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Hello, everyone.
Welcome to another video Now in life, Just because you can do something doesn't always mean you should do it.
And that's exactly what's happened in the case of this video.
Now, when we think of SL, I, we may think off to G ticks 10 eighties, worrying away in a system and producing extraordinary frame rates even at four K resolution.
Well, if you're expecting that, unfortunately you've come to the wrong channel because, as you know, here on random gaming in each day, we're all about budget.
I was just thinking my channel was such a silly name.
Why did I call it back anyway?
Let's get into it.
Because today I'm s allying the unthinkable.
Thanks to the help of a little software hack through a couple of days of research and a little bit of hard work I've managed to put together to duty seven tens in a system and get them working in SL I now who knows what sort of performance impact, positive or negative this will have in SL.
I supported games, but I want to talk to you today a little bit about how I did it.
Why I did it on whether or not it's worth doing well.
Also, be checking out the game performance off a few different titles as well.
So without further ado, let's get into it and talk about the method I use to actually get this working in the first place.
So I've read about this before, and I've also seen an always talks hardware video about it, where he s allied to GT 10 thirty's.
I believe in their nature onto GTX 10 sixties.
All the information you need on the subject is over at the tech power up forms, which I will be leaving a link to down below now to get this right.
It's all about finding the perfect balance of drivers and software.
For example, the program itself different sl I.
Also, there are a few different versions off with Windows seven on with the two g t seven tens.
I used the 1.4 version of different SL I auto along with the drivers that you see on screen right now.
Sorry, I couldn't remember the name off the top of my head.
Now, this was a lot of trial and error.
I actually used this combination beforehand to know really avail, So I had to reinstall them following a different set of instructions that had done before.
And there are no really clear cut ways to do this.
Although there are instructions listed, they don't always work, and you have to sort of try and find the method that's right for you.
So already I know it's beginning to sound like it really isn't worth it, but it can be handy in slightly more powerful cards, such as the GT 10 30 10 50 or even 10 60.
But, you know, may I just have to try it with the weakest set of cards I had in my inventory, so because I had to work this out as I went along.
My installation and tutorial instructions here aren't really the most helpful.
But I tried to write everything down and edit it as I went along, and then try to correct my mistake.
So if you want to try this for yourselves, this was the method that I found worked for me, and it was the only way I could get these two pair up in video control panel now to check that these are actually set up, you have to go into the invidious control panel and enable SL I making sure that physics is set to the CPU.
Otherwise, this won't work, at least in my experience.
But as I say, every experience is completely different.
As you know, the duty seven tens don't have a connection for an S a library driver.
So this works simply through the motherboards PC.
I express slots on, of course, with the soft where in combination.
With that, with the duty 7 10 set up, it was time to see what they could do in terms of their SL I performance.
This is probably one of the worst ideas I've ever had, but nonetheless, that's get straight into it.
So the test system today is our now improved decade old machine from last week.
It features 1/4 quarter Q 6600 and eight gigs of RAM.
Old tech, I know.
But the only mother boards I have at the moment that support S L I R.
Socket 775 ones.
The Q 6600 should still be enough to allow the seven tens to reach their full potential.
Speaking of which, these m s I Low profile cards feature just one gig of DDR three memory a 954 megahertz core clock and M s.
I recommend a 300.
What power supply?
There will be using a course A 550.
One for both?
With the seven tens in place and SL I enabled it was time to fire up some titles.
I'll be showing you the game play with SL I disabled first and then with it enabled afterwards I recorded externally.
Today is every frame counts here and I didn't want to hinder the performance in anyway.
So up first we have far cry to an absolute classic and one that ran fairly well even on a single duty 7 10 There we did have to turn things down to medium settings.
At 10 80 p.
I think the game ran okay, averaging around 30 to 40 frames per second.
Most of the time, though, the overall average did exceed just over 40 frames per second.
But I'll show you the exact figures at the end of this clip.
I ran the endgame benchmark run because there are a lot of on screen effects that really do affect how the results turn out.
So I thought, Why not run that?
There's loads of explosions on screen fire things like that, and it should really give us a good idea of how powerful the GT 7 10 is on its own before we pair, it's up with the secondary cold.
As you can see, the total average was just over 42 frames per second when we ran the cards in SL I using this little hack, the every train rates of far cry to Waas rather significantly improved by about 10 to 20 frames per second.
Although the maximum frame rate wasn't as high as the solo GT 7 10 We did also see an increased minimum frame rate as well, and I noticed that there was a lot less stutter for the rest of the tests.
