeing the country to escape the case, nearly got what looks like to be a slap on the wrist.
Essentially, he gets a reduced charge, and he's released from local jail, which is pretty good given it, you were charged with vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated.
Very fortunate.
Yes, a few years later, nine years back in town.
At this point, Courtney's attending Cal State Fresno and they reconnect.
He would pop into my life and pop out of it and popping into my life and pop out of it.
According to Courtney, in the beginning, it was fine, but it started to get contemptuous.
He'd say, You're too fat, your nose is too big.
Your breasts are too small, your butts not big enough little comments here and there that he starts to break you down as a person as a woman, making me feel bad about just everything and same time separating me from my family emotionally.
You see this very dysfunctional sick relationship between the two of them?
It just like, broke me down.
There was pushing and shoving before, but as time went on, it got worse.
Apparently, the fight's got so loud that sometimes neighbors would call their property manager.
I've got to be pretty extreme.
I didn't really know what do parents don't have any idea that we're together?
None of my friends.
No, I thought I loved.
I didn't realize that what I was experienced was not at all.
Look, I remember one time he like, he was mad at me.
He bit my arms so bad that my entire arm turned black.
And then he started to get really violent.
I mean, it was crazy throwing me on the ground and putting his foot on my neck at this point.
Now I'm absolutely petrified of him.
It escalated to being weak.
And you still married this guy?
You married without your parents?
One area that my parents.
I was completely alone in this world and the only life after I had an anyone sort of way, it was him.
At one point it becomes so bad that Courtney calls the police on a sane.
You pinned her to the floor, put her in a choke hold and threatened to kill her with a box cutter.
Oh, no.
I screwed up really, really bad.
I grabbed her arm really hard.
I left fingerprints on her arm.
Never before have I touched her.
Never again.
And did I touched Courtney after that?
Never, he said, touched her arm once or twice is a complete layer.
I just couldn't take it anymore.
And I called in as a final press charges.
He gets a deal.
He got anger management classes and the case was dismissed.
It doesn't have to go to jail.
And he doesn't even wind up with a domestic violence charge on his record.
The more he would get away with the more of a monster he would be.
Company's attitude was like I can get away with anything you want to.
And you took him back.
I felt like a head.
No, where to really go.
And that's exactly where he wanted me was trucked.
It was more like I could kill you could kill your family.
I was in jail.
If you was out of jail.
I was in jail.
I was in the same job.
At this point.
According to Courtney, she's basically living a double life in the outside world.
She is attending law school on her way to a respectable career, but at home she is totally under the control of Hussein I eri.
As he hatches this plot to steal that supposed $1,000,000 in 2011 him and Kyle reconnected.
That's when Kyle moves in with me, and the two of them got into business growing marijuana somewhere in Long Beach.
So let me get this straight.
The husband that your parents don't know you have his best friend moves in with you so that they could do a pop business together.
You got it.
Courtney funded everything, and she was funding it through her parents.
Money Law School's expensive, and her parents were helping her pay for that.
And really, what she's doing is she is financing who, say Nigeria's marijuana business through her father, unbeknownst to the dead, one of Nayeri in Kyle's customers, that medical marijuana dispensary owned by the man we're calling Michael Now remember, Michael liked Kyle so much that he invited him on that wild, all expenses paid trip to Las Vegas pink with a big bundle of cash.
That's a dinner bell to somebody like Kyle Haley.
After seeing how much cash Michael is throwing around, cowhand Lee and Hossein Nayeri must have thought we can get that money.
They do a little bit of math, and I think he must have at least a $1,000,000 in cash.
It comes out of thin air.
Where in the hack did these people come up with the $1,000,000 figure?
None of this ever had to happen.
So they devise a scheme to track the movements of Michael to find out where he's putting all of his money.
They want to know every where Michael's going and who he's associated with.
The camera's on Michael's home and cameras on his parent's home.
They buy some cheap GPS equipment from website.
They surreptitiously attach it to his vehicle.
He's able to follow his every move.
He's able to see tracking symbols, beeping icons.
It was an obsession.
He was obsessed.
One day, Nayeri is glued to his computer screen, and he calls out for Courtney con la Come, look goes.
He's going out to the desert.
He's driving all over this desert.
Looking at the map, he turns to her and says, Wouldn't that be a good place to bury money?
I said, Yeah, you know, maybe sure, something like that.
He feels this is his big moment.
That's the place where the money is buried.
Really, that's the conclusion.
You're rich like, Is it in a wooden chest?
It's just It's cartoonish.
It turns out the recent why Michael was in the desert was because a casual acquaintance was trying to get him involved in some super Phylis real estate deal.
That one moment is what changes the lives for everyone.
They're going to kidnap this individual, drag him out there and have him dig it up for them to take.
But just one week before they try to pull off this savage plan, a totally unexpected twist.
Nary is driving in Newport Beach would suddenly sees that police are trying to pull him over on a traffic violation he had been drinking, and please, we're gonna come over and he gets into basically a high speed chase and fleas and law enforcement's looking for him.
But Nayeri has left something behind in that car that is soon going to become huge and the police launch a plot.
Not even the master criminal Hussein area sees company.
It's a trap, and Courtney is the bait.
Hi, everyone.
George Stephanopoulos here.
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