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  • Well, what a fantastic day.

  • The weather is nice.

  • It's Friday, and today's your birthday.

  • You're walking down the street with a pep in your step.

  • When Bo, everything goes black, you've been blindfolded and your hands are tied.

  • You feel yourself being put in the trunk of a car and the vehicle takes off.

  • And no, that ain't no birthday party.

  • Time to panic.

  • Not at all.

  • The main thing for you now is to collect your thoughts, analyze the situation and be very attentive.

  • Get control of your breathing deep breath in count to five and exhale.

  • Have you calmed down?

  • Are you ready to get out of the situation?

  • The smart way.

  • Good, but let's back up a little.

  • When you were walking down the street, you might have seen someone shadow behind you or heard footsteps.

  • I know nobody pays attention to this stuff, especially when we all have our eyes on our phones and our ears are plugged with music.

  • But that's exactly the problem.

  • You should always be a little vigilant and aware of your surroundings.

  • The very beginning is the most crucial part.

  • Starts screaming immediately and resist with all your mind.

  • The perp might not have expected all this trouble, and you could break free.

  • If you find yourself in the trunk or backseat of a car, yelling will be useless.

  • Save your strength.

  • Except if you feel the car stop and you hear other people's voices.

  • In this case, call for help as loud as possible.

  • If they start by tying you up, make fists and tense up all your muscles.

  • If the rope goes around your body, puff out your chest, just don't be too obvious about it.

  • All this will help make the ties looser when you relax your muscles later.

  • If they tie your hands in front of you, keep your wrists closer to your body.

  • This will create a small gap between your wrists, the perfect place to put something sharp to cut the rope.

  • If you're dragged into a car, immediately tried to block the ignition or put the key out and throw it far away.

  • You can block the ignition with a coin, a piece of metal chewing gum, anything that'll keep the key out and prevent the car from taking you away, or at least buy you some time.

  • If you didn't manage to do that, Then first, assess your physical state.

  • Adrenaline can numb your nerves.

  • Once you've calmed down a bit, check yourself.

  • Is it comfortable for you to breathe?

  • Can you move all your limbs easily?

  • No visible marks anywhere.

  • God, you're okay.

  • Now evaluate your physical abilities.

  • Did the muscle tensing thing work?

  • Do you have some wiggle room in your ties?

  • Perhaps you can see through whatever's covering your eyes.

  • These are your advantages.

  • Keep them secret.

  • If possible, get to the rear seats through the trunk.

  • It'll be much easier to escape from there, and the perpetrator won't see it coming.

  • If you can't do any of that, look for a jack or some other heavy object.

  • When the car stops and the bad guy opens the drunk, you'll have some protection.

  • Make a mental note of all the details of the trip.

  • How many times the car stopped?

  • Which way it turned?

  • Visualize the road count the time between turns left 45 seconds right 125 seconds.

  • You might even be able to figure out the route.

  • Then, if you manage to call someone, you'll be able to tell them where you are.

  • Also count.

  • How many voices you hear assess their emotional state?

  • Do they sound nervous?

  • Angry?

  • Do they mention any names or places?

  • It won't help you much now, but these details will be very important to the police.

  • If at any point you hear them talking about your freedom, don't get too excited.

  • You still need to be in survival mode, and getting overly relaxed might make you inattentive.

  • Think about the reason you're in this situation.

  • Have you offended anybody?

  • Do you come from a well off family?

  • Maybe you look like someone who does.

  • If so, then they'll probably ask ransom for you, which could be good news.

  • All they want is money.

  • Pardon?

  • The easier said than done cliche.

  • But try to stay positive.

  • Your calmness and friendly demeanor could make the purple let their guard down a little.

  • They might slip up and not notice something important.

  • Answer their questions wisely and thoughtfully.

  • Don't yell or threaten.

  • Show them that you're worthy of respect, yet harmless.

  • Listen to what they say to you.

  • You can even start a conversation, but don't overdo it.

  • They know this trick and they'll assume you're pretending to be polite.

  • Just to deceive them.

  • Keep track of the time, however you can.

  • You can see a watch on someone's wrist or even use the sun if you just can't be calm, solve mental puzzles.

  • Imagine conversations with your friends.

  • Think of your best day ever.

  • This will distract you from severe stress.

  • Your captor might give you a phone to tell your family that you're okay so they won't start worrying and call the authorities for such cases.

  • You need to have a code word or phrase on hand.

  • For example, today I had a wonderful day is always Ah, wonderful day, as always, is your code that you're in trouble if you somehow get a chance to call.

  • Rescue service is but can't speak.

  • Leave the phone on so they can track your call.

  • Don't attempt to remove your own blindfold or this person's mask.

  • If they don't want to show their face.

  • That means they're planning on letting you go without being identified.

  • If you happen to see their face but they didn't notice, keep it to yourself.

  • If you're trapped in a locked room for several days, keep yourself fit.

  • Push ups, squats, jumping jacks, jogging in place anything you can do.

  • It's a nice distraction, and exercise improves blood flow.

  • That'll make your thinking sharper.

  • There might be other captives in the room beside you.

  • Don't discuss escape plans or secret information with them.

  • Thes people can rat you out in exchange for their freedom.

  • Sometimes other hostages, maybe one of the orchestrators in this scheme just trying to find out important information from him.

  • As much as you probably don't want to ask the person who took you for small favors, you can ask for a blanket or a glass of water.

  • Such requests help establish contact and at least make your stay a little more tolerable.

  • That's if you're held somewhere.

  • Right now you're still in the trunk, and you could prevent that unwanted stay in the first place.

  • Tear off the panel covering the tail lights, then kick the lights out.

  • You can stick your hand through the hole and give a signal to other drivers.

  • If you can't knock the light out, disconnect the wiring to it.

  • It will increase the chances that police will stop the car for missing lights.

  • Oh, sorry, I forgot.

  • Your hands are tied.

  • The car finally comes to a stop.

  • Sunlight doesn't leak in through the trump.

  • You must be in a garage.

  • The car door opens and you hear footsteps coming towards you.

  • Collect the trunk, springs, open your pulled out and put on your feet.

  • This person leads you through a door down the hall into a room.

  • You try to speak, but nobody answers.

  • That's when you feel their hand.

  • Let go of your arm.

  • Someone unties you and removes the blindfold.

  • You open your eyes.

  • It's pitch dark all around.

  • But then surprise The lights.

  • Turn on.

  • The room is full of your friends.

  • There's a birthday cake on the table in front of you.

  • The strange and elaborate scheme is how they decided to throw you a surprise birthday party.

  • And right now you're probably thinking, Yep, I really need to get me some new friends.

  • Hey, if you learn something new today, then give the video alike and share with a friend, even the over the top ones.

  • Here's some other cool videos I think you'll enjoy.

Well, what a fantastic day.


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B1 中級

拉致されても生き延びるための簡単な方法(万が一の場合に備えて (An Easy Way to Survive an Abduction (Just in Case))

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日