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All right.
So I had an opportunity to come here to where they raised Tajima Beef.
This is Kudo Wagyu or black beef.
Um, black Wagyu beef.
That is very famous.
Kobe steak.
All you know.
You know what it is?
Could a log your black water and I was hitchhiking.
And the guy who picked me up is she signed?
He said he knew a place where I could come and see it, and he brought me here.
And I'm looking at the babies in this farm, and it's super cool.
It's not exactly the cleanest place in the world, but you gotta see these babies.
Look at that Lord and David treated with so much respect and love that they're the most gentle creatures in the entire world.
And they're so shy.
Look at them.
But if you if you are kind and they'll eventually come to you, watch Oh, you guys, look at that.
Looks so good.
Thank you.
Little kisses.
Hey, guys, this is Tajima you.
Yeah, that's nasty.
On lookout.
Look A shy.
They are once any sudden movements and they back away super kind creatures over on the other side of the other mothers.
This is Mama.
And they won't be used for beef at all.
In fact, they they give birth and their kids are right behind them.
So they stay together as a family in many ways.
This is amazing experience.
I like this just so cute.
These kids are just sitting here.
You could see Check this out at first.
They're so shocked, and then they'll come to you guys.
You watching this?
This is Oh, look at that.
So they have numbers on their ears that they're marked for for beef, so they'll eventually become food.
But I have to tell you, I'm just so happy to be here.
I love well, you beat and it makes me so happy to come here and see that they're living in such awesome conditions.
You guys seven years for a while, just walking around.
This is the great thing about hitchhiking.
You just don't know what's gonna happen next.
How do you know my stuff?
Could you point?
Okay, so in 10 minutes is going to be 250 of wagyu cattle coming this way.
This is crazy Recre.
She was Margie from Guyana.
No, Tajima Huge!
Okay, this car Pull out.
Lumbered over.
Um, you know Kashi.
Kumiko Muraoka.
So Camacho is the name of the town.
And and Moroka is this, uh the area and this farm Cattle farms And we cut the fires.
I love me.
Cut the bars thing.
You're welcome.
So I Tajima Gyu is the original Wagyu beef.
This is something that you have to It's not Kobe beef, It's not much.
Zack A beef.
It's Tajima Okay, So all of that wagyu that you you see at the restaurants when you come to visit Japan or even abroad that all those while you came from one place here it's of the original.
The original Kudo Wagyu is from Tajima and Mr Ishii who picked me up.
He took me to a rock that proclaims, uh this as the home of Wagyu and that's where I am and this is super cool.
And in about 10 minutes, maybe five minutes.
Now there's getting 250 of them coming this way, right?
This is the cattle that are marked for food and they let me go in here before, so I'm gonna just take you very quickly in here.
Question You could have So these are the ones that I got to see before we'll go in here.
But if she sounds calling me over here So let's go take a look all this morning here, it doesn't smell that bad.
Hello, So good.
Could a comedy show them becoming this?
This is beautiful.
This is the habitat of Tajima as touchy Mug you This is where they live.
This is beautiful but the heiress so sweet here This comes from me living in Tokyo for many years now.
I'm thrilled to be here.
This is They're still it's It's the middle of April but there's still some snow on the peaks And you can see we're at elevation for me to get to my destination today I had to cut inland and I got picked up Um, about an hour ago and this is just amazing this I didn't expect to be here an hour ago.
Taking a look at I'm like you.
Ah, beautiful, dear.
You are, uh he's a friendly guy, so these are a little bit younger than the u.
I originally thought these air the next next step up Very, very friendly.
Uh, look, you got big horns, but he's so nice.
They're not They're not violent creatures at all.
I mean, they look it, but they're really, really for the size boat.
They're just massive, massive cattle.
But very kind.
Yes, I should Yes, I should, uh, I got slimed.
Yes, I see.
Has a question.
So this thing, this one is a little bit shy.
Yeah, they're laying there, laying down and resting.
Good old fashioned.
Hey, you know, uh, ring Garate Muska.
No, no, no.
Let's go.
Yes, he thought that I die.
Um, this guy's got a big tongue.
I just saw your time as a gun shy, but if you give them time, they'll come to you.
If you give them time, they come to you.
I don't know.
Yeah, it's for the Japanese Wagyu.
They're so kind will approach you.
But foreign cattle, especially in the United States.
I don't think they will approach you.
