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  • A second weekend of prolonged heavy rain has brought flooding in areas across the country.

  • The environment Agency said it expected significant flooding to continue into the next week.

  • There are currently 409 flood alerts across England, Scotland and Wales with 339 flood warnings.

  • Six severe flood warnings are still in place, meaning there's a danger to life for on the river team and two in South Wales, including the river Tough at Ponti Preview Our home affairs correspondent Andy Davis is in Nantes Guru tonight, Andi, we'll rescue workers here today told me that they hadn't seen anything like it in decades.

  • Dozens of residents in this village have now been moved out as the flood levels finally begin to drop.

  • But the scale of the flooding across Wales has caused huge disruption in this county borough alone.

  • The council leader told us today that more than 500 residential properties have been flooded.

  • It could be a cz many as 1000.

  • They're still getting reports coming in.

  • Ondas Faras The damage is concerned.

  • It was so serious that South Wales police declared a major incident this afternoon and the fact that the met office issued a rare red warning gives you some indication of just how much concern there's bean.

  • Very dramatic scenes overnight, particularly in prompted breathe where the river there's reached its highest level in over 40 years.

  • I was chatting to a man than one of the streets who told me how in the early hours this morning, he grabbed the hand of a passing taxi driver, hold him out of his car moments before the car was swept into the river.

  • The Welsh government is tonight said that it will be giving extra cash to cancels to deal with the aftermath of Storm Dennis.

  • But one end of the street they were being helped to safety at the other.

  • Amidst the collection of abandoned cars, the rescue operation continued.

  • Some had to be stretched it out, many of them elderly.

  • Others were carried a constant stream of flood evacuees, cold and exhausted.

  • What's the scene inside?

  • Pretty bad dancer when I'm 64 conduct about my waist, so it's pretty deep, but we might go out the back way, had the phone call it fun o'clock this morning to see if we could do anything going.

  • Rescue dogs basically one enforcing passed away.

  • We've managed to save Millie.

  • We're gonna take it to the vets.

  • Know anything not carry weight is not.

  • Gary's.

  • Residents have taken to one of the areas.

  • Three emergency centers on the boats keep coming.

  • Others, like Michael Smith, the owner of M S Autos garage, surveys the damage.

  • £67,000 of this equipment, guys equipment, let alone all the cars.

  • And at the same time, it's just absolutely devastated.

  • And it's still so many people out there suffering.

  • Well, they're seven hours into this particular operation, and they're still bringing out Resident South Wales.

  • Fire and Rescue just stated that since midnight they've received over 1000 calls.

  • This was the scene in critical.

  • 20 miles away, the Coast Guard sends in a helicopter to take out the last person on site of the Caravan Park.

  • The River Usk, like others across Wales, bursting its banks overnight, he's winched to safety.

  • Others in the village reported flooding at ceiling level.

  • Parts of Wales saw more than 150 millimeters of rainfall in 48 hours, far exceeding the average monthly total.

  • This is it looks like a river's know now in the Neath Valley.

  • This is what some residents awoke to in Ponta pre that was car parks flowing like waterfalls.

  • More than 600 people have been evacuated from homes in Rhonda Can and Taff.

  • Last night, this streets or cars swept away this morning, opposite where the wall had collapsed.

  • Residents like Linda Davis had been clearing up since dawn.

  • It smashed, smashed.

  • The war done.

  • But it was the speed that the water was flowing.

  • It was a terrific speed.

  • Yes, a bit scary.

  • It was very, very scary.

  • Very, very scary.

  • What did you find when he came into the house?

  • A small.

  • It was just a complete package.

  • I mean, ever since I was a skip full Well, we've just lost pets.

  • And while I wouldn't cat, we found Dad on.

  • Yet I think the neighbors got phoned one and she had three and the other one's missing.

  • We just buried one in the garden.

  • Here you just buried the kid.

  • The one cat, further downstream in tough, swell images of flooded playgrounds and club house, is replicated scenes elsewhere.

  • These fields are near the center of Cardiff, and among the most dramatic images of the day this'll landslide on a hill near Tyler's town in the wrong Giovanni.

  • Tonight, engineers are monitoring the hill for signs of further movement, and that could mean yet more properties being evacuated.

  • Andy Davis reporting there well, the threat for many communities remains this evening.

  • Our weather presenter, Liam Dustin, joins us now from South Wales.

  • Liam.

  • Thanks, Jack.

  • Ulysses.

  • Just seen has been a massive amount of rain falling here in South Wales in the last 24 hours, six inches of rain forming in some spots.

  • That's rain has fallen on grounds already saturated from the rainfall that we had this storm cure it last weekend.

  • It's no surprise that the Met office issued its highest here red label warning for the first time in a number of years.

  • And it's been hundreds of flood warnings and flood alerts across the UK, including some severe flood warnings.

  • A cz Well, now it's not just being here in South Wales that's being badly hit over the border into Hereford.

  • Sure, there's been some serious flooding as well parts of Shropshire.

  • We've got some pictures here showing the situation in worst interest of the flooding has been serious.

  • Ah, never quite a big area.

  • But on a more positive note, things are going to calm down in the next couple of days.

  • All of the rain warnings in association with Storm Dennis expire.

  • It's 9 p.m. This evening and then for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

  • The rainfall in the former showers.

  • So not the prolonged heavy rain that we've seen and that will hopefully allow the river levels to fall down on people to start to clear up.

A second weekend of prolonged heavy rain has brought flooding in areas across the country.


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暴風デニス:イングランドで記録的な数の洪水警報が発表された (Storm Dennis: Record number of flood warnings declared in England)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日