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  • He's been cultivating the image that he is like the philosopher king of the right.

  • You know that he has all the ideas, and I don't think it's about ideas for him.

  • What comes first is definitely just throwing down and winning.

  • Today.

  • We're going to go through a scene from the film and kind of break it down and see how Bannon operates.

  • No one can ever really have full access, but I had a really good range of his activities.

  • I spent a lot of time not just at his house in D.

  • C, but also in the car rides on the private plane rides.

  • My goal was not for him to fully see me, but for me to fully see him.

  • Number one Politics is a game to him, and he puts winning above values.

  • A controversial judge running for Senate, I believe in the second.

  • Alabama's Roy Moore is accused of sexually assaulting a 14 year old girl Years ago.

  • At least nine women accused Moore of wrongdoing and, of course, Steve Bannon sticking with when the sexual assault allegations came out against Roy Moore from multiple women.

  • Bannon just didn't back down at all.

  • If anything.

  • His glee in supporting Roy Moore just got louder.

  • Frankly, Bannon maintained that he didn't even believe any of the allegations.

  • He had very little evidence to prove that it's kind of more about the way he plays the game of politics.

  • And to him, doubling down is the path to victory.

  • And so I think he was able Thio keep a lot of people in support of rhyme or not, because he said Who cares if he did this?

  • But he just blame, Lee said.

  • This didn't happen.

  • The main thing you have to do is support the president and you have to support Trump.

  • Roy Moore's campaign would have looked a lot different, and I think the coverage would have looked a lot different if Bannon wasn't supporting him.

  • I think Roy Moore is the guy that's gonna represent Donald Trump and fight the establishment.

  • Number two.

  • He embraces retail politics, the style of politics where you're going to small events.

  • You're meeting people face to face.

  • You know you're shaking hands, you're having conversations.

  • The Citadel is a military school in South Carolina.

  • This is an annual Republican Society fundraiser, and they are honoring Bannon tonight with a Patriot Award.

  • Thank you.

  • Hey, man.

  • Hey!

  • Hey, brother.

  • Big metal rose between two thorns over here.

  • Get everyone, so no, I don't know how to do it.

  • You get the right way.

  • Yeah, Yeah.

  • We got to get the rose in the middle with you.

  • I was constantly surprised in my time with him that so many people wanted to take photos with him.

  • To me, it was just so shocking given what Bannon's reputation waas certainly on the left.

  • And I think that this isn't just about, you know, ego in vanity.

  • But it's also he really does understand that this kind of retail politics and interacting with people face to face has currency.

  • Retail politics was also an effort not just tow rally the troops, but to give him a name brand as well.

  • I also think that is a gateway to listening to what he has to say next.

  • Maybe toe taking another look at something that he has on Breitbart.

  • If you aren't already someone who reads it.

  • I also love this scene because of the you know his dad joke about.

  • You know, Rose between two thorns rose between two thorns way rose in the middle.

  • I'm a different generation than him, but to me it's also this weird thing that, like it was always about the woman in the picture.

  • There's not like a specific malice or anything in it, but to me, that's really telling to the idea, like any time he's in a photo with someone.

  • Clearly, he's like, Oh, who's the woman who's the man are We should put the rose between two thorns.

  • I don't know if every filmmaker would pick up on that, but I think because of who I am, that was something that kind of struck Mia's worth.

  • Including Number three.

  • He promotes conspiracies.

  • Is it just a coincidence that the Bezos Amazon Washington Post did the Billy Bush it?

  • There are a lot of conspiracy theories that are popular in our politics today, and what I saw was that Bannon does nothing to dispel them and often leans into them when confronted with questions about conspiracies like George Soros is funding the caravan and Antifa.

  • He's totally willing to traffic in that kind of conspiracy theory, And they did the hit on Judge Moore.

  • Just a complete random thing in the universe in private moments, he indicated that he did believe many of them.

  • In the end, it doesn't matter what he does believe or doesn't believe.

  • All that matters is what he does, and he's absolutely willing to let these conspiracy theories blossom if it helps him.

  • Bannon, for better or worse, is not only just the authority figure in the room here, he's associate it with the highest office in the land.

  • And for him to be promoting these ideas that's clearly damaging to the public.

  • And I think it's the other part of this, which is him.

  • Encouraging people to distrust the media in general is very, very dangerous.

  • Number four, he so x'd out in the media and facts.

  • Bezos AMAZON, Washington Post.

  • A big part of his message is to tell his supporters that the media is the opposition party and that they shouldn't trust what they read.

  • And this seems to me like not only won the most damaging but really one of the most hypocritical and, you know, potentially outright manipulative.

  • I think this one is so damaging because it's working.

  • Our society is increasingly divided.

  • If you're told, you know that there's entire sources of information that you just can't trust, which, by the way, but sometimes you can.

  • Sometimes you can't.

  • I just think that is tearing the fabric of society.

  • This idea of Billy Bush weekend I was there on Billy Bush Billy Bush weekend when that video came out.

  • This is the way he refers to the weekend when the Access Hollywood tapes dropped.

  • Where you here trump talking about, you know, grabbing women by the pussy.

  • And for him, it's Billy Bush weekend.

  • He talks about it as a hit on Trump, and there's a hit on Roy Moore, and the hit isn't coming necessarily from political rivals.

  • He ties it.

  • Thio.

  • Jeff Bezos, Amazon Washington Post.

  • It's a very pointed way to talk about a website in terms of who owns it, and in this case it's very much trying to imply a much larger conspiracy.

  • Number five.

  • He creates an in group identity.

  • From this vantage point where I ended up choosing to shoot the whole speech, the atmosphere was like a comedy club.

  • They were really vibing off of that language he was using in the mainstream media and Theo, I think one of my ex wife for showing up All it is is dabbling in identity and culture, and he's trying to remind them of were the ones that had a great victory.

  • You know, when Trump won and I think you can see how effectively he fostered this world.

  • One team, we're all in it together, kind of feeling in the room.

  • When this solitary protester steps up and starts yelling, people are really vocal hissing.

  • Bannon himself is just standing quietly.

  • He's got everyone on his side, and I was really shocked at how intensely they were against her.

  • What he does is not just to move on.

  • It's not like to rise above it.

  • It's like a comedian giving it back to a heckler, I think one of my ex wives for showing up, Theo, I thought that hey is using a lot of things in his tool kit Thio create this in group identity to bring people on his side, to use humor to make them like him.

  • You can see the guy in the bottom left of the screen.

  • He was just like boy, he's terrific.

  • Like what a great speaker he had clearly exceeded.

  • Whatever his expectations were, Bannon talks a lot in the film about wanting to convert people.

  • I think in here he's he's winning converts and all of the tools that we have been talking about, or part of the recipe for that creating an in group identity isn't necessarily on its own a bad thing.

  • But when part of that is promoting conspiracy theories and not minding about promoting hate or assault of women or not believing women or misogyny when values air secondary thio creating that in group I think that that's where it gets really dangerous.

  • You got the right for free speech outside.

  • I made this movie with a deep sense of responsibility.

  • People can debate the ways in which he personally has succeeded or failed.

  • But I think what's important to take away is that he's working hard at it, and it's not him alone as a force in the world, he has supporters, he has benefactors.

  • And as much as I'm here breaking down some things, you can learn about Bannon.

He's been cultivating the image that he is like the philosopher king of the right.


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スティーブ・バノンがフォロワーを操る方法|Vanity Fair (How Steve Bannon Manipulates His Followers | Vanity Fair)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日