They'll just stay away from you or they're very afraid of people.
But these wagyu, they're very much they're very affectionate licking my hands.
You know, I have I've been slimed a few times, but it's like love slime.
I don't know what you're calling it now?
She's looking at me.
Look, huh?
We've become good friends now.
That's nice.
Hold on, Cheese Hornets!
Oh, it's about See you.
So, Tajima beef, you mug you is the smallest of all of the beef in Japan, But it's also the tastiest.
So you know, size doesn't matters.
Maybe being the biggest isn't doesn't mean to be the best.
But you know what?
I'm just really, really happy.
They're living in amazing conditions up here where the air is fresh and the food is The food is good.
That makes me really happy.
I matter.
What does she want?
Any touching?
My top it up tonight they haven't we?
I'll have to try Taiji much tried Tajima beef, but I wanted to just to show you the the FARC's is where I am.
I'm going right through this area.
So it's such an amazing treat to do that she could have Wow, what's your name?
So I hope you enjoyed that.
This is a 250 cattle are coming to our John Doe.
Misha United's got okay.
It makes you attach my John Doe.
Go get him Mace and then mediocre Titan like you don't know.
I mean again.
Gee, you keep the pathetic like you.
That's still your kid.
You should look at the cocoa.
Argue Koko.
So what?
You're more, you know, you know my very soul.
Okay, so in a little bit there's gonna be the like, a stampede, Sam via cattle.
And I'm wondering if I should show you guys this, but if I should record it and then edit it and then show it to you later.
Um, because I'm not exactly sure what time they're gonna be here.
I'm so happy.
Uh, Thio share this experience with you.
I don't know if they speak Japanese.
Attacked you mug, You need a go.
Johanna Hunger.
Okay, Diego.
Any hunger?
Am I touching?
Like you speak Japanese?
This is Japan.
They're coming.
They're coming Soon.
You could see they're getting there getting lunch now.
It smells really, really not bad.
I can't say good.
That makes me one sick puppy, but doesn't smell bad.
The nose rings airway to pull them without hurting them.
I'm not sure exactly.
He's explaining in Japanese.
I couldn't understand why the rings are in there exactly, but it's it's a way to it hurts them less.
Apparently by doing that, although, you know, my mother has a nose ring, so I can't I don't pull her by it.
But I also know that doesn't It doesn't hurt.
We're good myself.
He's gonna get his machine.
Oh, you cut that.
You think it is?
The weather's nice.
It's been raining the last two days.
And finally, the weather's go Have a good night.
You so no voters.
Who served you?
So we're waiting for a stampede of Tajima Wagyu to come.
About 202 150 of them are going to be coming in a a few minutes.
So while we're waiting, I'm just, uh these air.
The more mature ones that are ready for they're ready for becoming beef.
They're not They're still really, really kind.
Look at him.
Oh, yes, I see.
Uh, tomodachi Ni natta who become friends.
I love you too, man.
Because a good guy.
Oh, man.
Anyone want to shake hands with me now?
Maybe not.
I guess maybe he's still hungry, but my hand is pretty much in his mouth.
So kind.
Look at the eyes just such kind Eyes, kind eyes, every kind, touchy mug.
You are the smallest of Japanese poodle lug you, but they're also, you know, they say the tastiest.
And I have to tell you probably the cubist and the kind ist Thank you guys.
Yeah, Yeah, I love you too, man.
Making his buddies jealous.
Uh, don't ask.
It's all part of the adventure, right?
All right.
So we're just We're still waiting around for that for the stampede to come.
I'm have to come back here.
This isn't hot enough.
This is such an introduction.
I didn't expect to come here today.
And if she sound brought me and I'm really happy too to be here and see the Tajima Wagyu like where they live their house.
Um, I'm like a house visitor just for today and then, uh, onward to the next place.
He's he he's looking at me and just, you know, such kindness in his eyes.
The guy's probably gonna look rabbit to you, but I'm telling you right now, this cattle, they're so kind, aren't they?
I want I want I want you to come out and play, buddy, I just got snot on me that was That wasn't cool.
But hey, look, the camera.
And they're so clean, too.
Kid anymore.
Gave us a Really He did my You look kind of like it here.
So a foot high, they don't take bats, they're clean, but they don't take any bats.
They're natural, all natural.
Yeah, and these are some of his mates.
They don't just spend some time in here.
