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  • R: So here's a napkin for you in case you gotta spit it out.

  • A: Is it that bad?

  • R: I don't know.

  • R: Hey guys! I'm here with my brother Andrew and my sister Bri.

  • R: And my other brother Daniel, who's a

  • [BLEEP]

  • D: You better edit that!

  • R: My other brother Daniel, who's a scaredy-cat and he's not gonna-

  • R: Don't put the fur on my napkin!

  • D: Boots with the fur

  • A: Oh, I'm sorry. Is it going to mess with you when you throw it up?

  • R: And today we're going to try, um, I forget the word for these.

  • R: These are like Japanese snacks you eat when you drink beer.

  • R: The first one we're going to try is this: fried fish skin.

  • R: This is probably the best one.

  • R: I chose this one for first because it probably tastes the best

  • and it's probably going make everyone else think the other ones are okay.

  • R: Here. Take a piece of fish skin.

  • D: Feed a piece to Henry.

  • A: They're little crunchies.

  • R: Hi other kitty!

  • R: You already ate it!

  • A: Oh, was I supposed to wait?

  • R: Okay, well, let's go ahead and eat our fish skin.

  • A: Tastes like crunchy snacks.

  • A: I'd probably snack on them.

  • A: What do you need beer for? They're all right.

  • R: This one's not that bad.

  • R: Well you can have this, then.

  • R: All right. Our second one here is dried squid tentacles.

  • A: Looks like bacon.

  • R: So uh, yeah. Just pretend this one's bacon.

  • B: Pretend...

  • A: Wanna split it?

  • D: That smells terrible.

  • A: All right.

  • D: Smells like wet cat or something.

  • R: Would you WAIT to try it until we-

  • R: It's a squid tentacle.

  • B: Ughhh!

  • A: I mean, it's not really bad. It's just kinda hard to eat.

  • R: Here's my squid tentacle.

  • R: I can't chew it.

  • B: I can't either.

  • A: It's not really bad.

  • R: Wasabi-flavored salted fish!

  • A: Is that gonna be hot?

  • R: Wasabi isn't like, super hot.

  • R: I'm gonna get the cat!

  • D: He's chasing after something.

  • R: YEAH got another kitty-

  • R: Bye, kitty.

  • A: That's got its eyes and stuff still!

  • D: Oh jeez.

  • R: Yeah, these are WHOLE fish.

  • B: Is that safe?

  • R: Yeah it's-

  • R: Oh, yours doesn't have eyes! That's cheating. It's just a tail.

  • B: I don't think it has an entire head.

  • R: There you go!

  • R: All right! I hope this focuses so you guys can see this.

  • A: It's not bad, actually.


  • A: They're actually pretty good, Daniel.

  • R: Is it really?

  • A: Isn't it?

  • B: Yeah, it's not bad.

  • R: What?! Both of them ate without me!

  • B: Oh, I'm sorry.

  • A: Want another one?

  • B: I'll have another one.

  • B: What is that?!

  • R: Do you like fish?

  • R: Oh no, it's wasabi-flavored.

  • R: I'm not gonna give that to the cat.

  • R: Wasabi-flavored fish.

  • A: Oh, I'm sorry Leo. Is she taking your rest[ing spot]?

  • R: That's not... That's not his name.

  • A: Wait, which one's this one?

  • D: Henry.

  • A: Henry, okay.

  • A: All right, if you say so.

  • R: This is ume.

  • B: It's a fruit?

  • R: Yeah. I think this one's pickled, though.

  • R: All right, go ahead.

  • B: Oh my god!

  • A: That's not that great.

  • A: All right, I'll use the napkin.

  • B: Is there a pit in them?

  • A: Yeah.

  • R: I don't know how to eat it.

  • A: Exactly! You guys don't even explain how to eat this, whether it's got a pit in it or not!

  • R: You know what you need to do?

  • R: Daniel, take this back to your house and hand these out to all your roomates.

  • R: Say this is a candy from Japan.

  • D: Okay. I'll do it.

  • R: All right, this one is fried shell.

  • B: Of what?

  • A: Shell?

  • R: Like the inside of a shell-fish?

  • A: Ohhh. I was gonna be like, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to eat like seashells and stuff.

  • R: Oh, this!

  • B: It's like rubbery.

  • R: Yeah, it is rubbery.

  • R: Okay. All right. Let's go.

  • A: It's chewy.

  • R: It is chewy.

  • A: It's not bad, though.

  • R: Since Andrew likes them, you can have this bag, too.

  • R: I knew he'd eat anything.

  • A: She goes to Japan and gets me all sorts of candies.

  • R: I bring him back dried fish every single time.

  • R: ALL RIGHT. And then here's the finale.

  • R: They're GIANT fried fish.

  • R: Or, dried out fish.

  • A: Does it taste like wasabi?

  • R: Nope.

  • R: This is just fish and salt.

  • R: Oh, you got a little baby one. Omg.

  • A: He's swimmin.

  • A: The cat's watching with his head!

  • R: Okay.

  • A: Is that your napkin, Bri?

  • B: Do you need it?

  • A: Just in case.

  • R: No cheating eating the tail part. You gotta eat the head part first.

  • R: Here we go.

  • R: Don't you cheat! Put that in your mouth!

  • A: It's kinda dry.

  • R: That's not too bad actually.

  • R: Tastes like a really salty fish.

  • A: So, what was the best one?

  • B: The little wasabi fish.

  • R: The wasabi fish?

  • A: Then these.

  • R: Oh, really? You like the shell?

  • A: It's close between this wasabi and the shell.

  • A: Then it's the skin.

  • A: Then it's the squid,

  • A: Then it's the dried fish.

  • A: Then the worst is the fruit.

  • R: That fruit... that you're gonna give to your roommates.

  • R: Don't tell them what it is.

  • D: I'll tell them it's candy.

  • R: All right, so, thanks for trying my Japanese snacks I brought back.

  • A: Thanks for the candy.

  • R: Next time I'll try to bring something that tastes good.

  • R: All right, see you guys later!

  • R: Okay, stay there!

  • A: Hey Daniel! [blows fur]

  • A: It didn't make it.

  • D: Actually, it did.

  • R: It was like you were blowing a kiss to him.

  • R: That's what it looked like from my angle.

  • A: A kiss full of cat fur.

R: So here's a napkin for you in case you gotta spit it out.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

My family eats Japanese fish snacks 弟に梅を食べさせたら・・・ (My family eats Japanese fish snacks 弟に梅を食べさせたら・・・)

  • 12 1
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日