After this one, I'll be switching back to the average frame rate 1% low and 10.1% low figures so that you can grasp a rough idea off how the game's performed.
In terms of stutter as SL, I can sometimes cause this next up I fired up call of duty world at war a game.
I haven't played in too long.
I went straight into the zombies mode here, and as more more zombies approached and appeared on screen, the frame rate did drop a little bit, and we did start to see numbers that dropped lower than 30 frames per second.
On average, though, we did get close to 60 f.
Yes, and it was a pretty respectable experience, considering this one gigabyte DDR three graphics card.
Turning things up too high or extra would not be a good idea.
It all, and this was definitely the best way to play.
If you wanted extra frames, then you could reduce the settings even more.
Or you could at a secondary G t 7 10 as I shall now demonstrate.
As you can see, the frame rate is massively increased than we were seeing frames in the mid eighties, I stuck to the same zombies level.
I tried to do this similar sort of things.
I don't believe there's an in game benchmark run for this title, but the game felt smoother.
It was just a better overall experience on adding that GT 7 10 the second Treaty 17 really help to improve things as we got further into the game, it was quite surprising.
Result actually.
Next up we play G t A five now.
The reason I chose GT five is because a single GT 17 does struggle with this game.
As you can see, however, we had another problem.
The Q 6600 actually holds back performance as well, so we had to over clock it a little bit at three gigahertz, The game performs a lot better, and the CPU doesn't Max out was much.
But I have to say that this is where GT five really benefits.
If you're running an old Q 6600 I suggest over clocking your process er, before trying on SL I technique like this.
With the overcook, the CPU usage did drop to around 70 to 80%.
Instead, though, the frame rate when switching between one and 27 tens wasn't all that different.
If I'm completely honest and you probably won't benefit from such a thing here, unless your CPU is a lot more powerful.
But even then I don't think you notice much of a difference.
Finally, we tested BioShock infinite on the opening level, with a single GT 7 10 always pretty well until we got out of the boat on approached the lighthouse.
Here we saw Frame's starting to dip below 30 frames per second, and as we continued into the game, venturing into Colombia, we did see a frame rate that sort of hovered around the mid twenties or perhaps loath thirties.
But it wasn't a very pleasurable experience.
If I'm being honest to really spiced things up, we enabled the secondary GT 17 once again and did see a pretty nice improvement.
Overall, I'm actually quite surprised again at how much of a difference this maid and considering BioShock infinite doesn't Max out the CPU.
There is more of an improvement to be seen as well.
So there we have it.
The treaty 7 10 in S a lie.
It's important to remember that this video was just for a bit of fun.
But there's always a little bit of seriousness behind every video, and I have to ask now whether or no this was worth it.
See, we did see a certain performance increase with the second GT 17 and that isn't a bad thing, But is it worth going out and purchasing another 7 10 toe.
Add to your system as opposed to just going out on upgrading your graphics card.
We'll probably know to set this thing up.
It does take a lot of time and a lot of effort unless you've done it before hand.
It took me a couple of days to figure everything out.
Hence the terrible upload schedule here.
But once it's done, it really is a fun little tour to try out.
And it certainly surprised me, especially the difference that we saw in far cry, too, considering these are all Week one gig about DDR three graphics cards on dhe ones that aren't really intended for gaming.
Now some of you may be asking, Where's Fortnight games like that?
Well, the thing is, because Windows needs to run in test mode.
When different SL i auto is running, you can't always run specific games.
For example, Fortnight doesn't like the factory in test mode.
It considers it cheating, so to speak.
I think it's an issue with the battle I launcher.
I haven't been able to find a work around for that, so unfortunately, there will be instances where you just can't play certain games because off the requirements of the tall itself.
All in all, while it probably isn't all that worth it with Lauren cards like the GT 7 10 I just had to try out to see what sort of performance difference you could expect.
If you're using something like a GT 10 30 happened to have a spare lying around, then it's definitely worth trying out to see what sort of performance increases you can gain.
I'd recommend checking out those talks Hardware's video for that precise subject.
Some of you on It's the ground.
When I posted Thea a picture of me doing this early, I said, Is this possible with the duty x 10 50?
Well, we will be trying out at a later day.
I can't let that question go on outside.
I want to see if the 10 50 will sl I and how well it will scare when certain ties were so stay tuned for that.
But as for this video, it's been a little bit different, I know, but I hope you've enjoyed it nonetheless.
As always.
Thank you for watching Subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already.
Leave a light on if you enjoyed it, even decide if you didn't.
And hopefully I'll see all of you in the next world.