They're They're out in the fields too, So they get exercise.
Um, but they live.
They lied.
Pretty good lives here.
I mean, I would love to live here, Not not here, here, here, But in this town, it's the air is so nice.
Um, I'm just gonna step inside getting sonny and that the the Shadow.
Because the shadow the air is so nice and sweet here.
And even though I'm amongst the touch him out while you it doesn't stink at all, it doesn't smell like what you would think it would smell like Like hell it doesn't.
It smells very natural for the baby.
We cut the farm.
Maybe this guy's Kobe beef he's gonna be this one.
Is Kobe beef not touching my baby.
Oh, baby.
Hey, buddy, that means he's been selected one of 1000.
I think that's how it works.
I love you, man.
I'm seriously, I wanna buy.
I want to take you back to Tokyo and hang out.
God, you're so friendly, So friendly.
Well, maybe this family's I thought, but hi.
Model your mother?
Yes, Mass.
A book.
A journal.
Did you get those?
Amos, Today's your day.
Yeah, so it's kind of cool.
Big you.
So call Sam.
Pick you.
Uh, Kobe Union other there when you couldn't cut up.
No, it's all you, baby.
So they're gonna analyze his body fat and the content.
And if it's meets regulation, he becomes Kobe beef contaminate for coming.
But you don't know.
You don't know which which cattle is gonna be chosen, not Kobe.
Beef is not raised to be Kobe beef.
Yeah, Kobe beef is selected, and I'm in Schauble Prefecture in Hyogo Prefecture is where Kobe is.
All right, But the difference is this is Tajima area and Kobe Beef Mach Schau Can Kara So Kobe beef is selected amongst the kudo kudo wagyu the black wagyu beef from this prefecture.
So some some from this far might be selected to be the 1000 chosen to be Kobe beef, but they have to analyze, and you don't know which one will be selected until after that.
But this guy seems to be very good shape for prime time.
But tonight, honey, you know, you see no must unite.
Oh, look, Any guy No show You did it.
Soul down there kill cattle of Kobe can go for you.
Hi, This is the prefectural system.
So Kobe beef is decided by Hugo Can?
Actually not not Kobe City.
She Hi.
I got a little game.
I see inequality.
I know she got scared.
So essentially, yeah, it's very, very, very strict regulations on what is what becomes Kobe beef again.
There's only And that's why there's a lot of counterfeit Kobe beef out there.
There's only 1000 in all of Kobe chosen and very little kind.
Nanny Kobe beef are in Moscow by 9 a.m. Demo.
Children, I get it.
It's pretty expensive, Kobe.
But if you're eating this Kobe beef of real Kobe beef in another country, you're gonna be paying a lot more, so I don't and there's not that much of it.
I don't think it's really most likely it's ridiculously expensive.
If you're eating it where you are.
This guy's in good shape.
And the other other guys, we're not sure who's gonna be picked, but it doesn't really matter, I think, Um, for me, I don't like the fat content high.
I don't like it too oily.
I hate talking about it in front of you, man, but we're friends, right?
From what you do.
Yeah, we're friends.
So we can do we can talk about stuff.
Yeah, Kobe beef.
It just depends.
It's very expensive.
My, my and night.
More thought having thank you.
Take a good Tokyo.
No Teikoku attended.
Happy much.
Elka Graham Waas Some Mayan I had I had 200 grams, 100 grams.
I had 100 grams of Kobe beef in the take in the Imperial Hotel in Tokyo.
100 gram costs $200.
Okay, Uh, my friend who was treating me It's crazy.
He bought me a 300 grand Kobe beef steak some back.
It was $600.
He he is mine, but it's expensive.
And he ate a 200 grand state and that was $400 altogether it was $1000 for lunch.
Business expense from there.
Kobe, get this car off.
So there's Kobe beef steak steak around TOBA missing a number You would like to go.
Uh, come next.
There are many, many restaurants and Kobe and usually you can get if you eat it in Kobe about half the price of what you would pay in other places.
So that's sort of really good information.
They're still waiting for the 250 year to come.
Uh, you means cattle.
Not quite here, madam Attorney number Also none.
None of second.
So there's about 700 people watching this live feed.
Thanks for everybody for watching tuning in, so I'm not sure we're gonna make it to the stampede.
I'm glad you enjoyed this life.
Basically, we have to cut it here.
