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  • head over for one and welcome to another video.

  • Now.

  • The problem with buying a used pre built PC is that you can't always be sure what the full specs are, especially if the person you're buying off isn't very knowledgeable when it comes to computer hardware.

  • And that's totally fine.

  • But it can be risky for the end user.

  • For example, I picked up this old school socket 13 66 based Rick, quite recently from a local seller for just over £100 who described it as having a nice 79 50 CPU on Duty x 5 70 It turns out that this four core eight threaded CPU was sitting atop a gigabyte x 58 motherboard, a component that even today retails for pretty decent money on the used market.

  • It was during this discovery of the board that I also noticed certain corners have been cut in the assembly of this machine, and it was the power supply that provided some unwelcome initial issues.

  • When I picked this up, I was told it had a nearly new 850 What ps you inside, replacing the original 500?

  • What unit the trouble is, the new one was likely Maurin efficient than the original.

  • When I got home, I found that the system would cut out every couple of hours more so if I was testing any games.

  • As you can see, I'm using my be quiet 850 What PS you in here now?

  • Instead, to avoid any unwanted explosions.

  • And after looking at what little customer reviews there were of this thing, it was clear that it isn't afraid to go pop if pushed too far.

  • I'm sure it's fine for a low powered card like 10 50 or Rx 5 50 but a GTX 5 70 is quite a thirsty old girl, and I didn't really want to take any risks anymore than I already had firing up.

  • And I couldn't help but notice that the startup time was very slow and general usage proved to be underwhelming.

  • Now I know it's an old CPU, but it should still be more than capable of running an operating system.

  • Trouble free turns out the hard drive while packing.

  • A large capacity is designed for use between surveillance systems.

  • Therefore, it features a slower speed 5900 rpm as opposed to the standard 7200 rpm.

  • This was probably used as it costs less, so it's likely the majority of this build budget was blown on the CPU and motherboard by whoever put it together.

  • When it comes to modern gaming performance, this system will struggle not because of the ice seven, but because of the Fermi based Duty X 5 70 support for which ended it.

  • Driver version 399 point something a while back.

  • The 1.2 gigs of memory doesn't help either.

  • Stay.

  • All this epic razor sticker should give us an extra 10 f PS boost in games, right, right, if only testing a few modern titles out here and you'll see this card will definitely struggled to perform.

  • I really like these older, firmly cards, but they just don't make much sense anymore in terms of actually buying and using one on a daily basis.

  • You won't get away with decent frame rates at lower resolutions, but a solid 30 f p.

  • S is going to be pretty hard to come by in some instances.

  • To me, the ice 79 50 though, is the real star of the show.

  • here, but again probably wouldn't appeal to many of these days when you consider the high price of some of the 13 66 boards on the market.

  • But there are certainly cheap ones to be had out there.

  • Don't get me wrong because of that factor, though.

  • I feel I have to show you how well the process of holds up when paired with my 10 70.

  • Because the results might surprise you.

  • That sentence sounded very much like click bait, but honestly, it was quite pleasing how well things turned out in Cina ventral 15.

  • The Ice 79 50 score is far from impressive, achieving just 49 in the multi threaded performance test.

  • Single core performance didn't look great on paper, either, but it's important to remember that this is a first Generation I seven and back in 2009.

  • This would have been a very desirable choice for any enthusiast.

  • When it comes to games are expected to see some severe bottle necking, especially at the stock speed we were running at.

  • But I think the hyper threading certainly helped out here.

  • If this was a four core four threaded CPU, then it might be a different story.

  • Even demanding new games like Metro Exodus ran well on this unlikely combination, granting us an average of at least 60 frames per second.

  • Drink in game benchmark.

  • Run at the high settings.

  • No, I'm not saying you should pair of 10 70 with a first Gen eight threaded i seven.

  • But if you did, and you gave it 10 80 Pete and 60 f.

  • P s is still an easy target to achieve.

  • In a lot of instances.

  • In the last video, we took a look back at the eye 5 46 70 k, which can still hold its own but does only have four threads and because of this hits 100% usage in games like Battlefield five that are quite CPU intensive.

  • This does touch the top end of the nineties occasionally, but overall does very well again here.

  • It'll be interesting to see how far we can push this chip once it's over, clocked something I plan to do soon.

  • But as it is, it's already impressed me today.

  • No, I'm going to leave it there for now because I do have certain things planned for this chip in the future, like over cracking it, for example, with a much better cooler and seeing what more we can squeeze out of this thing in terms off performance will also be replacing some of the components that let it down a bit, such as the slow two terabyte 5900 rpm hard drive, because I think an SSD would also benefit this thing massively.

  • So as for this one, I'm going to leave it right there.

  • But I do hope we can pick this up very soon in the future.

  • And I hope you can join me for that video.

  • As for now, though, if you like this video, be sure to leave a light on it.

  • If you didn't leave a dislike on it, subscribe to the channel.

head over for one and welcome to another video.


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私は私が見つけることができた最も安いX58プリビルトPCを購入しました。 (I Bought The Cheapest X58 Prebuilt PC I Could Find)

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    林宜悉 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日