Uh, I don't see them coming yet, and I'm a 10%.
And if if they do come, it's gonna cut out.
If you haven't already go to the only in Japan.
Go channel.
I'm doing a lot more of these live streaming.
They're I think they're coming from this way.
Gosh, that would be a sight, right?
But even if I don't, if even if I don't catch it, I'm gonna I'm gonna film it for you.
And then eventually you're gonna get a chance to see it eventually.
Just no life Eat.
My battery's down.
The 10%.
I didn't expect to be here today.
I didn't expect this is This is what I'm doing.
The hitch hiking trip.
A lot of people been saying that I was an idiot for doing this.
I'm gonna tell you right now you think you just get on a train and come here, huh?
You think you can do this on a bus tour?
There's a reason why I'm hitchhiking.
And it's because of this, because the surprise of not knowing what's gonna happen next is overwhelmingly amazing.
And Tajima beef, this is the home of Kobe beef like Wagyu Wagyu.
Today Jeeva is the home.
That's where I am right now.
This is where all of the kugel wagyu the black wagyu beef comes from, no matter what country you're from and you have it like in Australia it came from here, So it's incredible.
I mean and I was going through this area and I had no idea.
So you don't know what's gonna happen next, but, um, if this if the phone dies, I'll keep going a little longer.
The phone dies.
Um come to Tajima.
Come to this area.
This is Cam Mitchell.
Check it out.
It's worth if you just want to be.
If you can eat it in Kobe, or you can come straight to the home of Could've wagyu touchy mind eat it in the this natural setting And if you look back, you can see I showed you what What this area looks like.
It's stunning, especially in the summer.
In the winter, it's loaded with ah, snow, But in the summer this place is so beautiful.
Uh, getting some comments on the live feed People want to move here.
Yeah, you can live here.
Actually, the population of Camacho is decreasing, so I've actually be very happy to have you come and move here, so please.
Hey, you know, contact the com Mutual Kunkle kill chi or something.
You can come and live here.
Um, you would be welcome.
In fact, anywhere outside of the cities in Japan, you're gonna be welcome coming here because the population is decreasing and living outside of the city is the living outside of the city is something I love and something I will eventually do.
But so go away.
Doki, Doki Stadium.
Uh, Hunter.
So after about five minutes, it's finished.
If she's Sundays, you'll would you come.
So So five minutes.
Then you can a cow.
So is she.
Son has five minutes and then we then we have to go and could've modern I Yeah, she's that has the car.
So we have to We have to go because I'm still hitchhiking.
I Oh, okay, well, she's a nun.
It This happens to be where the pool is collected.
Let's end on a high note everybody, that is those are some mean streaks.
That's where it's all collected and recycled.
Nothing is wasted.
I mean, that's Japan Multi nine.
Nothing is wasted here.
Even that that lovely Tajima gyu in there is not wasting any of his lunch.
It's just not wasted.
And what he eats is leftover is put here and recycle and they don't need anything with chemicals in it.
Um, so one more time I'm in.
Tajima, this is Camacho at me cattle farms.
This is where they have black waguih, or could a wagyu beef.
And this team is the home of Colonel Wagyu beef.
There's supposed to be a stampede of 250 of them coming, but, uh, my ride and who picked me up from Tony City and drove me this far?
He has to leave in five minutes.
So amount of what?
Uh, I'm gonna have to go.
But that doesn't mean I'm not gonna be coming back because this experience is so cool.
I'm gonna be back.
Not just to visit with the wagyu again, but thio, uh, maybe have a bite to eat.
Ah, hi.
Okay, this is the staff.
You guys all right?
All right.
Sorry I went off line.
Had to take a picture back way.
All right, so I gotta go.
Stampedes in common.
He is, my friend.
Thank you.
Thank you, buddy.
Good luck.
I'll be back.
I just hope you'll still be here.
Yeah, I love you, everybody.
Thank you very much for joining me in this life feet.
Looks like we've come to the end of the line.
Um, no stampede this time, but that doesn't mean we're not gonna see it.
I'll be back to see to see And I have to go anyways because Mister, you she's leaving.
And he's my ride.
What am I gonna do?
Live up?
I can't stay here.
I gotta I gotta move on in.
The next town is waiting.
Um Hope you enjoyed that.
This is a Japanese cuddle Wagyu farm in Tajima in Comedy show.
Love it.
This is This is such a treat.